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stalker not droping loot


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I ran into a similar version of this yesterday. I was playing a Void Defense mission and the stalker attacked and targeted me. My team defeated him and I never went down, but after he left he did not drop anything for me or my team despite saying he failed and reaching 0 health

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11 minutes ago, rampage787 said:

I ran into a similar version of this yesterday. I was playing a Void Defense mission and the stalker attacked and targeted me. My team defeated him and I never went down, but after he left he did not drop anything for me or my team despite saying he failed and reaching 0 health

Stalker only drops weapon bps with 50% chance, only his mod drops have 100% chance.

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5 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:


Stalker only drops weapon bps with 50% chance, only his mod drops have 100% chance.

I was not saying that he did not drop a weapon, I was saying that he did not drop anything period. No weapons, no Mods. And I thought that it may have been just my connection or game but after we extracted, my teammates noticed the same thing. No one received any type of reward. I was not sure if that was possible, if it is I am sorry for my ignorance.

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1 minute ago, rampage787 said:

I was not sure if that was possible, if it is I am sorry for my ignorance.

In my experience, Stalker always dropped at least a mod, usually Molten Impact, Heavy Impact or Blind Justice.

If noone got any reward at all, I really have no idea, might have been a serious case of desync/bad connection

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1 minute ago, MobyTheDuck said:

In my experience, Stalker always dropped at least a mod, usually Molten Impact, Heavy Impact or Blind Justice.

If noone got any reward at all, I really have no idea, might have been a serious case of desync/bad connection

That is usually my experience as well (emphasis on heavy impact, I have too many to count) but this time I did not receive any of those mods and when I asked my team they did not either. It could be a connection issue between four random players or a possible bug. I have no idea

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