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Warframe Tier List U9 Thread Merger


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I used to take this tier list serious until I saw Nova in Low Tier. This is tier list is now a joke. OP obviously has some type of grudge against the Design Council. Nova is at least High Tier.


Nova is easily "God Tier" as well, Vauban traps em all and Nova nukes em all to heck.


Trinity can come along too to give em infinity energy, perhaps rhino as well, his stomping and roaring is quite useful. Not saying they are god tier but they make good servants.

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Shhh... Just let it die slowly.


But seriously. Nova deserves at least high-tier. Null Star staggers on hit, even if it doesn't exactly do the best damage. 

Antimatter drops scales pretty well, returning 4x damage.

Wormhole is utility, though doesn't really work in defense.

And Molecular Prime...


Slows enemies, doubles damage, and softens the rest on hit. What's bad about that?

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Shhh... Just let it die slowly.


But seriously. Nova deserves at least high-tier. Null Star staggers on hit, even if it doesn't exactly do the best damage. 

Antimatter drops scales pretty well, returning 4x damage.

Wormhole is utility, though doesn't really work in defense.

And Molecular Prime...


Slows enemies, doubles damage, and softens the rest on hit. What's bad about that?


Yeah, i leveled Nova during the Slingshot event and from level 10 i popped into any ship because with shade and Null Star you can just run around juggling anything. It was silly i tell you, silly!

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i always wonder how trinity is judged on a basis of asskicking... as a healer frame. trinity's abilities can turn every cell into an unstoppable force, and i somewhere stopped counting saving my members' lives, especially during nightmare missions or high level defenses. this just isn't comparable to anything all other frames do.

but still warframe is too easy, most time suppressing the neccessity of having a healer in the cell.

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rhino should go up to high tier since the last buff because between charge, roar and stomp he has a good mobilty skill, good team buff and a decent CC, he is now almost on parwith bansee. (IS being next to useless should be fine considering banshees silence is also useless).

the rest of the list is fine imo.

to those saying vauban should move to high tier, i think he could move but! only if his skills are made to cast at his location rather than being throwable. the throwable nature of his skills is part of what makes him a god. not just the skills themselfs.

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Like others I have to agree that Nova was a surprising gift to the player base. She has got to be one of the most useful warframes in the game. 


Seriously lost respect in this whole tier garbage because of her ranking as low tier.


Nova and Vauban for warframe King and Queen!

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The problem with Nova's skills was that it was based on a voting system in the Design Council. And the majority of the Design Council members are casual players, which is fine. But, due to the lack of experience with end-game or high level enemies, the majority of the Design Council members just went with the skills that catered to squashing low level to mid level trash mobs. Wormhole was voted for probably because they liked the ideas of playing with portals over having something that scales such as a doppelganger skill.

Mostly agree, but there's one other thing you should mention because those outside the council don't know this part.


DE took THOUSANDS of suggestions, and made polls with 3-5 or 6 suggestions for us to vote on based upon what they felt would translate into the game the best. I do agree that some would have been much better than what we got on release.



Now, a more direct note meant for quite a few people. A lot of people have been QQ'ing about how OP Nova is or how 'weak' Nova is. She's a glass cannon and she has a LOT of potential that you will likely never see because shooting things with your gun and pressing the win button (number 4) is SOOO important on other frames that powers 1-3 aren't even considered anymore.


Her 1 is about as useful as a shoe thrown at a charging Rhino, the difference is that when it activates, you know something's close. It's an early warning system and that's about it past wave 5 on some higher defense missions. It's going to need some good old fashioned DE love if it's ever going to shine.


Her 2 has INFINITE SCALING. That's right, you heard me, INFINITE SCALING. Shoot it more next time if your failing to kill things with it. Better yet, there's a way to do 2X damage with it in Nova's kit. That's right kids, those pictures of Nova's doing STUPID damage to an area are a result of infinite scaling AND the use of the 2X damage multiplier on.... HER 4! So you blow crap up in a wide area from the 2, and crap starts chain detonation as a result of the 4. HUGE potential.


The 3 is amazing for allowing you and a couple of team members (after upgrades) to move to locations previously only Loki could. If Loki felt like being a pal and bringing you up to his level, he had to drop a clone (25 energy) switch with it (25 energy) then switch with you (25 energy). Nova achieves the same result for up to three (I say that cause my wormhole seems to only support 3 transfers at max rank right now) people on the SAME energy it took the Loki to move 1 person into a location that NOTHING CAN SNEAK UP AND SLAP YOU in. There are AMAZING applications for a directed teleport, and Nova does it for her team as well when she uses her directed teleport. No one else can match that instant utility with their teleport, the best Loki can say is he moved an enemy, ally, or decoy with his teleport, and Ash teleports into someone's face instead of behind them cause Ash went to Failure High, ninja school of the first one dead, and learned that teleporting in front of people is the safest way to make sure you die before someone who's smart enough to teleport BEHIND an enemy.


The number 4, Boom, wave 1-20 just ended. Oh look, it's not a chain reaction anymore, quick, everyone QQ as hard as possible that Nova has no scaling and is therefore worthless! Oh wait, the Nova's typing something... all incoming damage to M-Primed enemies is doubled? All M-Primed enemies are slowed? Well then, guess we weren't paying attention because we were too busy obsessing over Nova blowing entire maps away before to actually notice that... heaven forbid... it has properties OTHER THEN BLOWING THINGS UP!



Seriously people, before crying a warframe's useless, at least look for why it came out the way it did. Nova's PERFECTLY FINE the way she is because her damage output as well as her enemy debuffing abilities are just fine the way they are. They don't require a damage boost, and AMD (anti-matter drop) does not need a damage cap because there is already a cap called "DROP IT YOU MORON WE'RE ALL DYING BECAUSE WE'RE COVERING YOU WHILE YOU EMPTY EVERY BULLET YOU'VE GOT INTO IT!". The stupid damage numbers you see in some Nova pictures are a direct result of the usage of a Frost/Vauban or the bunker up combo of both of them allowing the Nova and/or her team to shoot the F out of the bomb before it's dropped. Under normal circumstances, short of wormhole-ing to a spot no one can reach, AMD is capped by the fact your gun can only output so much in a realistic usage situation or time period.



Nova isn't Goku, and can't take a 10 episode long beating from Frieza while charging up the spirit bomb. Without your team to cover your arse while you do it, your worse off then the guy that just dropped the soap and had his back give out when he tried to stand back up, therefore trapping himself in a firmly bent over position with the soap dropped. There are OBVIOUS limits to Nova, you just actually have to get one and SEE that.


To those of you that think she's crap after reading the above outlines on her 4 powers, feel free to say so. I will enjoy your comments as I don't see how A) An unlimited damage scale on the AMD mixed with B) a double damage effect as well as explosion on death, could possibly be placing her alongside the Mag, who can't output the kind of damage other 'caster' frames can. Nova's the total package right now, damage, CC, Utility and a debuff. The only issue I'd support is that her number 1 needs a slight rework to allow for it to be up to par with other abilities. Otherwise it pales in comparison to her 2 and 4, having only a slight stagger effect to it's name.

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I still don't agree with Vauban being god tier. He only really has 1 useful ability, Bastille, that is near worthless at everything outside Defense. Mid-tier when he's by himself at best. High-tier when paired up with Frost's Snowglobe. High-God tier when paired up with Frost's Snowglobe in defense. 


Rhino is definitely top-tier. A properly modded tanking Rhino easily outlasts any frame besides Frost in terms of survival. His iron skin isn't as good as it could be, but his other abilities easily compensate and put him in High-tier guaranteed.


Useless still is still insulting to the game in general. Mag can easily distract enemies, and cheaply too. If anything, she's better than volt.


While being terrible in general, you're over undervaluing Nova's ultimate. It's a massive chain explosion that due to its trigger mechanic, makes it the only tactical ultimate.


The rest of the tiers seem logical to me.

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Okay, I know Nova's squishy and all, but she's a glass cannon.

Well, okay, a porcelain cannon.

Point being, she can clear defense maps on her own with Molecular Prime, which also has infinite utility in that it increases damage taken and slows targets, for a darn long time.

Antimatter Drop can even one-shot bosses if you can aim it properly. Made farming Vay Hek for BPs and neurodes *so* much easier, believe me.


Mag and Volt, yeah... okay, maybe. Crush was hit really hard with the armor buff, more could be done for Shield Polarize and Bullet Attractor, and Speed's basically the only reason why my clan members ask for a Volt in missions, which is sort of countered by that disorienting fish-eye filter (I actually take longer to get places with it because I CAN'T SEE WHERE I'M GOING). Damage classes in general kinda took a hit with enemies gaining higher resistance at higher levels, leaving more use for CC-based classes.


But NOVA? She has hands-down the best damage ultimate in the game and pretty strong CC on it too. She's actually got a lot of people calling for a nerf to her (and even more outcry that she should be used as an example for other damage frames). Yes, she has low survival, but the only thing separating her from other frames with 10 armor is that she lacks a defensive skill, bringing instead a group-mobility skill that can subvert much parkour, and a number of AoE skills that put her in very high demand.

Edited by Archwizard
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Volt is easily so, so much worse than Mag. Mag at least contributes unique utilities to a group - even if they aren't amazing. Pull can be invaluable in protecting allies, grouping up foes for AoE, or getting foes (especially Infested) away from the cryopod/terminal in defense and mobile defense missions. Volt is.... well, he's just crap. The only time he is worth anything at all is against Corpus, and he doesn't serve any unique function even then - when the content is difficult enough for character choices to actually matter, Volt's extra damage against them falls off, while Frost's superior shield just renders any comparison moot.


Basically, Volt is a pointless frame who is outclassed by all similar options except against Corpus (and even then, he sucks in high waves), whereas Mag at least doesn't have any competition for the utilities she brings - even if she does need work.



Thus, I would say that Volt is useless AoE tier and Mag is bottom of low tier. 

Edited by TheAscendedOne
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Oh no. Another tier list? Again? i cant seem to take this topic serious anymore. its not even funny as well.


If this keeps going, tomorrow, next week and the week after and after another update we're all gonna see different opinions on tiers again! This cycle will never end. No one will ever be happy/satisfied with the changes. ever. Be honest. would you?

I cannot understand the goal in such posting?


If people are so darn concerned about warframe "usefull tiers" you should put a global vote once and for all. Get the 3 million gamers to vote instead of randomly posting up such topic because as you can see, 7 pages with mix opinions.


ps: i love my mag. its not at that bottom of your "useless" tier.

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Her 1 is about as useful as a shoe thrown at a charging Rhino, the difference is that when it activates, you know something's close. It's an early warning system and that's about it past wave 5 on some higher defense missions. It's going to need some good old fashioned DE love if it's ever going to shine.

You forgot that it staggers, is armor ignoring, does 3 times damage to light infested, can headshot, and lasts until used. Making it one of the best skill 1 abilities. Have full energy and find an energy orb? Fire off 1 and pick it up. You have 6-9 particles that each do at least 200 damage to everything, that's potentially 1800 armor ignoring damage each usage of a 25 energy ability. If you think that needs a buff, then clearly you are expecting yet another I win button out of Nova. People on this forum need to stop expecting every skill on every frame to one hit kill everything in the game. Also, not everything needs to be evaluated on how useful it is in Defense missions. Null Star is far more useful in regular missions since its suited to run and gun gameplay. Edited by Grilleds
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Why is this thread still going when it is obviously a troll post?  Vauban is not god tier by a long shot, Mag is far from useless and Nova?  This whole thread needs to be scraped and a new one formed with a less trolly start.

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Why is this thread still going when it is obviously a troll post?  Vauban is not god tier by a long shot, Mag is far from useless and Nova?  This whole thread needs to be scraped and a new one formed with a less trolly start.

I agree with you on Mag and Nova, but Vauban is definitely one of the best frames alongside Frost, Rhino, and Saren. He may or may not be god tier, but it's definitely not a "longshot." He belongs in top or god when used correctly. 

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I agree with you on Mag and Nova, but Vauban is definitely one of the best frames alongside Frost, Rhino, and Saren. He may or may not be god tier, but it's definitely not a "longshot." He belongs in top or god when used correctly. 


Longshot might of been an overstatement.  When I hear god tier I think "best at everything" which Vauban is not.  He is very good at Infested mobile/defense and good elsewhere.  I pretty much put the difference between God Tier and High Tier within the longshot range.

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I would rather make such list.

High tier: saryn, nova, exca, rhino, frost, vauban, nyx, banshee, mag, loki

Mid tier: ash, ember, volt

Low tier: trinity


While op might not agree on nova, all of her skills ignore armor, null star summons 6 stars and each does 200 serrated blade dmg, antimatter drop can do potentialy infinite dmg, wormhole is debatable on def but is great as all round mobility skill, x2 dmg of her ult makes a difference at higher waves. I see 3 solid options to deal dmg. 

Mag does great work as cc. Just get sobek pull whole wave to you and start unloading mag if someone survives which is doubtful they can be pulled again for same silly 25 energy.

Loki is again a cc beast. First prepare your loki, then go find some enemies, throw your ult, put a decoy, as they bunch up fire 2 rockets from ogris, watch as whole wave dies in seconds

Ember lost a bit of her charm due to armor scalling but is still one of more solid damage dealers

Volt still offers utility and damage. while his shield can also make supra even more powerful than it already was.


As for lack of trash tier and god tier. No frame is weak enough to be completely useless and neither frame is good enough to make any real succes by itself.


Its not like design council made numbers or anything regarding nova, we just choose in general from given options how the skills could look like.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I agree with the above list save trinity, her Energy Vampire and Link because both are quite usable at all levels at play.  While I have yet to get a sobek myself on my Mag (still in love with my boar) I prefer the Orthos charge attack spam on pulled enemies.  The Armor ignoring charge damage (200dmg to 5 enemies before mods) does well on higher level missions and saves ammo which can then be used to finish off anything left standing.  The second pull is less effective as there is a period of time where you can pull the same enemy after they get up and they will not be knocked down.  Using a Boltor or Despair to finish off those heavies does well.

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Nova's position on the list is amazingly wrong.


Her 1 skill is a "fire and forget" that deals a hefty amount of damage and staggers. That is VERY powerful.


Her second skill is one of the only that actually scales, and it does so with great efficiency.


Her third skill is one of the best mobility skills available currently, not relying on any target whatsoever.


Her fourth skill places a debuff on enemies where they take double damage, and blow up on death. I've used it to clear entire rooms on T3 exterminate (wich had several ancients and heavies).


Her only weakness is her 75 base shields, which weaken her CONSIDERABLY and make her IMO the most fragile frame out there despite her 50 armor value.


To me, she's at AT LEAST high tier.

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I agree with the above list save trinity, her Energy Vampire and Link because both are quite usable at all levels at play.  While I have yet to get a sobek myself on my Mag (still in love with my boar) I prefer the Orthos charge attack spam on pulled enemies.  The Armor ignoring charge damage (200dmg to 5 enemies before mods) does well on higher level missions and saves ammo which can then be used to finish off anything left standing.  The second pull is less effective as there is a period of time where you can pull the same enemy after they get up and they will not be knocked down.  Using a Boltor or Despair to finish off those heavies does well.

Thx to energy siphon i never had any real problem with energy except while being raped by disruptor tentacle. Thats why i placed her on low tier. Link is ok and saves her life but rest of her skills are not so much. She lacks buffs and/or damage skills. If she could drain hp from enemies or maybe make them take more dmg i would consider her on high tier.

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Thx to energy siphon i never had any real problem with energy except while being raped by disruptor tentacle. Thats why i placed her on low tier. Link is ok and saves her life but rest of her skills are not so much. She lacks buffs and/or damage skills. If she could drain hp from enemies or maybe make them take more dmg i would consider her on high tier.

Trinity is amazing in high level missions with teams using VoIP. She is only crappy in pugs. Being able to fire off her 4th ability the second someone on your team needs it could make a huge difference, and her other abilities make boss fights into complete jokes, which means a heck of a lot more now that boss levels scale. However I do agree that on a whole she is fairly situational. Low tier maybe, but she is definitely better than Volt.
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18 seconds invulnerability for all your teammates is certainly not low tier

True didnt know they changed it. But the longer i think about it the more i think about nerfhammer bash. Instead of 1 iron skin for 50 energy we get 4 iron skins for 100 energy...oh and complete heal why not. Still its far from god tier considering weak offense. Edited by Davoodoo
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