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Oberon rework


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Some people may had seen this coming so I 'll get to the point.

Smite- fire an Orb that when it hits something it break into smaller homing orbs with their own chance to proc radiation meanwhile large orb procs impact 30% and against heavy units it goes up to 40%

Hallowed Ground/Gaia Thorns- place path in front of Oberon that deals damage to enemies in or near it and turns damage into armor.

Renewal-Heals allies and uses current buffs also after Oberon casts it limit increase in movement speed for X seconds

Reckoning-Enemies killed drop health orb, any that survive suffer short movement/recovery debuff. While those out of killzone are hit with blinding affect. Also if Reckoning is cast in radius of Hallowed Ground/Gaia Thorns it creates an explosion releasing thorns that creates energy shrapnel.

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