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network not responding / forced log out


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I was having this same issue until this last update today....now I can't even log in!!!! Just get "Network Not Responding" message after a minute and it keeps telling me my log in failed. Went from bad to worse! Please fix!

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Yesterday evening (about 15 to 12 hours ago) I was having this Network not responding after each mission.


What basically happened was that I could play normally for the whole mission with my friend and random players in public, no connection issues, responding perfectly. I could join sessions normally, select missions normally, until extraction. At extraction, the scoreboard indicated everything was right, with stats, exp, credits, loot etc, no "Network not responding" message, the loading screen following the extraction was also fast and as usual. 

It was until I was in my ship that "Network not responding" was flashing, my character was invisible for about 30 seconds while Network not responding was flashing, and I lost sometimes the credits, and once lost everything, including a wooping 222k + 272k bonus exp on my frame (15 ranks... thanks. I was pissed.). It was a Fissure Survival, and upon relogging, the "Liset Systems" were kind enough to send me a message with the correct 3 loots I selected with my relics (a forma, and 2 prime parts) which pissed me even more knowing they could register that correctly but not the exp and the rest of the loot.


I checked and double checked my router and ISP and nothing wrong on that end. I live in France. I will check today if I still have the same problems with the new update.


edit : When looking at my profile and checking the progress of my equipement, my Saryn warframe that I was ranking up is shown as being rank 24, while I am rank 9 currently (this is first time ranking, no forma). So even the profile could take track of the exp correctly, but apparently not the general system.

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The problem is still there.


Out of 5 missions, 2 were correctly and normally ended, with me appearing on my ship (no "Network not responding").

2 missions resulted in "Network not responding" when, and only when, I appeared on my ship and the results of the previous run were I believe transmitted to DE servers. I was invisible in my ship and appeared few seconds later. I did not lose anything.

1 mission resulted in "Network not responding" when, and only when, I appeared on my ship. I lost all progression on that run (exp, loot), and the mission, which was a syndicate mission, did not update and was still on my selection menu in navigation. Really it is as if I did nothing.


Game related, inside mission the game experience is as smooth as ever. Constant 76-80ms as stable as it can be with multiple hosts, no disconnections, no teleportations of teammates or enemies indicating network problems, nothing. It is only just a problem of transmitting the results of my mission to DE servers for update.


I will check with a VPN.


edit : I used a finnish VPN to test (I live in France), tracert command confirmed I was connected to it. It added about 60 ms to the average latency (around 135-140ms with my friend hosting) but it did not fix the "Network not responding" after getting back to my ship. I did not lose my progression (it is complete lottery, sometimes I lose it, sometimes I doesn't) still the problem is looking less and less on my side.


edit2: lol well after 15 minutes the syndicate mission which I did not get progression for suddently updated, with exp and loot included. It really took 15 minutes to appear. I got a specific loot, astral twilight, within that mission, which did not appear in my mod section after the syndicate mission. But 15 mionutes later, there it is. The syndicate mission which was also in my navigation menu, disappeared. No idea where the packets for the mission progression go between my PC and DE Servers (Jupiter) but they seem to eventually make it through (no luck for exp tho).

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Update- Have now been able to log in, however, now I am experiencing the same issue as above with the "Network not responding" message and forced log out once I return to my ship after mission is complete. I've played 3 missions so far today, and all three ended this same way. This has issue of either not being able to log in or the forced log out has been going on now for the last 3 days for me. Submitted a support request two days ago and have heard absolutely nothing. It's getting to the point that I'm ready to quit playing Warframe until they get this fixed, its just gotten too frustrating trying to play with this issue.

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And...I spoke too soon. Thought I would try again after last post here a few minutes ago to see if I could play a mission without getting the forced log out...NOW, after three attempts to log in...I am back to the "Network Not Responding" and the game telling me my "Log in Failed. Check info". I am tired of dealing with this issue. I have not received any response from support, nor have I seen any reply on forums here from DE explaining whats going on or any info that would be of any real assistance- my connections are fine & my ISP is not the problem. This sucks, but I think I am done with Warframe for now, too frustrated to continue with things the way they are.  

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2 hours ago, Blag44 said:

And...I spoke too soon. Thought I would try again after last post here a few minutes ago to see if I could play a mission without getting the forced log out...NOW, after three attempts to log in...I am back to the "Network Not Responding" and the game telling me my "Log in Failed. Check info". I am tired of dealing with this issue. I have not received any response from support, nor have I seen any reply on forums here from DE explaining whats going on or any info that would be of any real assistance- my connections are fine & my ISP is not the problem. This sucks, but I think I am done with Warframe for now, too frustrated to continue with things the way they are.  

Same here-

I think it has something to do with a few of us and server traffic, (off peak hours) it works OK ish.

During "regular" gaming hours forget it.  I can't log in usually without 2-3 game quit and restarts.  Then "Network Not Responding, Feeling Lucky Tenno?"

If it loads me in, I'm usually OK ish, but then I will get kicked after each mission.  And trying to make trades is as painful as you can imagine.  But I try to alert buyer/sellers that the game is broken.

Hopefully someone out there cares enough to let someone know.

I feel your pain my lil' homies..

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Ya. This is ridiculous. I played Warframe for the last 2+ years with no issue, now can't play at all the last 3 days. Even though I said I was done in my last post, I thought I'd give it another try...was able to log in....was able to join an excavation mission....so far, so good....but after the first reward was selected, I lost connection to the host and was returned to the multiplayer menu. Ok...I'm stubborn, so try again. Same excavation mission, different team...same result. Tried once more...same result. Cant even complete a mission now? Pfft....now I am done.

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Yep I'm also getting this issue with every time my account info needs to be accessed (logging in, buying something from the market, building something in the foundry, changing weapons, ranking up a mod, finishing a match) and then I'm kicked from the game. 

Getting really really tired of this.

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I'm on PC and I can't login either. This is highly rage inducing since I'm probably going to miss out on Baro this weekend because of this. I really hope DE extends his stay this time around and fixes this immediately. I can forgive a lot of things DE has done over the years, but if we miss out on Baro because of DEs login server issues, that's it for me really. I'll just quit the game in that case, because that's completely unacceptable.


Edit: I got lucky and scored the stuff from Baro, but promptly got kicked out afterwards, so I have no idea if these were registered to my account or not. Oh well, i'm done trying to grind the login screen for tonight. I'll try this tomorrow instead.

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Same problem here.  It's also been happening for about a week and it feels completely random.  Sometimes I get out of missions and everything is fine.  Sometimes I get out of missions, i'm invisible for about 10 seconds with the network not responding sign but then it fixes it self, and sometimes it just kicks me to the login screen.

Very annoying.

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This has been going on since late thursday now and DE has done jack about it, or at least that's how it seems from my point of view when they've yet to comment on this. To add insult to injury, people wanting Baros stuff are effectively shafted in the worst kind of way.

I don't feel it's an overreaction when I say the following:


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Network Not Responding. Forced Log off. Multiple attempts to log back in, and I get Net Not Responding during its attempt to log in, and it also fails to log in at least 3 times until it finally lets me back it. This problem is worse during peak hours. I've problem solved on my end, and via my ISP. Router is set up properly to allow the UDP ports, etc.... DE, fix this issue. Its been around since December 2016.

I have this issue after EVERY SINGLE @(*()$ GAME/mission! I've played Warframe since release in 2013. I took a year off and recently started playing again around the 16th of April. This is game breaking. 

Do something DE.

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