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First public mission session unavailable after logging in to the game


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Hello, I want to bring this problem ive been having to your attention.

It is related to matchmaking. Whenever I log in to the game (tested overall times during the day) the very first mission I try to join it always sends me back to the ship while I was loading in with the flying ship screen. Followed by a message saying ‘Session unavailable’ and a host migration failed. Whereafter I end up alone in my ship again. Whatever the mission might be a random node, fissure, raid, alert, .. When I start a game in solo or when I am put as host then it works from the first try.


To describe this in steps:

  1. -          Login to the game

  2. -          Select any mission type to join on public

  3. -          Launches me to the loading screen with ship fly animation

  4. -          Sends me back with a ship fly animation

  5. -          Message ‘Session Unavaible’

  6. -          Message Host migration failed

  7. -          Back at the liset alone

  8. -          If I now try to join another public mission it loads me to the squad fine

I can replicate this in a video if that would help. I play on PS4 with a LAN connection set to the standard ports mostly via north america server.

Also tested this by changing the connection server in game options (because I am in Europe). But then it counts again as a first try similar to when I logged in.

Normally this is just a bit annoying but this leads to a significant other issue which loses mission rewards and time. For that i will be referring to another thread that describes the same problem and i will post my story there.

Any help or advice regarding this issue would be appreciated. I also have submitted a ticket to support.

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