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Recent "rare" Ressources


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As of the recent Patch (U9) the drop rate has been altered to the point where there are no longer any need to farm for those once "rare" materials.


As pleasant as it might be to have over 100 morphics and no worries to ever farm for them ever again, it should a good idea to make a rollback of the "Rare" materials. With all of those "rare" ressources, I can pretty much build the blueprint almost instantly, and finding them no longer makes me have a smile on my face, because what was once rare and seeked after to get is now so common that I just won't ever need them again.


Should the ressources be rolled back to what people had at U8, or should the rare ressources be reset back to 0? Or should we get to keep all those excess "rare" materials we got recently.


Any possible solution to this, let's discuss about it in this thread.


Edit- Ressources/Materials

Edited by Papper2k
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There's no need for roll back. And there's no need to put the drop rate back to the way it was. Yes, it's true that you don't ever have to farm for them again but you're missing the point..You don't have to FARM for rare resources anymore. The only thing you need to farm now is Blueprints. And that's what they're trying to do, limiting farm fest. While now it's easy for you to build blueprints, you still have to wait for half a day or even a day for it's to finish. Be happy they cut out the farming part for you to build blueprints.

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im kind of wondering myself if new recipes are going to all require 100 control modules from now on or wtf is taking DE so long to put out hotfix 9.2.....

i dont really think a roll-back is feasible, it'd piss a lot of ppl off

but i do think "rare" mats should go back to being at least semi-rare

prior to this i already had close to 1k morphics (ive been playing awhile) so IMHO they were never THAT rare, and i farmed all the CMs i needed for clantech b4 U9 hit (yes me and the hyena are NOT good friends), but now i am positively ROLLING in CMs, i could swim in them like Scrooge McDuck right about now...

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My only problem with the current drop ratio is that uncommon is the new rare. Example: 10 wave Xini run yields 5 Neurodes and ~40 Plastids (ie, 2 drops). The reverse would be much more in line with resource costs for most BPs (and rarity pre-U9).

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wtf is taking DE so long to put out hotfix 9.2.....


People need to chill they stay late to give us 9.0 they could have just waited till Monday after the patcher program didn't work.

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There's no need for roll back. And there's no need to put the drop rate back to the way it was. Yes, it's true that you don't ever have to farm for them again but you're missing the point..You don't have to FARM for rare resources anymore. The only thing you need to farm now is Blueprints. And that's what they're trying to do, limiting farm fest. While now it's easy for you to build blueprints, you still have to wait for half a day or even a day for it's to finish. Be happy they cut out the farming part for you to build blueprints.

Still, at the moment it doesnt look like this was intended at all, almost to no Rubedo drop for me and a bunch of neurodes instead. So it's probably just an error they did while coding the patch, even though I really like to think that I will never have to go and farm rare materials again, it just seems like this was just an error, they did do a quickpatch for the morphics, but it wasn't just the morphics, a rollback would just be fair for everyone, I did get to play the game often this weekend, but it's not everyone that had the chance to play and get to have those huge ammount of materials.

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 The only thing you need to farm now is Blueprints. And that's what they're trying to do, limiting farm fest. While now it's easy for you to build blueprints, you still have to wait for half a day or even a day for it's to finish. Be happy they cut out the farming part for you to build blueprints.

I dont know about that, I certainly feel like I was farming "normal" mats, because all that were dropping was "rare" mats


It took me 4-6 runs to get enough ferrite to make nova, another 4-6 for the plastids, and it would have taken me the same or fewer runs to get the rare mats.  farming of one mat was just traded for farming of another.  THey should have just made bosses drop a rare mat 100%, we just dont need most rare mats in the quantity that they are dropping, with the current BPs

Edited by Vanroe
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It has to be a bug... can any1 in DE confirm/deny this? Surely we are not meant to get 10+ control modules in a single mission!

All that needed to be done was the amounts they drop in to be increased slightly (so instead of only ever dropping in 1's, it can drop 1-3) but not have the frequency of those drops eclipse all else, which is what is happening atm. 


As others say, the rare's are the new common's and the common's are the new rare's. It's extremely hard to find rubedo/ferrite etc now and u need that in bulk to build a lot of items. 


As to solutions... I don't think a rollback (either back to the levels people had b4 U9 came in or just resetting ppl to 0) is a realistic idea... so to me there is only 2 possibilities:

  • The drop rates of materials needs to be edited to stop the ridiculous frequency of supposedly "rare" materials dropping because it breaks the crafting mechanic of the game. All items people have acquired due to this bug are just left as-is because it will fix itself overtime as people deplete them -- not many have 200 of each rare.


  • Leave drop rates as they are but change blueprint and clan construction/research material requirements accordingly. This has the same problem of the first solution above but this time it's the old "common" materials that people have built up substantial banks of - again, it will deplete over time fixing itself.


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The once "rare" materials are far to common now, there is almost no point in classing them as rare anymore.  Either the drop rate should be reduced, not as far as it used to be though, or increase the number of them needed to build items. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Before it was almost impossible to get rare ressources at a resonable rate. Now they are dropping too commonly. They are actually interfering with common and uncommon ressources in a way that it is impossible to farm 6k Ferrite or 900 Rubedo at a resonable rate.


tbh. I am losing a little faith in DE. Because the way they tweak numbers recently is beyond comprehension. I know its a beta and all but this does not mean that they can throw out some numbers and adjust it afterwards depending on how the community reacts. People lose patience this way and I have to say its almost annoying to see that 90% of community feedback contains either "please increase X stats of Y" or "Please lower X stats of Y a little. I think you overdid it a little last time".


Its not just the droprates of ressources or blueprints. Some weapon stats follow the same trend. Same goes for the new dojo requirement adjusments. Im in a < 100 member clan and we are progressing 10 times as fast as we used to do. I fear we run out of stuff to ressearch/ build quite soon this way. We kinda already did.

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Before it was almost impossible to get rare ressources at a resonable rate. Now they are dropping too commonly. They are actually interfering with common and uncommon ressources in a way that it is impossible to farm 6k Ferrite or 900 Rubedo at a resonable rate.


tbh. I am losing a little faith in DE. Because the way they tweak numbers recently is beyond comprehension. I know its a beta and all but this does not mean that they can throw out some numbers and adjust it afterwards depending on how the community reacts. People lose patience this way and I have to say its almost annoying to see that 90% of community feedback contains either "please increase X stats of Y" or "Please lower X stats of Y a little. I think you overdid it a little last time".


Its not just the droprates of ressources or blueprints. Some weapon stats follow the same trend. Same goes for the new dojo requirement adjusments. Im in a < 100 member clan and we are progressing 10 times as fast as we used to do. I fear we run out of stuff to ressearch/ build quite soon this way. We kinda already did.

A lot of what you said is why they should stop dropping major updates on Fridays.  It causes people to stew in anger over the weekend while stuff is not being fixed.  DE really should change to early in the week releases, like Tuesday. 

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People need to chill they stay late to give us 9.0 they could have just waited till Monday after the patcher program didn't work.

dude... id be the first person to tell them to take a break, but i would have rather they waited a week OR TWO before putting out U9 in it's current state, yes they quickly put out ONE hotfix, but it only addressed half of the myriad of bugs/issues with U9's release

it's their baby, it's their product, it's their responsibility

you ever heard of working late on the weekends? it happens sometimes

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