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Take a Look {CONCEPT} Heavy Plant based Warframe-Looking for flaws.


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I had the realization that there did not appear to be a Plant based Warframe(Saryn, Oberon deluxe skins and Nidus vaguely meet this), I wanted to see if I could help with this.


Name Styx(placeholder).

Possible base/max rank stats- Armor:250, Health:250/750, Power:125/190, Shields:50/150, Sprint speed:0.90. Will come with a "V" & "D" polarity, no polarity on aura slot.

Passive-Places Thorn Skin Seeds on players they come into contact with (Similar to the system in place with spreading the Helminth Cyst but only on a mission to mission basis).


(1)THORN SEEDLING- Moderate crit and status chance: Fires a Thorn projectile with arrow like drop that deals puncture damage, enemies killed by/within a specified period of time become immobile Blossom Sprouts. Casting on B-Wall refreshes timer and restores some health of the wall at reduced energy cost on cast. AUGMENT: Seedling Barrage- Causes the Thorn to split into multiple smaller Thorns that divide damage amongst the barrage, spread will increase if used in quick succession (can still spawn Blossom Sprouts). Increased status chance at the cost of crit chance.

(2)BRIAR WALL-No crit and moderate status chance: Plants a hedge of thorns dealing puncture damage to enemies in contact with/melee attacking the wall, slows enemy movement as they try to pass through. The wall has health and a set invincibility time after cast. Limit to number of walls allowed at a time. AUGMENT:Detonating Briars- B-Wall can be cast on a placed B-Wall to cause them to explode, dealing a minor blast proc aoe with a "bubble" of small thorn projectiles that cause puncture procs.

(3)PLANTING STRIKE- Low crit with high chance of proc that decreases on each "use" on an enemy. The Warframe charges up a punch and hits the ground dealing a small impact damage aoe, this plants a Dormant Seed. Only one Dormant Seed may be planted at a time. AUGMENT: Planting Rows- Changes aoe into a damage cone of brambles heading in front of Warframe (still plants a Dormant seed at point of origin).  High puncture proc with moderate chance to crit, slight damage increase at cost of area. 

(4)GERMINATE-No crit high status chance, large low damage corrosive aoe. All Thorn Skin Seeds on players grow, applying Thorn Skin buff. Blossom Sprouts grow increasing effectiveness. Dormant seed grows into Tree of Life. B-Wall gets "Dense" buff increasing slow effect and health/armor of the wall. AUGMENT: Money Tree- Tree of life will spawn instead as Tree of Avarice. Tree of Avarice will infrequently drop credits, kills made near the tree will have 50% increased drop rate.

Thorn Skin/Seeds-Small percentage of armor increased, when Germinated will cause melee attacks both to and from the Warfame to take/deal additional puncture damage to enemies with moderate proc chance.

Blossom/Sprout- Heals nearby alies/fires Sap at enemies to slow/damage them (similarities to mutuallist tar), immobile, limited number allowed at a time. Small chance to spawn a small low damage corrosive cloud on death with no crit and high proc chance.

Dormant Seed/Tree of Life- Dormant seed has health, is immobile and does nothing, if killed it releases a random small buff cloud(increased health/shield/armor, restore energy/health, ETC). Tree of Life grown from Dormant seed when Germinated, applies random buff around the tree(same possible random buffs as Dormant Seed death but lasts longer/is stronger), has health and temporary invincibility for a set time.

Appearance- Bulky, slow, heavy set frame. Think Atlas + Hydroids body if male or a beefy Saryn like build if female but with the appearence of a Warframe overgrown with the plants found in the Orokin Derelict tileset, primed version would be more like the glassy white plants found in the normal void tileset with added gold filigree. Would have an auxiliary armor slot with a number a leaves/branches jutting off.

Crafting requirements:Individual requirements: Neuroptics- 15,000 nano spores, 10,000 alloy plates, 5 neural sensors, 3 nitain extract. Chassis- 25,000 nano spores, 10,000 ferrite, 10 lunar pitchers, 3 nitain extract. Systems- 20,000 nano spores, 5 argon crystals, 5,000 plastids, 50 neurodes. WARFRAME BP- Neuroptics, Chassis, Systems, 25 orokin cells. Total crafting cost:60,000 nano spores, 10,000 alloy plates, 10,000 ferrite, 5,000 plastids 50 neurodes, 25 orokin cells, 10 lunar pitchers, 6 nitain extract, 5 argon crystals, 5 neural sensors. 100,000-200,000 credits.

I'd like this frame to be mostly for support/minor CC and area denial. With light heals and enough survivablity so as not to have other players worried they'll go down. They may have problems in solo but should always make a squad happy they're around.

Possible means of acquisition may include but are not limited to a quest from Simaris in regards to a spike of "Ambient knowlege" or some other such interest to Simaris. You'll then be put on a journey to scan various points for Simaris to determine the source of the "Sanctuary knowledge". New Loka leader may get involved at some point as may Void Trader. May end with a boss who can be fought again for required parts after quest completion. Must have completed Silver grove quest line as well as completed up to Second dream.

Let me know if this is any good. Looking to add concept art in the future.

Looks like concept art is on the way. An awesome guy on here who made his own Vampire frame, Vlad, is drawing me some art. His first try is already awesome. Maybe even the first concept art for "Radix" Deluxe skin, lol.


Edited by (XB1)xBlitzAttackerX
Bad spacing. More info.
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Wow, that frame seems pretty impressive, but I feel like it has a bit too much going on, especially the (4) ability. I actually found it pretty funny that they seem to have a few similarities between them. Im going to have to add more details on this idea. Thanks for pointing that out.

Edit: Boom, done. More details added. Actual numerical stats in time.

Edited by (XB1)xBlitzAttackerX
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You know this really isnt that bad, its kinda similar to a few others iv seen but more real for warframe. may want to give a second look at the stats... if i could draw id help but im thinking a guy, im picturing if a 8ft version of the iron giant got snaged by groot if he was like the venom simbiote, lol. 

Edited by (XB1)imFROMplanetFL
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Wow I didn't expect such positive reviews. Was kinda thinking would be more harsh. Your description of what i saw for the male version is pretty close, a bulky warframe with wood, branches, leaves, moss, and vines clinging to/growing from it and wrapping around with certain parts of the "metal" exposed. Maybe even an almost completely uncovered arm on one side with just enough "face" exposed to show an "eye" or two underneath. 

Edited by (XB1)xBlitzAttackerX
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Thanks again. If you happen to know anyone with some artistic talent, the guy i was gonna have do my art is too busy at the moment and it might be a while before i can get concept art.

Edit: Skullz is helping me with art, but if you happen to want to try your hand at drawing this frame, feel free to do so. Always wanting to see peoples interpretations.

Edited by (XB1)xBlitzAttackerX
Found an artist.
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Pretty nice Druid-ish/Plant-ish concept. while not terribly original, it's competent enough so that it still has a place.


First and biggest issue I see, and it's a very common issue, so don't worry about it, is that you seemed to have designed this concept and it's augments at the same time.

Augments are meant to be extra, after the final draft of a frame has had time for people to get used to, and figure out what it could benefit from: Kinda like how DLC should be.

Designing the augments and frame at the same time kinda makes it feel like you're just chopping off perfectly good ideas and reserving them for augments.


As for my personally opinion, I would have made his primary power be germinate, and then his more expensive powers being the different kinds of seeds he could spread before using germinate again.

But that's just me.


While I like how his Briar wall and Tree of life are stationary, and thus you can actually feel like you're planting a garden, I fear it may not bode well with the community, seeing as how the general agreement is that we are always on the move, and thus stationary abilities are going to be left in the dust.


Other than that, nothing seems to stand out as horrible or needing balancing. I could almost see it being added.

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1 hour ago, chainchompguy3 said:

Other than that, nothing seems to stand out as horrible or needing balancing. I could almost see it being added.

Much appreciated criticisms, the augments were mainly in place to set an example of what could be done with the base abilitys and not actual augments. Disregard them if you feel they're out of place. I'm gonna have to put some thought into reversing the ability listing. I'v also heard the criticisms about stationary abilitys in Warframe and I think that while mobility is a big part of the game, many parts of the game center on defending an objective (defence, mobile defence, interception, and to some extent assassinations, survival, and excavation missions). If you happen to have any ideas on ways to implement their abilitys, I'd love to hear any of them.

Edited by (XB1)xBlitzAttackerX
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