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Option for Damage #'s to stay longer and QoL for Simulacrum


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One frustrating aspect of testing weapons and damage output is how fast it fades away. I can see "roughly" how many numbers there are but not specifics.


So my proposal has two options.


Option A, a feature that lets numbers "stay in the air" for 5 seconds. This is unideal, as I think it'd put strain on the game and such, even if its only for 5 seconds.


Option B is where the Simulacrum comes into play, with an additional overall for it.


We all know how small the area is, and not ideal for all testing, moreso if you don't want enemies constantly falling off the ledges. So a QoL update for the Simulacrum could be changing the look, area, condition settings(such as radiation hazard, slash resistant Hellion or something), and making a "leaderboard" of damage for all weapons and frames.

In addition like I said, conditions settings could reflect sortie missions, so putting in "sortie 23-extra slash and slash resistant enemies" could be an enormous help to players, for fine tuning and testing!


So if you carefully unloaded 100 rounds from the Soma into a bombard, you'll see the damage.


If you have an Azima and unloaded the entire clip, you'd see if it did more damage than the Soma.

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I would love to see a log window of damage numbers you can enable in the options. I don't know how many games do this, but I know The Witcher does this. Shows you damage, status inflictions, kills, everything useful to a testing environment. As it is, the only reliable way to see how much damage you're really doing is to record your own gameplay and play it back at half speed. Not everyone can and/or will do this.

As for the Simulacrum itself... holy balls yes. I'm sick of those open platforms that enemies can just walk off the edges of. It makes it impossible to test with any enemy that has a charge attack as they will simply launch themselves into the abyss. It's only funny the first time they do it, and then it just becomes exasperating.

Having selectable condition modifiers would be nice too. Are we looking at a Simulacrum overhaul any time in the next few years? I hope so.

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