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Pleases Remove Vampire Nightmare Entirely


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I think that all missions should be the way they were before without nightmare mode however I think that you should be able to turn nightmare mode on or off on certain missions

It would make more sense if they actual tested every map they had it possible to trigger on to see if the title set even allows for it to work.


This is a Beta. WE are the play-testers.

When a company does that it is extremely unprofessional and it would have took a 5minitues yesterday to test that hotfix on M-prime to see that you would die before the exit or on that defense map with an elevator. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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I've yet to have a problem with exterminate missions, even in the grineer asteriod missions, running a Rhino with the Thrak helmet.

I just rush through, kill everything, and make it to the exit with over 20% of my health left, plenty of time to do it if you can play the game.

Its a fun mode that adds a decent challenge...unlike the far too easy timer missions.

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I've had plenty of fun with it and while there were a few close calls with my Rhino down to ~150 hp, I've never actually run out of mobs to kill, even on exterminate missions, and even if I would, thats why I carry health packs on me. Never had to use them yet, even on a lvl 60+ Corpus Nightmare where the moas and techs raped my shields down to 0 in 2 seconds flat. 


If anything, I'd say remove/replace the timer mode with something else, that one seems way too easy to be considered "nigthmare" to me at least. The two do seem mildly redundant, or at least have very little difference between each other, while Vampire is both a hindrance and a boon depending on the situation which makes it much more interesting in my book.


At any rate, the current sample Nightmare modes are a very welcome addition in my book and I'd like to see more, both modes and rewards (add tiered void key rewards please. Pretty please. Pretty pretty please ;P)


EDIT: Looks like me and Tsukinoki had exactly the same thoughts at the same time ;P

Edited by JamnikPucek
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How about you just do this:


Play with a team who all have maxed out Rejuvenation Auras. You will die significantly more slowly.




EDIT: Also to make this more viable, play with frames with high Shields and lower Health, since the fixed percentage that's removed will have much less of an impact on frames with low health.

Edited by Niavlys77
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I've yet to have a problem with exterminate missions, even in the grineer asteriod missions, running a Rhino with the Thrak helmet.

I just rush through, kill everything, and make it to the exit with over 20% of my health left, plenty of time to do it if you can play the game.

Its a fun mode that adds a decent challenge...unlike the far too easy timer missions.

The irony it is makes the mission far too easy if there are multiple NPC all around you can't die. It something that needs to be balance PER mission type or it either massively too easy or impossible.


How about you just do this:


Play with a team who all have maxed out Rejuvenation Auras. You will die significantly more slowly.



So play with a team so I can do one mission type or I quit and try again I can easily run with just a timer?

Edited by LazyKnight
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I have yet to see it impossible.

And if a normal mission takes you more than 5 minutes to clear, you need to learn the shorcuts and ways to move faster. Even without killing enemies on timer missions I have no problem with them most of the time.

And the only "easy" part of vampire missions is running by a horde of runners and making them all explode behind me, because that also grants me 15% health.

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I have yet to see it impossible.

And if a normal mission takes you more than 5 minutes to clear, you need to learn the shorcuts and ways to move faster. Even without killing enemies on timer missions I have no problem with them most of the time.

And the only "easy" part of vampire missions is running by a horde of runners and making them all explode behind me, because that also grants me 15% health.

The only way it is possible to clear a mission in 5 minutes(VOR is an example) is to use a Volt.

Hnm ... where can i downvote this s**t .

Its a new game mode its a beta get lost really.

Edited by LazyKnight
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So play with a team so I can do one mission type or I quit and try again I can easily run with just a timer?

So you're going to fail a timed game with that same setup? If that's the case, I think your issue is bigger than this Vampire mode.


Seriously, you're completely ridiculous. I'm done here.

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So you're going to fail a timed game with that same setup? If that's the case, I think your issue is bigger than this Vampire mode.


Seriously, you're completely ridiculous. I'm done here.

I have never failed any timed mission ever once on any map on any level. Please do no keep posting if you can't read you get a lot more time with the timer than with the vampire.


 300/4=75 ticks till dead

Start with 3 minutes(forgot exact number) with timer.

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I've cleared DOZENS of missions in under 5 minutes without kililng anyone and beating the nightmare mode timer. For me thats a challenge that I enjoy a lot.

If you know the general tile layouts you can clear an asteroid sabotage mission in just under 5 minutes. If I'm unlucky with room spawns I need to kill a few, but never too many. Or I can kill all the enemies and end a mission with over 9 minutes left.

And no I don't need volt. I just need to get rush, quick rest and marathon if I am playing a rhino. If I'm playing a faster frame I dont even need those.

DO you seriously take 5 minutes to run in, grab an artifact from a grineer ship and run out? The only time that I can see taking longer than 5 minutes on a normal mission is on the outpost levels with tons of elevators.

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@Tsukinoki I would be fine if it could happen on maps that are short. Every one of the corpus ships maps is fine its the new maps that are a problem because of how NPC spawn in them. Infested can never be a problem they swarm continuously and it a boon to have vampire on those maps.

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M-Pirme that basic map configuration can have 4 room without any NPC spawning. If you do no trigger alert NO NPC SPAWN.


I do not trust DE to play test it because it clear they don't.

Which tileset is that exactly? The mines? I can't really think of any other where that would be the case. Galeon, Cropus / Grineer ships and Corpus planet all have decent spawning.

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I want it to be hard that takes skill to bypass and works on every map there are numerous maps that just do not work for this at all and many games times that are randomly chosen during mission. I am not a masochist there is a clear difference in what that means. Most maps make you backtrack after the objective and if there are no NPC your dead skill will not effect that and only number of revives helps.

Then you need to run through zones faster, use every trick you know to move through levels quickly. While I have been close to death on a couple of missions I have not yet died. If things get dire use a health consumable, unless you are one of those idiots who runs around with no packs and has relied the entire time on team mates reviving your miserable &#!.

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I've ran through planet, galleon, corpus ship, and asteroid missions with both the timer and the vampire and the timer mission is the one that needs to be made harder, but the vampire is very easily doable unless you either:

A) Get lost all the time

B) Stand there for a few ticks

I've yet to every die because of vampire, no matter what enemies I was facing at the time, and it is a thuroughly enjoyable mission type.

The timer is just boring because you can run through most missions without having to kill a single enemy if you know the tiles.

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Which tileset is that exactly? The mines? I can't really think of any other where that would be the case. Galeon, Cropus / Grineer ships and Corpus planet all have decent spawning.

It mainly the new ship galleon title set that is erratic because it can have entire section not have NPC spawn in it.



Then you need to run through zones faster, use every trick you know to move through levels quickly. While I have been close to death on a couple of missions I have not yet died. If things get dire use a health consumable, unless you are one of those idiots who runs around with no packs and has relied the entire time on team mates reviving your miserable &#!.

I am by no means slow it is worse solo because there are less NPC. The group makes it far easier because you have people spearing ahead getting kills.

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One of the nice things about the galleon is that it has nice walls almost everywhere, which allows you to wall-run and vault, which means a massive speed boost even for the slower frames, nearly everywhere. Especially with the very common low-gravity mutator. That allows you to finish those missions in record time.

Even without low-gravity you can still get moving increadibly fast by using the wall-run and vaulting.

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One of the nice things about the galleon is that it has nice walls almost everywhere, which allows you to wall-run and vault, which means a massive speed boost even for the slower frames, nearly everywhere. Especially with the very common low-gravity mutator. That allows you to finish those missions in record time.

Even without low-gravity you can still get moving increadibly fast by using the wall-run and vaulting.

The problem is the title set when the alert hasn't been triggered if you run up like a mad man and do not let them call for help it breaks a lot of the missions on vampire mod. There will never be enough NPC to actual let live because you killed them too fast for them to start spawning.

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Vampire makes the game easier, not harder. You kill something and heal 10 seconds worth of life loss. Are you telling me you can't kill 1 enemy every 10 seconds unless you are stuck in an elevator? Maybe the issue is located in front of the screen and not in the game?


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Then run by a few and kill the ones NOT near the consoles?

That'll allow them to trigger an alert and then PRESTO! Problem solved.

Though I have yet to have your problems on the grineer galleon missions, and I ran one as a Rhino on a dare last night. You just need to know how to get through the corridors quickly and you wont have an issue.

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