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❈ The Clan & Alliance Emblem Shop ❈ Taking Requests since 2014!


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10 hours ago, Jithvan said:

How's this?


This is amazing, If you could flip the fish so it's facing in the other direction that would be great (mainly so that the fish would be facing the direction the Warframe would be facing on it's shoulder)


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2 hours ago, AR1THM3T1C said:

This is amazing, If you could flip the fish so it's facing in the other direction that would be great (mainly so that the fish would be facing the direction the Warframe would be facing on it's shoulder)


Is this better?


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that is freaking awsome!!! holy crap dude. you rock! So 30 bucks is still the price? If so let me look up where you put to send it. And last question how do we upload it so it is only the emblem and not the grey square behind it? Sent the money via paypal to you for emblem, please send to vyctordraco2003@gmail.com

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8 hours ago, Vyctor_Draco said:

that is freaking awsome!!! holy crap dude. you rock! So 30 bucks is still the price? If so let me look up where you put to send it. And last question how do we upload it so it is only the emblem and not the grey square behind it? Sent the money via paypal to you for emblem, please send to vyctordraco2003@gmail.com

Glad you like it! Yeah its $30. I'll send it to you via forum message 🙂

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On 2018-07-18 at 5:10 AM, -Miau-Darinus said:

- Clan Name: Miau after Tomorrow

- Preferred Payment Type:  Platinum , Sets , Prime junk  (when you dont have the credits i can farm them with you in 2-3 rounds index)

- Design Details: Gold,Purple,White and a bit Black

- Links to reference images: i want a cat like this one just the grey in white and with prime accents

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the eyes and mouth more like this one a bit more discreet :

and prime look like this golden things around it, not to massiv/big ornaments :
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fc2.staticflickr.com%2F6%2F5450%2F17565284218_77472dfa31_o.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.warframe.com%2Ftopic%2F419654-warbreed-close-knit-psycho-ward-co-op-event-competition-eight-time-1st-placegold-storm-clan-steamts3-est-in-u10%2F&docid=0ItWzhNVHKeItM&tbnid=DKdfop6SQ2iP_M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiW_4qJupvcAhUFyaQKHY8cCvMQMwgzKAAwAA..i&w=450&h=457&client=firefox-b&bih=943&biw=1920&q=warframe golden clan logo&ved=0ahUKEwiW_4qJupvcAhUFyaQKHY8cCvMQMwgzKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8

the old logo just to show the art how i want it like a cat that looks like out of the rift than :

- Additional Comments: Color for the Cat purple with white and a bit golden accents like prime style  , (same like the picture but just change grey to white) rest i want in Gold with a bit white like the void rooms. and i want that it looks like the Cat is coming out of a void fissure with a bit purple energy color , like our old one where it looks like it will come out of your arm
we want that it looks a bit like our dojo in the prime void style that you can see here ( at 1:01:10 )  :


Sorry for the delay, some people made priority request and never got back to me or wanted to pay.

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On 2018-07-23 at 5:34 AM, (XB1)A Zer0 Requiem said:

Clan Name: Holy Knights Of Requiem

Preferred Payment: PayPal since we are different platforms. (Don't know how much I would owe you after it)

Design Details: Dark Blue/Blue Symbol at the center of a Black Shield and a Golden outline.

Links to references: So here is the Symbol and the shield I wanted, this is from a Photoshop Prototype. 


And here is a better image of the symbol 


But for the Background I was Thinking something like this. And for the Colors, Try to keep the Gold and maybe see if it would be possible to include Silver/Black or Purple into the design. I'm just giving options as I don't know which colors work together.


Additional Comments: For the symbol, I was wondering if it would be possible to make it look like it was glowing a bit. If that's too much or just not possible, than I understand. I

If you have any questions. I'll try to respond ASAP!

How's this?



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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Jithvan:

Sorry for the delay, some people made priority request and never got back to me or wanted to pay.

Like this?



no i thinked more about a cat that sit and look out of a void rift that go around her and the golden accents at the cat like prime frames .
the form like our old clan logo the golden staff on the cat and the cat in the position like the cat in our old clan logo and we think the face of the original of this cat was better so dont change it

here a try just to show how i mean it :


make the red around the cat like golden ornamate , the jellow things like prime accents just a bit more like on the picture , the black background in a purple energy color the cat that you alrdy used is good but i think you need to make a own one for the logo

with something around like this a bit smaller and with purple void energy :

when you can't do it like that give me a call than i need to think about what we can do than

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1 minute ago, (XB1)A Zer0 Requiem said:

Alright, I just sent it now! Would it be possible to have it without the Grey box background, or do you normally do that? And would it be possible to make it for my background on my computer and other things?

Already sent it to you, check your inbox 🙂

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Hello, I'm very new to the whole clan thing. Been an inactive member for about 2 years while my 2 real world friends pushed everything along. So I'm back into warframe and decided i wanted to design a clan emblem for them. My design is solid, but I've run into a problem. I can't seem to resize without it looking like complete garbage. I've seen your work, and I'm completely blown away at the fact you can fit so much detail into such a small space. Is there any way you'd be willing to resize my image for me? How much would you charge? 

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21 hours ago, (XB1)Ian0f0z said:

Hello, I'm very new to the whole clan thing. Been an inactive member for about 2 years while my 2 real world friends pushed everything along. So I'm back into warframe and decided i wanted to design a clan emblem for them. My design is solid, but I've run into a problem. I can't seem to resize without it looking like complete garbage. I've seen your work, and I'm completely blown away at the fact you can fit so much detail into such a small space. Is there any way you'd be willing to resize my image for me? How much would you charge? 

If its the act of simply esizing the image i'll do it free. If it needs to be refined prior to resizing in order to maintain certain aspects of the emblem in detail i'd do it for as low as $10.

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Clan/Alliance Name: Pathfinder Chronicles
Preferred Payment Type: Platinum is fine.
Design Details: Sheild in the front, with a Nikana Prime, and Latron prime Crossing behind the sheild with the butt of the gun and the hilt of the sword showing. A stylized Sahasa Kubrow standing on two hind legs in the middle of the shield, with The rhino palatine head on top. The sheild should be Dark Grey and Gold Same with the head of the Rhino Palatine skin, the sahasa Kubrow can be the same color as in its Codex entry, Same with the latron prime and, Nikana Prime.
Links to reference images: For the style of the sheild and how the weapons should be placed: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/coat-arms-medieval-knight-shield-sword-isolated-white-46081856.jpg For the Rhino head https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1465433258. For the Pose of the Kubrow (if it doesn't load let me know): https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f6/c3/51/f6c3518c3ffcf4a1a318eea195984be2--medieval-shields-tatu.jpg
Additional Comments: I was also wondering if it could have a dark red rift energy look streaking across the shield.

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On 2018-07-30 at 6:07 PM, -Miau-Darinus said:

no i thinked more about a cat that sit and look out of a void rift that go around her and the golden accents at the cat like prime frames .
the form like our old clan logo the golden staff on the cat and the cat in the position like the cat in our old clan logo and we think the face of the original of this cat was better so dont change it

here a try just to show how i mean it :


make the red around the cat like golden ornamate , the jellow things like prime accents just a bit more like on the picture , the black background in a purple energy color the cat that you alrdy used is good but i think you need to make a own one for the logo

with something around like this a bit smaller and with purple void energy :

when you can't do it like that give me a call than i need to think about what we can do than


How about now?


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