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The New Ancients

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You want to know the best part about these new Ancient models?


You can get stuck on them. I kid you not, I just had an oblivious distruptor drag me all over a defense map while another ancient was trying to kill me, and I only got free when I killed it, I would have died if not for Iron Skin.

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My main problem with the new ancient models is how, when they die, if they don't randomly spaz the hell out and fly to some random &#! point in the wall, their long arm stays completely freaking rigid while they flail around before falling over. It's like a grotesque armboner. Also the Disrupters should probably be distinguishable from the healers. Maybe give them their old bright red?

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And that, ladies and gentleman, is when an original poster would rather diss you out, other than explaining his actual idea.


Thank you, good sir. Now I understand what he meant.

I didn't "diss anyone out". The fact you are able to read a sentence/paragraph and not comprehend its intent or substance as it relates to a topic is dumbfounding. When you make comments or statements in a manner that reflect that you failed to even read what I had written, that would irk anyone whom you are discussing something with.

Edited by theGreatZamboni
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My main problem with the new ancient models is how, when they die, if they don't randomly spaz the hell out and fly to some random &#! point in the wall, their long arm stays completely freaking rigid while they flail around before falling over. It's like a grotesque armboner. Also the Disrupters should probably be distinguishable from the healers. Maybe give them their old bright red?

To be fair to the even the old models would often revert to their reference pose upon death. That isn't an exclusive blight on the new ancients.

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You want to know the best part about these new Ancient models?


You can get stuck on them. I kid you not, I just had an oblivious distruptor drag me all over a defense map while another ancient was trying to kill me, and I only got free when I killed it, I would have died if not for Iron Skin.

There was an instance where I was tackled, then subsequently stuck on a dead and dissipated ancient. It was a mobile defense alert; I screamed in horror as I could not pick up the numerous materials and mods.

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The new Infested Ancients are bad. They look bad, they animate bad, using certain abilities on them makes the game come crashing to a halt.


Because of their new esthetic it is now hard to distinguish them in a crowd of Infested. They lack the silhouette that combined with their previous color schemes allowed for easy identification. They are also immensely less intimidating, they look too silly. The change in models also removed the Corpus knee cap that identified their weak point, and the slimming of their figure makes them harder to hit. If they are still vulnerable in the legs, I cannot tell. All in all I feel they need to roll back this update of the models. Rework them, visually and animation wise; then reintroduce them as a new enemy type. The Infested lack variation in the way they combat the player anyway; maybe make them a ranged infested unit. Have them spit acid, something. I really am not a fan of them at all: what do the rest of you think?

Before they were just bigger runners. I'm not good at figuring size so I always had trouble telling them apart. Not anymore.

Their silhouette is far far more distinctive for this same reason.

They could use color tweaks so we can more easily tell ancients apart, yes.

I didn't exactly feel intimidated by a bigger Runner.

The boot isn't the only weak point. All lower limbs are. The long floppy arm, for example. Could use some "shoot here!" details, though.

You're asking for something utterly impractical. The models were made. They're there. They might get improved but they're here to stay. Otherwise they wouldn't've been made in first place.


They do need lots of animation fixes, though.

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I love that they've released new models... but I kinda wish they'd made them a bit less alien, and a bit more disgusting.


Something I liked about the old giant Corpus ancients was that, if you didn't look close, they looked like a giant mass of warped flesh on two unstable legs. They looked more... hefty.


The new models look a bit too aquatic. Like they're straight out of HP Lovecraft (which would be awesome, if this wasn't Warframe).



Personally, I'd love to see an Ancient design that was more grotesque - like, you could see that they were formed of multiple mutated victims, with random limbs dangling from their body etc.


Especially for the Toxics. Like a Warhammer 40k Nurgle follower merged with some kinda mutant spawn of Tzeench.

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I love the idea of mutant fish-zombies, but there are several problems with Ancients right now.  They are too small (and therefore hard to see), they all look the same (which makes it a nightmare to figure out which ones are disruptors or healers), and several of their animations are buggy.  In addition to that, they seem to attack way faster than the older ancients (they almost always hit me before I can hit them with a melee weapon, even while using max rank Charge Coil and Fury).  Ironically, much of the time the Ancients won't even use the correct arm to attack (they'll use their small arm instead of their long one) [is that intentional?]. 


Also, what are those Ancients carrying on their backs?  Is it supposed to be a seashell?  It looks extremely artificial instead of natural (like someone just bolted a back brace onto the Ancients when they weren't looking). 

Edited by Ganpot
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I like the new Ancient model, and the animations for them are nice....


Yet, they do -not- fit in with the other Infested at all, and seem a bit out of place within the game.


At first glance they appear to be some sort of mutated aquatic lifeform, which is odd considering all other Infested at mutated Humanoid lifeforms.


And the worst feature...if you look on their backs, you will see a helm (ship's steering wheel) covered with barnacles, as if it had been underwater for a long time.


This makes -no- sense at all considering the Infested were the result of the effects of the Technocyte virus upon the Sentients and other lifeforms. Now, since we know nothing about the Sentients, it could be argued that they were a space-faring Fish race, and the Ancients are all actually Sentients that were mutated by the Technocyte virus................but, get rid of the barnacle covered steering wheel on their backs (please).

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Healers and Disrupters definitely need a different color/texture from each other.


The other issue, as mentioned before, is that their model 'breaks' easily, especially with projectile weapons.  The Kestrel, for instance, seems to love making the model 'spaz out' big time, if it doesn't send it off the map (that happened a few times to the healer corrupted in the Void...on extermination missions.  Good thing we were allowing the Fusion MOAs to pop their drones to account for that....).

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I am a bit split here.  My first impression of the original was that they were strong, brutish and grotesque, now they seem a bit more light, even somewhat whimsical, they don't seem very threatening based on their look.  But I do like the cthulu-esque approach, they are more organic and unique, as opposed to a deformed, buffed up runner looking thing.

Maybe if they kept the shape but buffed them up and made them uglier, I dunno.

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I think they look good. Would be better if they were a tad bit bigger. Then they'd be more intimidating. They seem smaller to me now, compared to before (even if they aren't seems that way, becuase they seem too.... wobbly)

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