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Hydroid rework - ranged specialist.


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Hey guys, I wanted to share with you a concept for a Hydroid rework - the basis of my rework is to make him more reliable in the back of the fray.

His new first ability is called Undertow and it allows Hydroid to turn into a pool of water becoming imune to damage and untargetable. Warframes that execute a slam attack on top of this undertow will also be absorbed by the Undertow becoming imune to damage as well as untargetable and will have to jump in order to exit or wait for Hydroid to cancel his ability.

The energy cost of this ability will vary based on the amount of frames inside the Undertow.

His second ability remains the same.

His new third ability is called Watery Grave. Hydroid places a glyph on the floor and when enemies walk over it they get sucked into a pool of water for 3 seconds taking finisher damage.

Hydroid can place up to 3 glyphs and it costs him 30 energy per glyph but this ability can not be cast from Undertow or underneath enemies who are within a range of 5 steps away from you (unmodded skana range if my math is corect)

The augument mod is called Violent Release and causes enemies released from Hydroid's Watery Grave to take blast damage and be knocked down (because they are violently thrown out of their Watery Grave)

His new forth ability is called Neptune's Wrath and it arms Hydroid with a trident which in function is similar to the new staff like weapons (Javlok,Scourge etc). The normal fire is basicaly his old first ability tied to the left mouse click while this weapon is up,but now the origin point for thi salvo is Hydroid's position and the right click ability has Hydroid throw the trident and wherever the trident land's it will summon a swarm of watery tentacles.

The augument mod for this ability is called Relentless Wrath and causes critical strikes from water salvo's to spawn tentacles upon impacts.

Finaly his passive is called Neptune's Blessing and it gives Hydroid 25% more shield regeneration.


Edited by Jack_Skywalker
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13 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

I swear this is the best rework concept I saw *-*

Love bombarding and tentacle spawning trident :D

Thanks a lot mate. I just played to Hydroid's strenghts and augumented his weaknesses to make it shine. 


10 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'll augment your violent release any day.

I bet you say that to all the guys.

Dirty jokes aside I'm glaf you like the mods. 

Edited by Jack_Skywalker
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On 27.07.2017 at 1:24 AM, LOD07 said:

i like the Change of his fourth and passive. but doesnt the undertow already does the same Thing as your third?

Umm no.

The difference between the current Undertow and my version of Undertow is that the first also imobilizes enemies whereas my version of Undertow can suck allies who execute slam attacks on the puddle but does not provide the (very slow) form of CC.

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On 25.07.2017 at 3:55 PM, Jack_Skywalker said:

His new third ability is called Watery Grave. Hydroid places a glyph on the floor and when enemies walk over it they get sucked into a pool of water for 3 seconds taking finisher damage.

Hydroid can place up to 3 glyphs and it costs him 30 energy per glyph but this ability can not be cast from Undertow or underneath enemies who are within a range of 5 steps away from you (unmodded skana range if my math is corect)



Why this limitation, why not make Watery Grave castable in melee range?

Ow and 1 more question....what about Pilfering Swarm .... that is like the one thing keeping Hydroid relevant for most of us.

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Well my sugestions are aimed at making Hydroid more viable in defense (mobile and stationary),survival and for Eidolon roaming as a range specialist. I designed his abilities in such a way to discourage the use of Hydroid in melee combat but I did not want to make Hydroid specificaly bad at melee because there may be situations where you get overwhelmed and have to engage in melee fights.


Also Pilfering Swarm is a drag simply because I dislike grinding reputation for syndicates and I dislike the fact that some people would tell me off when I want to bring my Hydroid because I don't have Pilfering Swarm. So in my concept design I wanted to make Hydroid a viable adition to any party without being forced to equip augument mods.

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