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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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I had to change the title of the post, because it was way too hardcore for the hardcore fanbase. seriously. do you want all of THESE POST CATERED FOR YOUR LIKING ?


BTW i just noted how the upvotes of this thread magically decreased with no explanations. how cute.


TL;DR: Game was tolerable at some point , but now is going full Serious Sam/Gears of Frame, but more generic and dull.
What are we going to learn today ?

Also i will be taking note of the common replies of the "hardcore" fanbase. so if you approach this post with one of these , you can count yourself among these people:
-YUP , THIS PATCH DEFINITELY HURT "CASUALS" ... /SARCASM (that one is so clever and ironic omg)
(Even though i never mentioned defense)

the game got harder since the update. for the wrong reasons.
Im not saying that i dont like hard games or difficulty. but it has to be well done or it will corrupt the gameplay. that is the point of this post.
the concept of a hard game can get very confusing but let me make it a little more clear and i will try to keep it short.

Making it like a serious sam rip-off does not make it harder. it makes it tedious , boring and uninspired.

-Adding more waves and waves of the same enemies gets you stressed (i have to clarify , im not talking of @(*()$ defense. no no , im talking of every kind of mission that is going for this "add S#&$tons of enemies" formula). i felt like i was doing no progress at all whatsoever when i was playing a grineer mission. the enemies just kept coming , and it never stopped.
-One of the big differences with Serious sam is that you can dodge bullets. most of the enemies are 96% accurate when they shoot. forcing you to take cover instead of doing interesting stuff... like parkour or dodging.

At a given point i got killed because i ran out of ammo. and the enemy that kills you its not a mini boss , or a badass unit. nope , its just the same generic dude that happens to be there when you have no health , low shields and no ammo at all.
I dont mind using melee , but what happens to the people that love to blast their way with guns ? i dont like to being pushed to do something that i dont like in a videogame.

Just to give an example of how dull the enemies can be, one of the new enemy added into the game is the Elite Lancer of the Grineer.
Its the same blue potato man with just a burst rifle , oh and a shield. now Paris is kinda useless because this grineer is a common enemy.
Also , i have been reading reports of people getting their games crashing a lot for the amount of SOS (S#&$ ON SCREEN)
and it also affected my machine , but not as much as these people

-Why? why do you tell us this, you troll?

I fell in love with this game, the style , the frames , moves , the gameplay. and its slowly decaying to a hard version of gears of frame; just cover and wallshoot every damn thing alive , and if you happen to kill them all , you can parkour a minute or 2

-Then you should get a squad , this is a coop pve game , not a solo . DUH.

There is a solo option ;and i know that you wont be able to solo your way through the game, but as long as im able play it alone, i will be playing it that way. Or are you going to tell me that you cannot play this game the way you want it?

I dont mind high difficulty , but it has to be a reward to keep you playing for it. Good Difficult games are stressing , but just enough to keep you playing , and when you achieve victory , you feel the reward and how it was worth it. A game like Dark Souls lets you keep the items and weapons that you happen to find in the game, even after death ; the only thing that was lost was the "souls" , the currency and way to level up in the game , "souls" worked out as experience points. and even if you lost your souls on deaths , there was a way to recover them. if you failed it would be your fault.
In this game you can die in a solo because you didnt pay enough attention to the wave that spawned the chamber behind you. lose every resource you have gathered , and keep the experience. which is way more unforgiving that the game i have mentioned before. Im actually comparing these 2 because is the closest aproximation i could get. if i mention games like Duke Nukem 3D or Doom , there is a difficulty setting and a save feature , which defeats the purpose of retrying the level.

Some people have claimed that have no problems with doing solo. just take in mind that to be such badass with high level mission you need to max every mod , get a potato for your frame AND polarize it at least once. Not to mention the time that takes to do that for every weapon and sentinel in the game. And if that does not make it clear for you , dear amigo , let me remind you that you still need to do missions in order to get those hundreds of mods and credits in order to be able to do more mission. Sounds smart huh ?
Think about how time consuming is that. oh , i have to mention it , that alert that would give you a Forma blueprint, you want to solo it ? hehe dont even try. get a squad or get lost.
And let me be clear about this, i never felt this game this unforgiving and difficult until this update. Before that i had no problems if i failed a mission or had to retry something , its a videogam

Edited by Gem145
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I agree that there should be more of a reward for the higher difficulty since there doesn't seem to be an adequate amount of this at present.


But I disagree with the whole "not able to play solo anymore". The only time I've had any issues paying solo is on defense missions, for very obvious reasons...


When I play solo I take my time with everything (as one should...you're not in a large group to plow through everything) and sure it gets hard, but I don't find it overbearing - I enjoy a good challenge.


EDIT: But to re-iterate - they really should have better rewards for the higher difficulty. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it's worth it.

Edited by Niavlys77
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I've been soloing just fine with my Saryn, Mag, Ash, Nova, Frost, Loki, and Ember since the update.  Haven't gotten around to playing with my Trinity or Vauban yet, but I can't imagine having issues playing with either of them...


Currently solo farming Xini with my Nova to rank her up and try to get a banshee helmet.

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I'm playing Rhino, Nyx and Frost, but I agree. Difficulty level is now too high.
It makes you ragequit instead of thinkink "Huh... I lost, but that's ok. Now I know, that I shold bring this and this with me and use that in those situations". Now it's "God... DAMN! I failed mission AGAIN! What is wrong with this game?"

I understand, that some of the players are pr0-1337-Asian players with fully forma'd frames and gear and maxed all possible mods, but you need to understand, that not every player is a hardcore player. Casuals don't have a chance to make any mission at high-tier planets like Ceres or Pluto.

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I agree that there should be more of a reward for the higher difficulty since there doesn't seem to be an adequate amount of this at present.


But I disagree with the whole "not able to play solo anymore". The only time I've had any issues paying solo is on defense missions, for very obvious reasons...


When I play solo I take my time with everything (as one should...you're not in a large group to plow through everything) and sure it gets hard, but I don't find it overbearing - I enjoy a good challenge.

So do i. as i said. the times when i die , its because there are so much enemies that drain your ammo. if you stay for a fight, its usually a lose-lose situation , unless you have a powerful aoe ability or a filled energy pool

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The increased difficulty actually makes me feel more engaged.  I do not have a deep mod library of maxed mods and I level my weapons and warframes pretty frequently, so I am not running level thirty (30) of anything.  I imagine this will change after my mastery reaches as far as possible into rank eleven (11).  Additionally, I have not even polarized any of my frames or weapons as my goal currently is leveling my mastery. 


With that said, I have the ability to solo content with a variety of frames (Nova, Ember, Mag, ..etc.).  It is a matter of taking more time and using the environment and being wary of when a door opens.  Before, I could stand in an open door as a full room unloads on me and then I systematically take out the room.  Now, depending on frame, I have to be more conscious about doing such a thing.  I tend to use obstacles and being aware of my "corners" as I start into a new room.


As being stressed while gaming, I would like to think that is a subjective experience?  I do not get stressed by Nightmare mode, new Void missions, or any encounters really.  I know what to expect.  This is, of course, after I have done the new content at least once to study and learn what is different, new, or I have to mitigate.  This has driven me to take a different look at my mod selection to be more situational.


The increased difficulty really puts emphasis on perhaps repeating content that you know you can accomplish until you can move up solo to different missions and leveling up mods that are more supportive than direct damage in priority.


I hope you can find your own balance and enjoyment, but I am not sure a broad stroke of "not enjoyable" or "needs balancing" applies to everyone equally.




Quantum Entanglement

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I have no problem soloing. I do not think that the title is accurate, because with the right stuff Soloing is still as easy as ever.

However I do think, as many do, the difficulty is too high now. I still think they need two different difficulties that can be switched on and off - Hard Mode and Normal Mods. Hard Mode works as the game does now, with the more difficult enemies of higher level and random Nightmare Mode Missions. Normal Mode works as it did before without any Nightmare Mode Missions.

Edited by liavalenth
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So do i. as i said. the times when i die , its because there are so much enemies that drain your ammo. if you stay for a fight, its usually a lose-lose situation , unless you have a powerful aoe ability or a filled energy pool


I tend to always bring at least one ammo pack for my two weapons and not until the Hikuo was introduced did I ever run out of ammo from my inventory, since the rate of fire makes me think of twin vipers sometimes.

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Although I agree to the problem with generic enemies with no variation in their AI, it seems you're basing the whole thing around nightmare missions, which are supposed to be done in a group and which offer a challenge to the hardcore players who lacked difficulty before.


The overall difficulty is fine right now to be honest.

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Can we get a tl;dr version?


Difficulty is now too high for solo players, it's nearly impossible to solo some missions, we should be rewarded more for harder missions.


@UP: Elite Lancers are appearing in higher tier normal missions now.

Edited by Angius
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Didn't even bother to read title was enough

If you can't handle it then you probably need to learn to play

It's easy enough as it is
If you can't handle the game with a 800/800 frame which clears a room with either his oneshot weapon of choice or his oneshot ability of choice

you shouldn't bother

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You always need to adapt to change.
If you don't have many maxed mods and you're playing on Pluto with a rank 15 Rhino as you could before, yes, you're gonna die.

But I haven't had any problems soloing anything on any of my Frames, Rhino being one of them.
I solo'd from Raptor to the Mobile Defense Infested alert on Rhino (my Rhino's just supercharged, no Forma), and it's still very easy to solo anything on my thrice forma'd Nyx.

The "learning curve" of the game got higher, you can't be in Jupiter, Eris, Ceres as early as you could before, you're gonna get wrecked, but it's still perfectly possible to solo stuff around your level, i.e. if you have low rank gear with rank 3 redirection, you should be in Saturn, not Pluto.

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Solo is not impossible!!

Some say the Lancer is to hard......which lancer?nothing can stand my Embers Overhead^^.....but its is not that hard to kill them with weapons only

I understand some of ur Points.....but really is it that bad that the game is gonna  be more than run from point A to Point B kill the Boss in a sec and run back?Oohhhhhhhhhh btw i Love how the Boss are now(many will hate me for that)

So u not are so Hardcore player?Why all Games must be easy for not so hardcore players like u?....get use too it.

Today i run Raptor with just 1 more other player(no Rhino)we win.......it is not the Frame who fails!it is the Player!!!

I don't wanna dis u but

The weak will die and leave


For the Moment Warfare is like DarkSouls some love it be that hard some hate it                                                                                                         Casual Player should play casual Games

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So do i. as i said. the times when i die , its because there are so much enemies that drain your ammo. if you stay for a fight, its usually a lose-lose situation , unless you have a powerful aoe ability or a filled energy pool

I guess this depends on what weapons you go for as well - using Latron or Hek, I haven't ran out of ammo yet. Same with my Dual Broncos and Lex.


Anything with a higher fire rate/lower damage will run out of ammo way too fast, so I only use them in lower level missions.

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Didn't even bother to read title was enough

If you can't handle it then you probably need to learn to play

It's easy enough as it is

If you can't handle the game with a 800/800 frame which clears a room with either his oneshot weapon of choice or his oneshot ability of choice

you shouldn't bother

here, have a prize for your lazyness. 

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*Holds up his hands* Easy all..


The OP is expressing some frustration, but this thread does offer some nuggets that more casual players can learn from:


* Be prepared (Ammo packs, health packs)

* Level your support mods (Vitality, Redirection, Iron Skin, ..etc)

* Be realistic on your limitations and take your time progressing if you run into a brick wall

* Learning to adapt to change and finding positive ways to move forward

* When in doubt, find a group as this game title by definition is co-operative


If people need a friend for a particular map, my forum name and in-game name are the same.  I reserve the right to assist my clan first, but my time is pretty flexible. 


Embrace change as there is only more to come...




Quantum Entanglement

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*Holds up his hands* Easy all..


The OP is expressing some frustration, but this thread does offer some nuggets that more casual players can learn from:


* Be prepared (Ammo packs, health packs)

* Level your support mods (Vitality, Redirection, Iron Skin, ..etc)

* Be realistic on your limitations and take your time progressing if you run into a brick wall

* Learning to adapt to change and finding positive ways to move forward

* When in doubt, find a group as this game title by definition is co-operative


If people need a friend for a particular map, my forum name and in-game name are the same.  I reserve the right to assist my clan first, but my time is pretty flexible. 


Embrace change as there is only more to come...




Quantum Entanglement


its like asuming that i forgot to buy health packs for a Saturn mission that i failed 3 times already.

it does not work like that. but i really appreciate the kindness. now get your computer to south america , and help me with this.



Solo is not impossible!!

Some say the Lancer is to hard......which lancer?nothing can stand my Embers Overhead^^.....but its is not that hard to kill them with weapons only

I understand some of ur Points.....but really is it that bad that the game is gonna  be more than run from point A to Point B kill the Boss in a sec and run back?Oohhhhhhhhhh btw i Love how the Boss are now(many will hate me for that)

So u not are so Hardcore player?Why all Games must be easy for not so hardcore players like u?....get use too it.

Today i run Raptor with just 1 more other player(no Rhino)we win.......it is not the Frame who fails!it is the Player!!!

I don't wanna dis u but

The weak will die and leave


For the Moment Warfare is like DarkSouls some love it be that hard some hate it                                                                                                         Casual Player should play casual Games



this is the 7th time i am playing Dark souls. i love difficulty, bro. but there has to be a good reason to fight the wind.

im not hardcore.  but i know what it is to play a good , challenging game. Even casual players should play what they want.

im not saying that im casual at all . i just dont like to waste time when i have so little to spare in a game. and warframe kinda feels like that sometimes , wasting effort in a mission that rewards nothing for all that trouble.

Edited by Gem145
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*Holds up his hands* Easy all..


The OP is expressing some frustration, but this thread does offer some nuggets that more casual players can learn from:


* Be prepared (Ammo packs, health packs)

* Level your support mods (Vitality, Redirection, Iron Skin, ..etc)

* Be realistic on your limitations and take your time progressing if you run into a brick wall

* Learning to adapt to change and finding positive ways to move forward

* When in doubt, find a group as this game title by definition is co-operative


If people need a friend for a particular map, my forum name and in-game name are the same.  I reserve the right to assist my clan first, but my time is pretty flexible. 


Embrace change as there is only more to come...




Quantum Entanglement

All of this, and dare I say, "Stay close to the walls."

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This is a quote from a similar topic on the forums. 




Outter Terminus - Level 70-70 : Wave 1-5 : Solo


Ash : Obtaining wave 2 is doable, but perhaps it's because I haven't used him in so long, or simply his ability set is so anti-defense I can't get him past this point personally: though that's not calling it impossible, tried three times without much real plotting behind each attempt outside of on the third I removed all of his abilities and went in with sheer armor and shields and the like and actually pressed on to near wave 3. I'd say for the hardest warframe to use in a Defense mission, it was.. well hard. A lot of solo Defense varies on the map as well. If one of the missions had ever been a center-piece of the bridge, I imagine any warframe could complete the mission with relative ease. Alas, not my luck.


Ember : She obtained 3 waves, but then got distracted into hunting for more mods. Sooo.. can't conclude on this one. <.<


Frost : Pathetically easy. But that's to be expected. 


Volt : Holy S#&$e.. I haven't had so much fun in awhile XD : He was balanced for this, it felt like Ninja Gaiden on hard mode, in a constant panning state around the screen and got to wave 4 before being dismantled due to sheer idioticy in activating his ult and being killed near the end of it's cast. Honestly hitting wave 5 with Volt would be entertainingly fun solo. I loved it through and through and am going back to do it again for the challenge of it after this post.  -- But that's to be expected from a Warframe half-designed for defense and half designed for DPS, jack of all trades killah. 




Solo, a frame not designed for Defense, in the highest level defense mission: will meet one hell of a challenge. It's possibly doable, but not in a constant manor. It's a true "Nightmare" Difficulty, something you punish yourself with if your doing it. > Mag/Ash/?Trinity?


Solo, a frame designed partially for Defense : Sayrn, Loki, Volt will complete the mission with a sense of accomplishment and true challange, but no great wall stopping them.


Solo, a frame entirely for Defense: Frost, Vauban, Nyx - Will find the missions easy."



Reason I bring this up here: My Volt is level 29, my mods are not fully leveled, and only used Despairs (Fully modded, but Hornet's Nest is only at 10.) and this is the most difficult mission in the game, well, at least for the none-defense frames. It's frantic and in some cases next to impossible, but also goes to show how much both preparation and choice of Warframe for the task at hand - is key.


Ash for instance, while his abilities are almost utter trash for Defense, are a blessing for stealth & assassinations. Each frame has it's purpose, if you fail again and again and again at soloing a mission it might be time to consider getting your hands on a frame more suited toward the mission that's giving you trouble and getting that frame higher, so you can solo those missions with it before returning to your main.

Edited by Azraill
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This is a quote from a similar topic on the forums. 




Outter Terminus - Level 70-70 : Wave 1-5 : Solo


Ash : Obtaining wave 2 is doable, but perhaps it's because I haven't used him in so long, or simply his ability set is so anti-defense I can't get him past this point personally: though that's not calling it impossible, tried three times without much real plotting behind each attempt outside of on the third I removed all of his abilities and went in with sheer armor and shields and the like and actually pressed on to near wave 3. I'd say for the hardest warframe to use in a Defense mission, it was.. well hard. A lot of solo Defense varies on the map as well. If one of the missions had ever been a center-piece of the bridge, I imagine any warframe could complete the mission with relative ease. Alas, not my luck.


Ember : She obtained 3 waves, but then got distracted into hunting for more mods. Sooo.. can't conclude on this one. <.<


Frost : Pathetically easy. But that's to be expected. 


Volt : Holy S#&$e.. I haven't had so much fun in awhile XD : He was balanced for this, it felt like Ninja Gaiden on hard mode, in a constant panning state around the screen and got to wave 4 before being dismantled due to sheer idioticy in activating his ult and being killed near the end of it's cast. Honestly hitting wave 5 with Volt would be entertainingly fun solo. I loved it through and through and am going back to do it again for the challenge of it after this post.  -- But that's to be expected from a Warframe half-designed for defense and half designed for DPS, jack of all trades killah. 




Solo, a frame not designed for Defense, in the highest level defense mission: will meet one hell of a challenge. It's possibly doable, but not in a constant manor. It's a true "Nightmare" Difficulty, something you punish yourself with if your doing it. > Mag/Ash/?Trinity?


Solo, a frame designed partially for Defense : Sayrn, Loki, Volt will complete the mission with a sense of accomplishment and true challange, but no great wall stopping them.


Solo, a frame entirely for Defense: Frost, Vauban, Nyx - Will find the missions easy."



Reason I bring this up here: My Volt is level 29, my mods are not fully leveled, and only used Despairs (Fully modded, but Hornet's Nest is only at 10.) and this is the most difficult mission in the game, well, at least for the none-defense frames. It's frantic and in some cases next to impossible, but also goes to show how much both preparation and choice of Warframe for the task at hand - is key.


Ash for instance, while his abilities are almost utter trash for Defense, are a blessing for stealth & assassinations. Each frame has it's purpose, if you fail again and again and again at soloing a mission it might be time to consider getting your hands on a frame more suited toward the mission that's giving you trouble and getting that frame higher, so you can solo those missions with it before returning to your main.


that is actually more useful to me that the stuff i had to read the entire post. 

i may look forward to get a volt in the future. if i buy the slots for more frames.

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I never have many issues doing things solo, you just have to be a bit slower, a bit more careful, and a bit more observant. Taking out high-priority targets first(Elite Lancers, Heavy Gunners, Napalmers, Bombards etc.) finding tricks to elude other enemies(jump on boxes to avoid rollers) and learning how to approach and fight each faction are key to playng solo. Each faction has its strengths and weaknesses. Grineer are tough and hardy, but they tend to hide behind cover a lot, and their melee units are squishy and easy to take down fast if they don't surprise you. Corpus send their robots to do all the fighting, and the crewmen themselves are barely able to defend themselves. Infested are ALWAYS rushing straight at you, but they can't jump, get to a high place for some safety and take them out bit by bit. Or keep on high places and make your way through the level avoiding them all(Which is pretty fun btw, the floor is lava, but with space cancer zombies :D). Ranking up your mods consistently, and making sure you use all your weapons to their best potential helps. Don't be afraid to forfeit a mission where you died if you were doing terribly, leave, go back with a new weapon, or a new strategy, or a new mod set up.


signed it's not impossible to solo, just more challenging, which is the point.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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this is the 7th time i am playing Dark souls. i love difficulty, bro. but there has to be a good reason to fight the wind.

im not hardcore.  but i know what it is to play a good , challenging game. Even casual players should play what they want.

im not saying that im casual at all . i just dont like to waste time when i have so little to spare in a game. and warframe kinda feels like that sometimes , wasting effort in a mission that rewards nothing for all that trouble.





Dark souls and difficulty lol apparently hitting and parrying is considered difficulty these days
Wasting efforts? Name me some missions which are impossible to solo i'd prolly make it with a underleveled frame



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