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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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I am sure you could clear it again.


Should DE rebalance drop rates for all mods to reflect how much harder it is now than it was before so at least it would let people can catch up? 

Yes, basically, they should make people less dependent on defenses for good mods, build a tier system for the capture/raid/spy missions and make mods scale with enemy level. If the livestream is any indication, they're working on something like that right now.

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Going to throw this here:


tl;dr - Solo play is more punishing because progression is slower and success depends on what you and only you can accomplish on your own. It is not impossible. Additionally, Risk and Reward are not balanced.


"Too many enemies, 'Stop being Serious Sam'"

The amount of enemies I've been seeing has not increased. The difficulty of the certain planets, however, has noticeably increased - For what little it may have actually accomplished.


"I play Frost/Nyx/Rhino. This game is easy to solo."

The Warframe being used is irrelevant. The playstyle is what matters. These 3 frames specifically are popular because they have simple playstyles, easy to learn, easy to master (Also, Frost looks awesome). If you try to tank Grineer with a Banshee...


"I run out of ammo too easily now. Enemies are too hard, 'This is not Dark Souls'"

Fighting is optional in most situations. There are times when gunplay isn't the best option nor the most ideal. Bringing the proper equipment and items, as well as choosing the best means of approach will save you both ammo, revives, and several frustrating moments. Don't forget, fleeing is also an option as well. (See Also: "I Play Frost/Nyx/Rhino.")


Is the game more difficult?



Is the game impossible to solo?



Is the game more favored to cooperative play than solo play?

Yes. This is also why solo play comes off as being more tedious than cooperative play.


Why is solo play more tedious?

You level more slowly. Items which are not used in the mission do not gain experience.

Enemies are lower in average level. Less people, Less need to increase the difficulty.

Deaths are punishing. No assistance when downed, you have to use a revive or forfeit the mission and your progress.

On Defense Missions, you are limited to what only you can do. You have no team mates to depend upon or to help you.


How can solo play be better?

Increase or balance Risk and Reward. We know Solo Play can be far more punishing than cooperative play, so...

Why isn't the reward being scaled with the amount of risk players take by tackling a challenge on their own?

This is a question that DE needs to take a look at.



How can it be scaled? Here's a few ideas,

Increase chance of resource or mod drops.

Increase the chance of rarity in items obtained from enemies, mods, rewards, etc

Increase the amount of experience gained from missions. Keep in mind, only the items used in the mission will get said experience.

And many more...

Edited by DBugII
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correction they are all 1/3 common cores. all mods are cores. this does not help me. not sure how it counts your level, as in bag or what you actually have but it seems to not give a F*** that im not wearing anything good lol


also learned lack of a defensive mod is extremely detrimental to rescue missions lol

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I am sure you could clear it again.


Should DE rebalance drop rates for all mods to reflect how much harder it is now than it was before so at least it would let people can catch up? 


Uh.... thank you for the praise, but... uh. I don't know. That was, oh my... probably at least 12-15 years ago. I'm older and a little slower since those days, lol.


And boy don't I know it when I pick up an old game and go "holy crap, I'm dying on this stuff!?" when I used to rock those games. Some of it is because of rust, and some of it is because my fingers start tingling from lack of circulation, or my thumb develops a blister, I start getting pain in the left thumb's tendon, etc.


I'm getting old.


I'm not the gamer I was 15 years ago.


It is one of the reasons I enjoy more casual games. A lot less pain in the fingers, and I still get my dopamine.

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correction they are all 1/3 common cores. all mods are cores. this does not help me. not sure how it counts your level, as in bag or what you actually have but it seems to not give a F*** that im not wearing anything good lol


also learned lack of a defensive mod is extremely detrimental to rescue missions lol




It ain't as easy as you thought it was. That's what we're trying to tell you older vets who leveled before U9/U8/U7....


After doing the 5th, 10th, 20th mission and seeing nothing but +ammo, +crit and fusion cores, along with warframe powers for warframes you don't even have, you'll see some of the complaints we have.


And yes, no Redirection/Vitality + Ember's lol10armor = LOL I hope you like Red on the edges of your screen!


Let's hope you find a Redirection sooner than I did my first; I was Excalibur on my first Warframe and I didn't get Redirection until I was like Lv12-15.

Edited by Xylia
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I agree with most of your points, although as a primarily solo player (with non-maxed mods, i don't rank mods past Rank 5 because i don't want to waste money and cores), I must say that aside from Mobile Defense and Endless Defense, MOST missions are still solo-able given that you are geared enough. However, the missions are still extremely boring due to lack of enemy variety and AI, instead only resorting to overwhelming you with sheer numbers of regular goons and stunlocking players. The new planet level increases are also extremely newbie/casual/soloer unfriendly. Why couldn't they just have introduced level scaling to player numbers, instead of an all-round blunt increase that disturbed a lot of things such as material gathering and enemy variety introduction (for Grineers anyway)?

Also this is the first time i heard someone call the Grineer Lancers "Blue potato man", lol.

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I agree with most of your points, although as a primarily solo player (with non-maxed mods, i don't rank mods past Rank 5 because i don't want to waste money and cores), I must say that aside from Mobile Defense and Endless Defense, MOST missions are still solo-able given that you are geared enough. However, the missions are still extremely boring due to lack of enemy variety and AI, instead only resorting to overwhelming you with sheer numbers of regular goons and stunlocking players. The new planet level increases are also extremely newbie/casual/soloer unfriendly. Why couldn't they just have introduced level scaling to player numbers, instead of an all-round blunt increase that disturbed a lot of things such as material gathering and enemy variety introduction (for Grineers anyway)?

Also this is the first time i heard someone call the Grineer Lancers "Blue potato man", lol.


I would like to know why they replaced Heavy Gunners with Napalms in early-level planets.


I mean, seriously, Napalms belong in the Lv30+ arena, not the 10-20 Earth area.


But wouldn't you know it, E Prime, I always run into at least 10 per mission, and they all have their overpowered "you cannot dodge this no matter what" attack that goes through solid walls.


And Delano had better pray he gets ahold of a Redirection or three before he gets to Earth, or those Napalms are going to chew his Ember Butt up into a million pieces.


That'd be a sad, sad irony. Ember, the Fire Warframe done in by Fire-Wielding Grineer.

Edited by Xylia
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I would like to know why they replaced Heavy Gunners with Napalms in early-level planets.


I mean, seriously, Napalms belong in the Lv30+ arena, not the 10-20 Earth area.


But wouldn't you know it, E Prime, I always run into at least 10 per mission, and they all have their overpowered "you cannot dodge this no matter what" attack that goes through solid walls.


And Delano had better pray he gets ahold of a Redirection or three before he gets to Earth, or those Napalms are going to chew his Ember Butt up into a million pieces.


That'd be a sad, sad irony. Ember, the Fire Warframe done in by Fire-Wielding Grineer.

I agree that napalms should bugger off to higher level planets, if they knock you down and shoot you, you're pretty much dead before you stand back up. Also, making it dodgable would be nice. Why does it even have such a large blast radius anyway? You'd think the crazy DoT would be enough.

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I should note for background purposes that I'm intimately familiar with the solo game, as I'm also one of the filthy antisocial solo players. According to the profile I've run over 1,300 missions and completed 91% of them, and I can count on one hand the number I've done with anyone else. One was the grineer defense mission on Earth on the way to Everest, and the rest of the hand were with a friend who was trying the game. So I don't know that I can call soloing "impossible," but I am on board that there are bits that are somewhat irritating at times which are exacerbated by being solo. I mean, I don't think frame balance is horribly off, as I tend to use all of them regularly with a few almost always in niche roles. I also think that at a certain level the difficulty is about right, but based on conversations I don't know that my feelings on that apply to much of anyone else.


However, I am totally on with the sense that after a certain point all the melee and entertaining movement mechanics which seem to be the main media point of the game become pretty much useless, since the volume, health, and damage rate of the enemies mean you have to play it as a cover-based shooter. Which, don't get me wrong, I liked Dark Sector quite a lot, but even there the volume and health of enemies was generally reasonable considering Hayden Tenno's own capabilities. I'm not saying it's impossible to expose oneself of course, it's just significantly less viable when 800 shield points are completely gone before you can react and it takes an entire magazine to down some enemies. Though again, this could just be my rather ill-advised playstyle.


Really, there are exactly three things in this game that make me swear at it: when yet another massive wave of enemies shows up after I've dealt with several of them and just want to leave, when the room is suddenly full of them after barely killing a boss, and when I get attacked by a group of things from behind who came out of a room with no open entrance. Granted, it's not as bad on the last one as some other games, but the first two are standard occurrences. 


Now, I bring up the friend at the beginning because she is quite relevant here, since she absolutely couldn't get into the game for many of the reasons given here. Namely that at the beginning one dies often, and yet even solo one loses all the mods and resources acquired, which makes progressing to the point of not dying much harder. All of her other complaints centered on a decided lack of instruction (which is still absurdly bad), but I've railed on that elsewhere. The point is, I am in solidarity with the sense that the play barrier for solo players is abnormally high both at the beginning of the game as well as the end, in spite of the fact that it was stated (long ago admittedly) that such players would always have a place in the game. Sadly I admit I don't have solutions in mind, but I wanted to support at least some of the contentions raised.


tl;dr: Um...most of the last paragraph and the first line of the 2nd I guess. 

Edited by Fluffette
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It ain't as easy as you thought it was. That's what we're trying to tell you older vets who leveled before U9/U8/U7....


After doing the 5th, 10th, 20th mission and seeing nothing but +ammo, +crit and fusion cores, along with warframe powers for warframes you don't even have, you'll see some of the complaints we have.


And yes, no Redirection/Vitality + Ember's lol10armor = LOL I hope you like Red on the edges of your screen!


Let's hope you find a Redirection sooner than I did my first; I was Excalibur on my first Warframe and I didn't get Redirection until I was like Lv12-15.

redirection get! cost me a revive at the hand of an invading grineer bombard (lvl4) also wtf. that has to be a bug. but yeah if thats your point, im honestly having a $#*(@ of a time not using any mods. could simply argue a change on how drops work but so long as its rng, the rngwill F*** everyone. the first few maps werent as hard as they could have been, but eh. getting bombards in mercury is bullS#&$ and a bug lol, @(*()$ homing rockets man XD  also! i never thought it would be easy, im just sure i can do it. with what level of difficulty? i have no idea. seems to be at "F*** this im going online" atm. redirection might be what makes or breaks this


tldr, got redirection, F*** bombards in mercury, rng still hates me

Edited by Delano
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I really appreciate the difficulty increases that were added to warframe recently, it makes things challenging, albeit kinda annoying sometimes (not many people in the higher up areas anymore). 


however, the addition of REAL enemy squads (as such that you mentioned) would be absolutely fantastic, especially if they operated as a team.  this would definitely make the player think about the situation, coordinate with his team, and overall increase challenge in the game in a non-artificial way.


as far as solo play is concerned, i'm completely fine with how difficult it is to complete a level by myself.  it makes me think other than "SPAM THE FIRE BUTTON".  HOWEVER, the one problem that pains me when trying to perform a solo mission in stealth, is how a sneak attack will not kill higher level enemies.  this alone eliminates any motivation to perform high level missions stealth, because as soon as i try to eliminate an enemy using a stealth attack they just turn around and shoot me, and i'm suddenly surrounded by 20 enemies with almost no shields.  IMO sneak attack should 1 hit KO all but the strongest of enemies or at least injure them severely, since in order to perform a sneak attack the player has to put in both time and effort to get into position.

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Another problem that I think should be addressed is how apparently "difficult boss" is exactly translatable to "bullet sponge".


Not hard. Tedious.


Post U9 Captain Vor is one of my favorite bosses to fight in the game, because he is a challenge, and he does so WITHOUT being a massive bullet sponge. His attacks are interesting, as a character he has merit and personality (to the point where I'd honestly feel kind of bad farming him).


Another problem I think definitely comes from stunlocking. This isn't a good way to try to make things harder. If we can get genuinely good AI, we may need less enemies because otherwise we will be stomped. The Grineer don't really feel like supersoldiers right now. They're much more like stoners, really.


"Wow, it's almost like Terry just got cleft in twain next to me. Must've been my imagination, huh Terry? ...Terry? COMBAT FORMATION BRAVO-GGHHHGHG"

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Give an important role to the enemy support units , because when they happen to be there , they are a serious problem to any pro squad out there.


I love you.


Also I agree with your points.

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ok so, early diagnosis is the game currently is not new-person friendly on solo at the very least, ignoring previous gameplay experience in WF or other games, it is hard to succeed in mercury of all places. something is borked, and it is borked as bad as it gets. the only success i had was in rushing, or otherwise running away from large groups of enemies(which, mind you,i only did when i felt i was going to die or could not handle a group ahead)


bottom line, to play from scratch, you have to farm the easiest levels for mods so you can even properly proceed to the next levels. (the rng wont like this and will give you nothing but cores)



Edited by Delano
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So the post is about risk and reward. Perhaps if you queue as solo then maybe you can get 20-50% more items depending on the level of the misssion.


On the other hand, I don't seem to have problems soloing. I use any of my frames when I feel like it (although they are all level 30 with potato), but I think the real power is the weapons you bring, and sometimes if I'm leveling a new weapon I just bring it along.


In fact I just did a level 43 mission, and I was using a Frost 30 with a level 6 Main weapon (Dread), level 25 Lato Vandal and level 3 Melee (Despair). It was an infested mission, and we all know that infested usually has more spawns than any other race, and I was bringing a Single target main weapon.


I died once cause I got trapped in the middle of a bunch of chargers, but still finished the mission no problem. I think the game is still solo-able, but maybe you are right and that we need slightly more reward, cause after the mission my weapon's XP hardly increased and I only got 6800 credits.

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ok so, early diagnosis is the game currently is not new-person friendly on solo at the very least, ignoring previous gameplay experience in WF or other games, it is hard to succeed in mercury of all places. something is borked, and it is borked as bad as it gets. the only success i had was in rushing, or otherwise running away from large groups of enemies(which, mind you,i only did when i felt i was going to die or could not handle a group ahead)


bottom line, to play from scratch, you have to farm the easiest levels for mods so you can even properly proceed to the next levels. (the rng wont like this and will give you nothing but cores)

And its worth noting you had an ember and the kotakage, two things a new player won't have. Imagine doing that with a mag and skana.

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Agree with the OP.


I play with a friend of mine, and the two of us have run pluto, tower 3 missions, ect.


Until the latest update.  Now, we do a mobile defense with level 30 mobs, and after struggling with the first two defense positions, we get overrun (literally here, not just a turn of phrase).  It's so bad, our systems are slowing down due to the amount of enemies on the screen.


We're both running high gear with good mods; like I said, we've run tough stuff with just the two of us.  We struggled, but succeeded.


Now we fail on mid-level missions?


I haven't played in a couple of days, because honestly I just don't find that appealing.

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I think I'm doing something wrong... I'm most confident in soloing when using an Ember, but keep reading that she's not the best to do so. I mean, with that "Invulnerability" she could pretty much facetank a Raptor missile barrage, let alone blue potato guys.


Also, I read a few days back a CM re-playing the game from a blank slate (new account). Really tempted to try it too.

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im sorry , hardcore player. i never mentioned defense mission. i may be a noob but you are an idiot, and the thing is that people can get pro with time.

it is vey obvious to me that even through the use of statistics and factual evidence, its like arguing with a retard on youtube. He refuses to see the mass majority of people's facts or opinions and sticks to his own presented opinion. He's a narrow-minded monkey. So I think I'm done here. OP has succeeded In wasting all of our time's. Good work OP Edited by Tresskzilla
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it is vey obvious to me that even through the use of statistics and factual evidence, its like arguing with a retard on youtube. He refuses to see the mass majority of people's facts or opinions and sticks to his own presented opinion. He's a narrow-minded monkey. So I think I'm done here. OP has succeeded In wasting all of our time's. Good work OP

well in spite of that fact filled response, he's right.

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it is vey obvious to me that even through the use of statistics and factual evidence, its like arguing with a retard on youtube. He refuses to see the mass majority of people's facts or opinions and sticks to his own presented opinion. He's a narrow-minded monkey. So I think I'm done here. OP has succeeded In wasting all of our time's. Good work OP

Even though the mayority of the people are somewhat agreeing with my point and more importantly , adding a constructive thought about how should the game improve in the future. Something that you failed to do.

do yourself a favor and look forward to my first post, i added your stupid comment into the most hardcore list of comments. ever. you should be grateful.

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