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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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What people fail to see is that DE is scaling this from rank 12 players with maxed, eight times Forma'd Ogrises (Ogri?), and not the new players.


When I first joined, the first few missions were challenging, but not difficult. Now, they're damn near impossible. As a test, I forma'd a frame, reset it to unranked, bought a MK-1, Lato, and Skana, and tried to run the first few missions unmodded, just like a first time player. And it was damn near impossible solo. You can't do it without rushing, there's no way to do it. You don't have enough ammo to do it.


I have poor internet. I am unable to play online for the most part. Should I be penalized the point of being unable to play the game?

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Being soloing Ceres for awhile with Loki. And Loki is the starter frame.

I won't say it is easy, but the weapon choices can be quite restrictive if you are looking for maximum efficiency.


Mainly AP / AI or extremely high burst damage weapons or weapons with AP side effects like Torid/Acrid, because Grineers are heavily armored by then. Short of such weapons, you will be taking too long to kill em. But that's my take.


I am sure there would be others who say their forma Braton etc can do it. 


However I doubt the average new player can control a full auto rifle and put 3 head shots with 1 burst. I can do it myself too, but Loki being a fragile frame (400 shields on my current one) does have OH SH1T moments and I don't have time to aim during such scenarios.


Most of the failed missions I get in Ceres are rescue missions, which is aggravating since a plucky commander will troll teleport me out and let the hostage face the fury of 6 to 7 elite lancers and a couple of heavies. Even radial disarm can't save his arse in time.



Next I am going to try Eris solo but I probably use Ember since she is more optimum vs Infested and a lot more tanky and immune to disruption.

Edited by fatpig84
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You know why I don't like to co-op? Simple, half the time I join a level 2 or 3 rooms from the finish which means I get naff all, most of the rest of the time it's amphetamine junkies going through the level at warp factor 7, Mr Sulu, and I get to encounter all the respawned enemies they are too far ahead to bother with. Only very occasionally do I get a co-op that's fun, so if I'm not playing private missions with my wife, I solo. And even though I'm up to lvl 20 frame, with potato and I ditched the Mk 1 for the Brat, I still can't solo anything past level 5-8 enemies without losing lives.


I'm no hardcore gamer that's true, but surely even a casual player like me should be able to get past Venus solo.


I have BP's but no hope of getting materials - the ones I need are all at least 1 full planet over - so I just plug along as I can on Mercury and Venus.


There's one game I play that changes things for co-op sessions. It makes the enemies 50% tougher if you go in with a team than if you solo, and the drops are heavier with more people (mind you, you can't all pick up the one drop there, 1 item, 1 claimant). That makes that game fun and challenging solo or with the wife.

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I honestly like that they peaked up the difficulty on most of the enemies. It's not a insta-gib grind, pass-through anymore. I like the extra suspense of when the mob will spawn again and ammo efficiency. Although I can see the tediousness of mass mobs in every room easily annoying me later in the game. I like your idea of various tactics used and I would really love to see that. Especially in areas where there's a lot of vertical space where the Grineer Ballistas could take advantage of the height. Because at the moment they follow normal Grineer tactics and I'd love to see that happen. 

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I agree, and coming off of the heels of two weeks of no playing, I just haven't been having any fun. Mercury missions are some of the hardest I've played thus far. Nightmare SHOULD be an option, and I have no idea why it isn't.


Nightmare doesn't occur until you complete the entire planet...

And I rarely seen more than 2 nodes of nightmare on Mercury imo.

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I've got rhino but i'm more prefering as Excalibure. Love this guy. What about the increased difficulty - pretty sure it increased. Stupidly and unexplainably. Just before th hardcore 0.05% of community wish their way to bring some challenge. Wanna challenge? Go get t3.


I would like to participate into the alert, but i don't even see some of them because the day I completing pluto and sedna, was changing the day bringing the U9 made impossible to solo progress. Yes, I like to progress the Suntrail at solo mode. But forget about longlivers, tanks and OPs... no ember, no nix, no vauban, nova, frost or rhino... will you be able to complete it with the Excalibure or Mag? Don't even say about Volt. 


Just to avoid another idiotic crying: i've got fast reflection and vitality both on level 8 and my serration/hornet strike at level 7 because they're dam slow to level up. And still it's not enough.

Edited by MECT0HET
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Hmm, accidentally just solo'd my very first nightmare level - on Mercury :P - and won, no revives. Meant to click the infestation map, lots of drops on that, hit capture mission instead.


It was hard, but doable. Now if we could have that level of play in later missions I'd be cool. It's sorta sad that it's taken me till now to be able to solo a nightmare, but as I've said, I'm a part-time player :D

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I did solo a lot when I started without trouble (during easter event), now solo leveled a rhino in U9 incl all nightmare missions I could find.

Friend started, hasn't played Warframe before... solo'd Mercury and lost interest because it was boring easy. I told him it gets more interesting later on, so he'll give it another try.


You simply have to realize that the game has a certain difficulty which is part of the game. If you are not good enough, you have to try harder, learn and get better. I guess the World of Warcrafts of today kind of spoiled you. Games are not and should not designed around the player always winning.


Pick missions you still win most of the time and learn better timing, hitting weak spots consistently, when to melee and when to run back for better cover or run ahead, leaving dozens of enemies behind you.


And don't worry, once the PS4 players with their console controllers join the game, there will be an easy mode for them and therefore prolly for everyone.

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I have a little story that may be relative in essence to this thread, you see, yesterday I played an alert mission with some randoms that involved Grineer and hostage rescue. It was low level. After rescuing the hostage, S#&$ got real. This could've been a glitch, but all of a sudden, there were Grineer everywhere. EVERYWHERE. They just kept spawning, I'm not joking, there were dozens of them in the corridors, sometimes they even CLOGGED the passageways and doors with their numbers. It reached a point were we lagging so much because of this "mob overload". Only two of us managed to escape, while me and another guy were pinned under huge mobs of blue potatoes. Ridiculous.


After that I seriously didn't know wether to laugh or be pissed.

Why not just set a limited amount of enemies per map? Or keep the spawning enemies to a minimum, so that everytime I clear a room, move forward a bit, then return to said room I don't have the nasty surprise of finding a huge army waiting for me to drop my pants in fear.

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I haven't played much since Update 9 because there were a lot of things that simply ticked me off.


The inconsistent difficulty scaling is one of them. I've got a couple of decent loadouts but since the update the places I could go to for levelling or doing solos are harder to tell. In addition, what was formerly noob or level 1 territory becomes a ridiculous death trap with nightmare and Stalker trolling on top of it.


Combat gameplay plays out quite different with the changes in difficulty. I'm not sure if I like it. Basically I like soloing when hunting certain resources because it's hard to find a decent group for farming and I don't always like to play defense. The new setting really emphasizes coop missions. But for that the Nightmare variants are simply too random.


Then there are some core changes revolving around mods and equipping warframes. It feels like it inflates complexity. And the Aura system? I don't get it. Since the last hotfix they boost the Warframe energy. What's the point of formaing a Warframe now?

Aura mods also clutter the UI - it's a chore equipping stuff right now. I trust the UI guys to figure this out eventually.

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i mean the only people that will try to object with me are the people that only plays Rhino , Nyx and Frost. (and i was right, not surprising)

I would like to disagree with alot of what you said (And I own and use all the frames, not just these 3) I can quite happily run lvl 50 missions solo, on any of my Warframes (None of which i've used a forma on),  weapons that haven't been forma'd and mods that aren't maxed. I always bring extra ammo boxes, but honestly I barely ever use them. Solo is not dead, you just have to be smarter and more careful about how you play now. Yes I agree the game needs balancing but honestly I think you're just wrong about having to be in a squad to get anywhere. I find if I die it's usually more my own error than any fault on the game's part. If you're having trouble with solo might I suggest a sentinel? I'm not sure if you have one but Shade is extremely useful for survivability.

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Really, there are exactly three things in this game that make me swear at it: when yet another massive wave of enemies shows up after I've dealt with several of them and just want to leave, when the room is suddenly full of them after barely killing a boss, and when I get attacked by a group of things from behind who came out of a room with no open entrance. Granted, it's not as bad on the last one as some other games, but the first two are standard occurrences. 


Now, I bring up the friend at the beginning because she is quite relevant here, since she absolutely couldn't get into the game for many of the reasons given here. Namely that at the beginning one dies often, and yet even solo one loses all the mods and resources acquired, which makes progressing to the point of not dying much harder. All of her other complaints centered on a decided lack of instruction (which is still absurdly bad), but I've railed on that elsewhere. The point is, I am in solidarity with the sense that the play barrier for solo players is abnormally high both at the beginning of the game as well as the end, in spite of the fact that it was stated (long ago admittedly) that such players would always have a place in the game. Sadly I admit I don't have solutions in mind, but I wanted to support at least some of the contentions raised.


tl;dr: Um...most of the last paragraph and the first line of the 2nd I guess. 

Those three things made me s******. And yes, they are absolutely annoying and true.


Damn the censorship engine! I can't even s n i g g e r now.


Solo mobile/defense is definitely a dead end as it is, and I think if the devs want to keep the difficulty level the way it is now, mobile/defense needs to be off the main track to progress further in the game. And I definitely agree with the mod drops, loot tables, scaling etc rewarding higher levels of play and skilled play etc more.


Also, I agree with whoever said Mercury enemies need a nerf, and fast.


I ran a level 3 mercury rescue mission recently, and a heavy gunner jumped up on me from around the corner, in that new circular room with a ramp in the wall to get up. I would have been nuked if I had been running a low level Excalibur, and the gunner almost shot the hostage to death too.


Until U9, afaik heavy units like the napalm and gunner did NOT spawn on Mercury. They're just too hard for a person starting out. I didn't see heavy units on Mercury in all my time playing until U9. I saw flameblades pre-U9 and those guys could already knock my socks off when I was just getting started.


Now, with napalms, heavy gunners, and commanders spawning (those damn commanders! They do so much damage, 40 damage per melee strike, and are so hard to kill, I call overpowered on them), new players will have a huge challenge on their hands.

Edited by Destro6677
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I did solo a lot when I started without trouble (during easter event), now solo leveled a rhino in U9 incl all nightmare missions I could find.

Friend started, hasn't played Warframe before... solo'd Mercury and lost interest because it was boring easy. I told him it gets more interesting later on, so he'll give it another try.


You simply have to realize that the game has a certain difficulty which is part of the game. If you are not good enough, you have to try harder, learn and get better. I guess the World of Warcrafts of today kind of spoiled you. Games are not and should not designed around the player always winning.


Pick missions you still win most of the time and learn better timing, hitting weak spots consistently, when to melee and when to run back for better cover or run ahead, leaving dozens of enemies behind you.


And don't worry, once the PS4 players with their console controllers join the game, there will be an easy mode for them and therefore prolly for everyone.

The problem as it stands now is the 'easy' level enemies are still stupidly overpowered, and the increase in grind time for the same rewards.


I'm going to assume that you and your friend are hardcore gamers who tend to play co-op.


I have to agree that I appreciate a challenge and the game should not be spoonfeeding you a win, but having mobile/defense rigged so you don't have a chance at winning solo when you can solo other mission types is getting on my nerves.

Edited by Destro6677
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Just tried a lvl 10-13 infestation on venus. Killed 1 enemy and the second killed me dead, one hit, despite 400 shield/health on my lvl 20 Excalibur. That, to me, is ridiculous, that an enemy half my level can kill me with one hit.

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Just tried a lvl 10-13 infestation on venus. Killed 1 enemy and the second killed me dead, one hit, despite 400 shield/health on my lvl 20 Excalibur. That, to me, is ridiculous, that an enemy half my level can kill me with one hit.


What sort of enemy.

I am doing Ceres which has level 57 enemies with a Loki that only has 400 shields.


If you got hit by a disruptor, you will die fast if the next incoming wave is a suicide runner.

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Nightmare doesn't occur until you complete the entire planet...

And I rarely seen more than 2 nodes of nightmare on Mercury imo.


And honestly, nightmare Mercury is hardly impossible to solo either. And you definitely don't need max-level tatered or forma'd gear to do those, you just need to be careful and move with a purpose.


Still, NM mode should be optional for a given node, sometimes I just want to head into M Prime by myself and leisurely farm it for its ferrite.

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Haha, just started playing after awhile and within 2 missions I came here to find this.


Most likely I was unlucky because both missions I did were alert and were defense style : Wave-based defense and infiltrate defense (or what it's called where you go to hack a point x 2~3 and guard it for a few minutes)


My equipment


Lv 30 Excaliber 500+ Shields , 300+ Health +60/80% Shield Recharge Rate


Lv ## Snipetron (crap worth but amazed it now does so much damage on headshots)


Lv 30 Lex (main weapon , fire/cold damage up , 100% damage up, fire rate, reload speed 40~%


First Mission :


It gave me lv 30+ corpus that could near-instantly kill me with the amount of firepower they had (granted that a lot of corpus being able to shoot you is definitely a ton of damage) , it asked me to survive 17 waves and while I was lucky I could hide behind a wall, I lost during the 3rd wave.


Second Mission :


Well this seemed easy, level 7 infected, everything except the ancients died in 1 shot.




Time to defend : The amount of mobs.... every 6 I can instantly 1-shot, comes an ancient that takes 6~9 shots and 8 more charger/runners. Putting that aside, I'm being knocked around like a volleyball with all the runners and ancients... Mission failed again.


Things weren't like this during update 8 but it seems update 9 is now...this 'insane' havoc.


Granted during v7 when I was playing most, missions were usually either easy or annoying, (either 1-shot easy or 1~3-shot easy but there's a lot of them), now it's annoying or insanely hard...oh well, just gotta wait again I guess.

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I have no idea, it was literally the second enemy but not one I'd seen before and half a second later I'm dead. It was one of the infested that's all I know


If your HUD was buzzed, it is the disruptor, those are one hit wonders that instagib your shields and energy, so a suicide runner would have deal more than enough damage to finish you off.

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I've played the game for some time, and I seldom play with friends because of my internet. I also make sure I get the experience of starting anew by using weaker, lower level frames that progress how a new player would. For example, currently I'm using a mid-level ember without a sentinel on, coupled with a variety of mid-level weapons like boltor, fang, dark dagger, Lex, etc.


I also have accompanied some low-level friends on occasion as mostly emergency support or boss support with one of my heavier frames like volt or (go ahead and shoot me) frost. When I play like this the escorted friend is essentially soloing. It's extremely rare that I have to even use a revive on them.


As to running out of ammo, while many people recommend using ammo boxes, if you are running out of ammo on a non-defense mission, you may simply need to readjust strategy or look into equipping ammo mods or re-evaluating your weapon choice. There was a time when I was a follower of the spray n' pray strategy on my gorgon which led to me depleting my ammo easily. I simply added on ammo mods (which are cheap btw), and after a while started firing in bursts, getting essentially the same results. As you said you don't want to use melee weapons, but there is a synergy to warframe that you need to employ. When doing a mission, not only is it economical but it is also fun to switch between primary, secondary, and melee options (ie sniping at the grineer with a lex from far away then switching to a strun when they get closer and mixing in slide attacks between shotgun blasts). That said, it is entirely possible to use just the one weapon, something I often do when trying to level up a weapon. 

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I did solo a lot when I started without trouble (during easter event), now solo leveled a rhino in U9 incl all nightmare missions I could find.

Friend started, hasn't played Warframe before... solo'd Mercury and lost interest because it was boring easy. I told him it gets more interesting later on, so he'll give it another try.


You simply have to realize that the game has a certain difficulty which is part of the game. If you are not good enough, you have to try harder, learn and get better. I guess the World of Warcrafts of today kind of spoiled you. Games are not and should not designed around the player always winning.


Pick missions you still win most of the time and learn better timing, hitting weak spots consistently, when to melee and when to run back for better cover or run ahead, leaving dozens of enemies behind you.


And don't worry, once the PS4 players with their console controllers join the game, there will be an easy mode for them and therefore prolly for everyone.

Stop saying BS. Your hollow words mean nothing unless you've already tried to clean at least Venus with the low-modded MK1-Braton. I assure you, when you'll spent 4th ammo pack on infested mission, you'll cleary change your mind.


I have a little story that may be relative in essence to this thread, you see, yesterday I played an alert mission with some randoms that involved Grineer and hostage rescue. It was low level. After rescuing the hostage, S#&$ got real. This could've been a glitch, but all of a sudden, there were Grineer everywhere. EVERYWHERE. They just kept spawning, I'm not joking, there were dozens of them in the corridors, sometimes they even CLOGGED the passageways and doors with their numbers. It reached a point were we lagging so much because of this "mob overload". Only two of us managed to escape, while me and another guy were pinned under huge mobs of blue potatoes. Ridiculous.


After that I seriously didn't know wether to laugh or be &!$$ed.

Why not just set a limited amount of enemies per map? Or keep the spawning enemies to a minimum, so that everytime I clear a room, move forward a bit, then return to said room I don't have the nasty surprise of finding a huge army waiting for me to drop my pants in fear.

Met this twice on the capture missions, there's only options for us was to rush-running, avoiding the gunifight because there were literally hundred or more enemies in the level. Thank god, i've got fully energy-loaded Excalibure to blind enemies from time to time so it hepls us to survive against the HORDES of elite lancers.

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