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Is Nova Op?


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Err so arguing is what you're here for and not a discussion. The fact that you can't see any "credible responses" doesn't make them any less valuable than your own. Provide sufficient backing... where is YOUR evidence? Again I have no agenda and frankly am not even defending Nova, etc. I have all frames. My discussion was with Seox and I had an issue with his comparison. Why can't that stand?

How are your responses any more credible than mine? I'm a fellow player just like you.

Read through my posts... I'm just telling another player to consider other facets and factors when making a comparison. There is nothing wrong with that.

You also go on to quote only part of what I've written again... :/




In any case, I no longer see any credible arguments in your responses, all you do is say "What would you do".

Considering I've never made a game, I'm not sure, however, I've played enough games to tell if a mechanic feels right or not. Guess what. Her ult don't. For many reasons you've failed to provide sufficient backing to counter, when you've bothered to counter at all.

Actually, I do know what I would do; Bash people who think 


Is a good counter argument. :P

Ok first of all you guys flaming each other aint helping the Discussion.


Eyro, there is 13 pages now. and i know for damn sure you didn't read them all. but i have. there are plenty of credible arguments and a lot of them have testing involved. your only hurting your own argument by bashing the entire tread because you cant take the time to read through and get your facts straight.


Sushidubya, He is baiting you into a unintelligible &!$$ing contest. just stop it and ignore him. clearly he doesn't have even half the info to support his argument. For example: Saying a skill for a game doesn't feel right based on experience in other games when the game clearly sets itself apart as unique is just unintelligent and lets face it, he is grasping at straws. (there is so much evidence and players who actually have her and play her in high level areas like void tier 3 to support the fact she aint no god tier. plus ive recently encountered a stream of players who actually play her badly. once the new frame smell clears the haters will move on to the next thing.)




PS i can put pictures that make no sense too :p


Edited by S3ven0F13
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Every warframe is too OP! we need to be nerf to the level of a Corpus Crewman so that it would be fair to the mobster...I mean 1 cell can beat hundreds if not thousand of highly trained soldier....isn't that too OP? :P


Excalibur is too balance! nerf

Ash is a very good assasin! nerf

Loki is the god of trickery! nerf

Volt is like Thor! nerf

Banshee can burst eardrum! nerf

Rhino can inhale poison and shock waves are nothing to him! nerf

Mag control gravity! too OP! nerf

Trinity is a super doctor! nerf

Ember is like the sun! nerf

Saryn is soooooo toxic! nerf

Vauban is a super trapper! nerf

Nova have boom power! nerf

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is nova OP?




Every warframe is too OP! we need to be nerf to the level of a Corpus Crewman so that it would be fair to the mobster...I mean 1 cell can beat hundreds if not thousand of highly trained soldier....isn't that too OP? :P


Excalibur is too balance! nerf

Ash is a very good assasin! nerf

Loki is the god of trickery! nerf

Volt is like Thor! nerf

Banshee can burst eardrum! nerf

Rhino can inhale poison and shock waves are nothing to him! nerf

Mag control gravity! too OP! nerf

Trinity is a super doctor! nerf

Ember is like the sun! nerf

Saryn is soooooo toxic! nerf

Vauban is a super trapper! nerf

Nova have boom power! nerf




Edited by WhiteNekophus
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First of all let me start by saying this. The term OP is used to irresponsibly in this game its lost all its meaning. people describe almost everything in this game as OP or Under-powered there is no in-between or just right with the warframe community it seems.


With that said, It seems the only people saying Nova is OP, is the people who don't have her. they say she is op cause of her ultimate skill and how flash it looks and the fact it kills virtually all the baddies in Defense...But for the longest time Ive noticed that frames like Vauban, Banshee, Ember, and Saryn could and still can do the same thing.(and yes people cry about them being OP as well.) (Update: Funny thing is the ones who say nova is op are people who play those frames and ult spam to get most kills....haha you mad bro?)


BUT what people don't notice is that when it comes to farming bosses (which is like majority of what people do in this game besides defense.) Nova is the most useless frame in assassin missions. She has no powerful direct damage abilities and in anticipating of the debate; her skill in the one slot doesn't do enough to be viable on tougher bosses.(not even stagger) and her second ability requires a lot of prep. in which case she will be dead before its done.(squishy squishy)


So please DE Don't Nerf Nova, she is situation enough as it is, you get rid of her defense capabilities(which becomes way less capable at wave 30+) you'll break the frame entirely.



Side Note: there are a lot, A LOT of threads saying she is mid-tier. Listen to all of us not just the whiners. (Do we really want another Rhino's iron skin debacle?)


Discuss what you think about the overuse of the OP phrase or perhaps you wanna talk about why you think she is or isent OP.  Please respond and give me your opinion. and be respectful of each others opinions.




very well said, couldn't said anything better myself

she was meant what she is suppose to be, a mage that does tons of damage but lack in defense

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting post, long too.. Good points made by both camps. Here's some opinionated conclusions:

- Ultimate Spamming Annoyance

I think the problem most people seem to have with ultimates is not how they are overpowered but how they are spammed. Especially if they're on a frame which does NOT have an offensive ultimate. And rightfully so: nothing more annoying then to see all of your targets go up in smoke only because Ember or Nova decided to walk by. See them walk away with 300+ kills while you've reanimated them 20 times.

And I know for a fact they don't like it when it happens to them: more then once I've ran behind them rhino-stomping their targets into oblivion, which always results in a "F*** off rhino" comment. So yeah, losing your targets because someone is spamming their uber next to you is annoying to EVERYONE.

Should they be nerfed because of this? I don't think so, but a cool-down period between usage of your uber could help a LOT. But this, in turn, means that higher level defense missions, or survival missions, become increasingly harder.

- kill stealing effect

Another frustration I see/have is when you unload your weapon into a bunch of enemies only to see them go up in (nova)smoke or (ember)flames. Not being sure if these will be counted as YOUR kills or those of Nova/Ember can add to the vitriol, if it turns out they got a decidedly better kill score then you have. But it must be hard for Nyx too, setting off a horde into confusion only to see your teammates take advantage and slaughter the whole lot of them. Or Vauban, seeing your teammates kill the enemies you got in your net..

The problem here is not so much the game mechanics (I think) but the focus on kill score. It's currently one of the only pure scores we have to differentiate from each other. More focus and points on, for instance, kill-assists or team spirit could do wonders in this area.

-In closing

I don't think any single frame is OP. There's too much variables that work against that notion.

I DO think that the current reward/point system does cause a perception of OP-ness. If kill scores are the holy grail of badassness then, yeah, these frames are INCREDIBLY OP. But these frames on solo missions are pathetic, on higher levels they will be dead within seconds. And a dead frame can't spam their uber now can they? As a Rhino I laugh about doing lvl60 solo missions, except for defense or survival missions, at higher levels I'll be dead as a doornail within 5 waves.. Something a properly modded and used Nova will laugh about..

And that's the whole point: we have offensive attack frames, defensive support frames, speedy loot frames etc... A good team is aware and makes use of all these options. But without more focus on points for support and looting these latter frames will always feel they get the short end of the stick. And IMHO rightfully so!

Edited by ComCray
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I enjoy playing Nova.  Nova is fun.  It makes no sense to nerf her, i.e. make her boring.  Games are supposed to be fun.  You don't break the fun content to put it in line with the boring content.  Nerf = Boring.


Warframe needs a lot more content, not nerfs.  Nerfs are not going to create any new content.  Nerfs will not magically transform the game from grind to not grind.  All nerfs will do is make the game boring.

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I enjoy playing Nova.  Nova is fun.  It makes no sense to nerf her, i.e. make her boring.  Games are supposed to be fun.  You don't break the fun content to put it in line with the boring content.  Nerf = Boring.


Warframe needs a lot more content, not nerfs.  Nerfs are not going to create any new content.  Nerfs will not magically transform the game from grind to not grind.  All nerfs will do is make the game boring.

3 words


power creep

your argument is now invalid

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FACT: Most people care about being on top of the leaderboard. As silly as it that might sound for a game like Warframe, its true! Ok now on with my post that devs will pay no attention to.

 You say people who don't have her are saying she is op and I say the people who have her are the one's who think she is fine "a lie". They do not want anyone messing up there easy way of getting kills, they are finally top dog... Do you have a horrible PC and get 20 FPS or worse? Use Nova and press 4. Maybe you are just bad at these types of games, use Nova and press 4. You care about getting most kills and you want to impress everyone, use Nova and press 4 and all of these wishes can be yours with out firing a single shot "I've done it". Mprime needs a smaller radius "its huge".. I watched a guy on Kappa stand in one spot in the 3 rooms and never fired a shot, he only moved to grab energy. He stood there and activated mprime every few seconds. A person can get highest score by doing this? Really Devs is this how you want the game played..  No other frames ult comes even close to mprime so anyone who says so is either a liar or ignorant. Mprime is OP as hell and needs a nerf the day she came out. Her ult ruins games all the time. I'm to the point now if I get into a game and see a Nova I usually disconnect because I know what will happened. All 4 of us will start running through the map and as soon as we get into combat the Nova will mprime and kill everything and the rest of us have nothing to do. It happens all through the map and its boring. End of post I am tired of wasting my time in a thread that's been done many times and no one gives a damn. If the devs want to make a "I WIN" button for the PS4 players then so be it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like almost all ultis on lower lvls on all AoE DMG ultis Nova isnt OP.. clearing waves like Saryn, Volt, Ember, Rhino etc..


After lvl 100 + all ultis have problems, Nova ulti after that lvl is change from DPS to Support others DMG.. did You try Setup - Rhino, Nova, Saryn ? Roar, 4th Nova then 4th Saryn.. clearing 100+ mobs like hell...


Single Warfrmaes isnt OP..


if you playing only on lower lvls its just your problem, on lower lvles Rhino easy can get more kills than nova;/


If we talked about 2nd Nova skill.. so hmm it get big multiple of dmg ... but need time for build it .. need good timing, good weapons and good team..


If we talked about Nyx 4th.. did u know she can kill whole room 100+ mobs using this skill ... NO? So use your brain .. think and try !

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Well, if you consider her "caster" frame then no... but casters tend to be squishy, but her stats are not low enough to reflect that.


So I'd nerf her stats.. make her extreme glass cannon. Something like 125 shield at rank 30.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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