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I think it is ok to split the damage into AoE and pointed damage.
You need to have both. One weapon for the horders, one for the elites.
I see no problem here!

No to buyable changes in the Login system. It is far from it being perfect but excluding this beforehand just because you dont want it, is not the way Warframe should meant to be played in my eyes.

Yes to the player versus players based on rank. I am a poor Conclave fighter but when I try i get oneshotted by those pros with the Syandana of Conclave which means they have tons of hours invested in Conclave. No way to even try here.

I dont get what you want to say with the Simaris targets.

Death Squad rework; Yes

Corrupted Bombards reuseability: Yes, I'd like that too! Make the amount limit with the build requirements.

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 - The corrupted bombard reusable blueprint, I second that.



  - "mastery is useless" is a public opinion and not a fact.

I will hear this everyday that players stop at 13 or 18, well I'm sorry but either of these players is not a good reference to someone asking how a weapon or frame is good or bad, or what are the pros and cons.  your load out is limited and you can only speculate on what you have built and modded.


 - Damage reduction decrease : Why?

End game content starts at 100+ Sortie 3 category.  End game is not an overall preference, even certain veterans don't care about it.  Reducing enemy resistance just makes everything easy for everyone, even the ones who don't understand anything in the game.  if there's no challenge there is no game, tetris 101.


 - Nobody cares about scanning because the codex don't really do anything ut remind you about you already know.  For the unexperienced, codex doesn't mean anything because there is nothing really tied to it if you can just ask someone who knows which mob drops what mod.  you only start caring when theres almost nothing to build and your mastery rank progress bar won't move, that's what happened to me.  they can just introduce a melee mod just like astral autopsy for arch melee.  They can also move drop tables from a website and just integrate it in the codex, posted about this before, don't know if they will think about it.  As for rewards for scanning, well helios is in the game now, theres no point to reward when there a sentinel that does the job.


 - "Login rewards, bring back the ultra rare 50% WITH +30 plat."  

Plat only useable in market, i'll b fine with that, that only.  Only this will require a little more diluting in the cycle.  wether it was for market use or universal, I can already hear sellers complaining about the plat economy and how sales would go down.  Micro currency is "real money" in the game.  just like real money it's earned after a lot of effort, buying it with real money is also real life effort.  RNG, plat earning, farming, nitain, mastery rank cool down are intended to slow you down. whatever you're asking for would be the sam reason you would want to leave the game labeling it as boring and poor.


Now theres a difference between fixing a game and making it more convenient to you.  Fixing is balancing, correcting. you want advantaging.



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