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Can Someone Tell Me How Ammo Scavenger Mods Are Any Good At All?


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Because I don't see a point with these mods. They feel like bona fide noob trap (oxy moron intended) saying you'll get more of the ammo type the mod is titled after. When I first looked at the artifacts, I thought I'd get a boost in the ammo I get per drop. Later I find out that they only increase the drop rate after seeing the ammo drops giving me the exact same amount of ammo I would have had prior to equipping them. After that I figured out that it screws with the RNG and not in a fun way either.

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These are essential when using sniper weapons as they have lower ammo pools and sniper ammo drops less than any other ammo type, the alternative is to carry several ammo packs. I will also use pistol scav if I am  soloing a boss run with pistol only, something I started doing a while back to challenge myself.

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They should all be rolled into one mod.


Ammo Scavenger:  You pick up x% more ammo from any ammo drops.


I reckon at max rank, 100% would be decent enough so that people would have reason to consider using this over any of the other far more useful auras.

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They should all be rolled into one mod.


Ammo Scavenger:  You pick up x% more ammo from any ammo drops.


I reckon at max rank, 100% would be decent enough so that people would have reason to consider using this over any of the other far more useful auras.


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They should all be rolled into one mod.


Ammo Scavenger:  You pick up x% more ammo from any ammo drops.


I reckon at max rank, 100% would be decent enough so that people would have reason to consider using this over any of the other far more useful auras.


Agree that they should be universal. Right now they are basically a selfish mode crutch that players with bad ammo efficiency weapons need to use in the place of something that would actually benefit the whole group.

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