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Critical Chance vs Critical damage

(XBOX)Why Try Pal

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When modding assault rifles, pistols, and Meele weapons which do you prefer? What I've been really questioning is whether higher crit damage and basic crit chance is better than higher crit chance and basic crit damage, obviously it's all limited and you have to choose your mods wisely. I understand the multiplier on crit chance is ^2 over 100% and ^3 over 200% and anything in between rounds up and gives a chance to hit red .. or orange but does this outweigh higher crit damage ?

Edited by (XB1)Why Try Pal
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It really depends honestly. From my experience a steady crit chance outdoes a low crit chance that has a higher multiplier. It depends also on how many bullets and how fast the weapons shoots. A high RoF rifle will perform differently compared to a Bow or a Sniper with the same crit chance. I usually take Argon Scope if point strike is not enough. 

Edited by aligatorno
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In my honest opinion, these 2 are dependent on each other.

If you got high crit chance, yea you will deal crits all day long but what's frustrating will be that you don't have enough damage.

If you got high crit damage, you can deal insane high amount of damage but rip that only happen from time to time.

Hope that helps. It is dependent on each other.

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i think a weapon has to have atleast 25 crit Chance to hit 100%+ after argon scope and point strike.. that being said only a few weapons even get a chance at red crits which are crit dmg ^ 2.. so if you have most weapons below that and you have below 100% which means you'll never orange crit I think the crit dmg will always win right? 

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

i think a weapon has to have atleast 25 crit Chance to hit 100%+ after argon scope and point strike.. that being said only a few weapons even get a chance at red crits which are crit dmg ^ 2.. so if you have most weapons below that and you have below 100% which means you'll never orange crit I think the crit dmg will always win right? 

You don't necessarily have to get to 100% for argon to be usefull. Jumping from 50 to 70 for example helps more than you think. And as I said above, it depends a lot on how the weapon fires. 

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Imho, you have to have a balance of the two to yield useful results. High crit damage without the chance to back it up will result in an inconsistent DPS, whereas high crit chance without the damage will just feel anemic. But then again, the higher your crit chance, especially when getting into orange and red crit territory, your damage multiplier is increasing anyway. If I'm personally modding a weapon and only have capacity for one crit mod, crit chance is going in first.

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3 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

Imho, you have to have a balance of the two to yield useful results. High crit damage without the chance to back it up will result in an inconsistent DPS, whereas high crit chance without the damage will just feel anemic. But then again, the higher your crit chance, especially when getting into orange and red crit territory, your damage multiplier is increasing anyway. If I'm personally modding a weapon and only have capacity for one crit mod, crit chance is going in first.

Even if that crit Chance won't bring you onto the next crit multiplier .. so every 100 or so?

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An arbitrary number of crit damage increase is always mathematically better than the same number of crit chance increase.

Notable moments to consider are critical headshots, the importance of consistency, and already stacked multipliers.

Keeping both in balance is a good idea in general, but if you're going to prefer one over another, critical damage usually is the better choice.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

Even if that crit Chance won't bring you onto the next crit multiplier .. so every 100 or so?

Generally, yes. There are also other ways to buff crit chances besides mods, Smeeta Kavat charm for example. But the others brought up good points in that it also depends greatly on the rate of fire of the weapon. Higher crit chance is almost always better, but you can get away with lower crit chances on higher fire rate weapons.

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If my melee weapon has at least 25% crit chance I won't use the crit chance mod, I'd only use the crit damage one, I preffer to use another elemental. If you use Blood Rush around the 2.5x multiplier you'll get a fair amount of red crits. If the weapon has under 25% crit chance then yeah I'll use both True Steel and Organ Shatter. As for secondaries and primaries, if the weapon is crit viable then I'll use both mods.

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I don't use true steel at all only blood rush / organ shatter for most my builds. And when you say both mods you mean point strike and vital sense ? Or going the extra mile and putting on argon scope ? Or hammershot 

9 minutes ago, Cephalon_Drakon said:

If my melee weapon has at least 25% crit chance I won't use the crit chance mod, I'd only use the crit damage one, I preffer to use another elemental. If you use Blood Rush around the 2.5x multiplier you'll get a fair amount of red crits. If the weapon has under 25% crit chance then yeah I'll use both True Steel and Organ Shatter. As for secondaries and primaries, if the weapon is crit viable then I'll use both mods.


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Generally I would say build to do both, it would be rare where you couldn't fit them in, usually at the expense of 2 elements.  Though on guns you'll usually only have room for 2 elemental damage mods as well as crit chance, crit damage and multishot..

Raising the crit chance isn't wasted if you only gain 2x damage but gaining 3.8x damage at the same time would be better and higher than the gain of 2 x 90% elementals.  

If the base crit chance is low then I'd probably just go for straight out elemental stacking, assuming it also had a low status chance.


Edit: if we're talking about super high stacking of crits through Rivens then I'd have to take all the pros and cons into consideration

Edited by Sabreracer
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Just now, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

I don't use true steel at all only blood rush / organ shatter for most my builds. And when you say both mods you mean point strike and vital sense ? Or going the extra mile and putting on argon scope ? Or hammershot 


Yes point strike and vital sense for primaries and primed pistol gambit and primed target cracker for secondaries. I personally don't use argon scope even though i should in some builds and I only use Hammershot on my Soma Prime since I feel that it really needs that boost in status and the crit damage certainly helps a lot too. But on weapons like the Dread or Paris (crit chance single shot weapons in general) I don't use status chance mods, I just go for raw damage.

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Just now, Cephalon_Drakon said:

Yes point strike and vital sense for primaries and primed pistol gambit and primed target cracker for secondaries. I personally don't use argon scope even though i should in some builds and I only use Hammershot on my Soma Prime since I feel that it really needs that boost in status and the crit damage certainly helps a lot too. But on weapons like the Dread or Paris (crit chance single shot weapons in general) I don't use status chance mods, I just go for raw damage.

I like bladed rounds on soma I think it works well

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