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Zenith + Punchthrough Mod = Alt-Fire Sonar Disk Goes Through Floor


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Title says it all.


Step 1: Equip Shred, Metal Auger, or a Riven with Punchthrough on the Zenith.

Step 2: Be on a stage with thin platforms. (Ceres Factory is an ideal tile set for this, but some rooms in the Corpus Ship were causing problems with this as well).

Step 3: Use alternate-fire to shoot the 'sonar disk' out.

Step 4: Watch the sonar disk fly straight through the floor, for one of the following results:

Result 1: Disk falls into abyss and detonates, pushing you back into machine-gun mode and not marking enemies.

Result 2: Disk activates sonar and semi-auto fire mode, but is SO far down that 0 enemies get marked for the entire duration.

Either way, any sort of punchthrough mod completely ruins the trademark 'sonar' effect of the Zenith on any tile set with thin platforms.


TL/DR: I bought a riven to benefit both fire modes off of another player in advance before getting the gun so it would be ultra special to me, since I worked so hard to get it. Instead it completely ruins alt-fire mode by making sonar-disk nearly useless.

Context: I spent a lot of plat to buy a Riven for the Zenith a few weeks before I was due to get it, off of another player. I wanted to make sure that it the gun would be EXTRA special to me, since I've been dutifully logging in for 500 days to get it! I was so hyped, counting the days until I got it, 8 pm Sunday night.

It has overall damage (good), crit chance (good for semi-auto mode), punchthrough (good for automatic mode), and minus corpus damage... so overall I was super hyped. Now the sonar mode doesn't work at all, because of the alternate fire disk somehow getting punchthrough along the way. That projectile does no damage at all, why does it also get punchthrough?


Note: I am very aware that semi-auto mode has infinite punchthrough, you do not need to remind me. I like putting punchthrough on my automatic machine guns so I can chew through entire crowds, and semi-auto also changes primary damage type from slash to puncture, so it still has uses. Besides, the riven also has two crazy-good stats that make it very good anyways, and it's a positive stat that is causing the problem, not a negative one.

Edited by Yuni_Hermit
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