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Mastery Rank Discrimination


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I seldom encounter any rude high MR players above 20.  I find that the most toxic range between 11 to 19.  I don't know, probably because they're at the point where they think they know better than other people but still have more progression to achieve so they nitpick little things others do that will hinder their progression.  Same with trading, the mid range MR players tends to have the most to gain / lose so they're more rude compared to the novice players not having a clue or high MR players not having to count their pennies...

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I consider myself a veteran player, I am currently at MR 19 with a good majority of my progress based on the free to play model that warframe has, only ever purchasing platinum twice and only to get stuff I would never dream of getting with trading alone.

I am running a clan of my own, and in my experience in playing warframe, the community is fantastic, there is this dash of salt in there though. Now I do judge with multiple factors including MR, but not to spite my fellow tenno but to further help them in their path, as I have walked mine.

MR is a semi reference to how long they've played as well as how much knowledge of the game they have. I use this to recruit members of my clan that would stick to the game rather than go inactive for weeks after basically having the game hit or miss them. I guess the only time I ever get salty is when I ask for a specific role to fill in certain farming methods, say I need a Pilferoid for farming mass amounts of Mutagen/cells/Argon and so on so forth, and I ask what build they got and they end up with a max range and Duration tentacle swarm, here I am trying to explain to them what I need for the squad, and some occasions they leave in a huff taking offense to my strict description of a proper farming hydroid.

Another situation I've been in is crazily enough I've had a person get so "triggered" about having a CP Leech in a bere and in mission he refused to dps halfway through, because of this.

I can't begin to count the amount of absolutely absurd trading partners I've found in the trade chat. Bottom line Warframes community has the occasional salt but some salt in the dish can be a benefit to the taste.

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