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Operation: Quarantine Strike


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Welcome Tenno.

Here in this thread i aim to turn the infested into an interesting race along with the introduction of some new weapons and buffs of the outdated mutalist weapons.

Operation: Quarantine Strike starts with a distress call sent in every frequency saying that "X" relay has been hit by a large scale infestation and survivors ask any ships to help them evacuate.

Inside the relay, the Tenno operatives managed to seal down the docks and create a safe area to replenish supplies for the troopers who came to help. On the liset docks there are ordinary relay guards, grineer mercenaries and corpus merchants all there to profit from the incident along them the player can find Darvo, Baro and some of the syndicate leaders who wanted to stay and fight. The others are controlling the supply and the outer area defense lines.

Once the player picks up the quests he can enter the relay to cleanse the infested only to find out that infested inside the relay formed a new line of mutations and lead by a new boss the Awakened.


New enemies:

Swarm volatiles: These guys work the same way as the volatiles with some minor changes. All of them are armored and when they manage to blow themselves up they create a cloud similar to the swarm mutalist cloud what gives armor to every unit in 10m range.

Charging crawler: The mutated version of the common chargers now have no limbs and instead of attacking the target with claws they just try to hit it at full speed like rollers do.

Charger Alfa: The leader of the pack, this charger increases the damage done by all chargers and grant them elemental resistance. This unit strangely has somekind of shield what activates at every 3rd attack and negates damage. Only one can be active at the time.

Mutalist Taxon: Not everybody managed to survive inside the quarantine area, this sentinel is now controlled by the infestation and attacks the players with an arching beam of electricity.

Kubrow charger: Poor guy, take him out of his misery before he tries to do the same with you. This charger unit uses a leaping attack and can buff the damage of all crawlers or pick them up as additional fire support.

Shred mutalist bursa: It seems like someone here had a bursa in stock. This unit periodically shreds its outer skin to create a puncturing explosion in 5m aoe. While armored this unit loses armor rating for each time it uses the shred attack. Only 2 can be active at the time.

Higher ancient: This thing is not from here, its older than most infested so he was transported here somehow, we must investigate it later. This unit creates a 20m wide cloud of toxic and magnetic anomalies. When he is active all infested loses their ability to use their auras but all of them gain 95% damage reduction and 50% defense against elemental damage. Only one can be active at the time.


The Awakened: The boss of this event the awakened is an operator who give unto the infestation. In the final battle she will be only there in the form of a shadow similar to how the man of wall appeared in the Chains of Harrow. There shes going to command a Mutalist Raptor unit and a Mutalist Jackal unit to destroy the players. 


  • Shadow cloak: while talking to you the area around the awakened becomes darker and turns the mutalist Jackal invisible. In this state the jackal uses close range sweeping claw attacks what are detectable by a swooping sound. To break the invisibility the players have to find the Jackal and attack a dark crystal on his back.
  • Phase shift: When the Jackal would take fatal damage it changes its molecular settings and enters the RIft. In this phase only players on the same rift plane can attack him. The rift breaks immideatly dealing large damage to the Jackal if the players kill the Raptor. The jackal deals 90% less damage while its in the rift.
  • Health Link: Jackal releases a beam what if hits a player it links its health to him. Dealing damage to the Jackal would damage the player and dealing damage to the player would damage Jackal.
  • Irradiating strike: The raptor shoots out beams dealing radiation damage with high status chance and low damage.
  • Shield Crush: The raptor pulls up his shields if hes above a player and tries to crush it. If the player evaded the attack the raptor becomes stunned for 1 sec.
  • Intelligence: The raptor briefly stops fighting and starts to study the players. If he manages to see an ability used for atleast 3 times or in continuation for more than 20 sec he will learn it and use it against the players. Damage and effect powers are equal to 50% of the scanned players damage/effects.


Rewards: During the missions here, the players can help Darvo for getting discount for the updated mutalist weapons and some of the new gear, Baro ki'teer for new fashion items and some of his mutated prime weaponary BP's and the Syndicate leaders for additional points and syndicate specific mutalist gear.


Mutalist Tonkor: The mutalist version of the Tonkor now lobs infectious projectiles dealing viral damage and if someone manages to still reach the player you can finish them off with a swift strike with the bone blade what grow on the barrel. Features high status chance, innate viral damage, a melee like alt attack with puncture and slash damage.

Mutalist Spira: One might think this was born from the castanas because it looks soo similar if we forget about the tentacle apperance, but this weapon in fact mutated from the spira. Throwing these nasties on the enemy deals impact damage and a continues to damage the targets by releasing a small cloud of acid around it. If the player aims good enough hitting a tentacle with another one makes them react agressively dealing high slash damage on the target while the second projectile punches throught the target with increased flight speed. Features corrosive, impact and slash damage, increased magazine size and aoe capability.

Goren: Born from the lost weapons of the Grineer troopers, this Nukor was overtaken by the infestation. Features the same crit chance with x7 crit damage, this weapon releases a simple bolt of concentrated magnetic and radiation damage. Features high base damage, dual elements, 1m punchtrought and changed from beam to projectile.

Mutalist Boar Prime: As Baro escaped the fights he lost some of his stashes. This infested gun now shoots a volley of toxic orbs what bounce off the surfaces but are not affected by gravity. Alternatively the player can shoot out the entire magazine in one single shot but due to the enrgy usage on this firemode the orbs are now heavily affected by gravity. Features high status chance, innate toxin damage and an alternate shot mode.

Mutalist Fang Prime: Another one was caught by the infestation. These blades grow greatly in size they are almost like dual swords now. The infestation created a large resonating bone blade what on slam attacks creates a massive shockwave dealing impact damage and knocking enemies down in a 20m aoe. Slam attack kills increase the damage and crit chance of all slam attacks by 15% for 10 sec, this effect stacks 1 time for each user with the same weapon in the squad. Features: increased damage and range, additional attack effects.

Mutalist Vasto Prime: Its barrel grow in size, its almost like it wanted to change into a sniper. This weapon has pin-point accuracy, high damage and on headshot kills the targets have a chance to become mutalist servants. Each sec a servant loses 0.5% health and appear as a headless variant of the enemy having the same stats as before its death. Only one servant can be active at the time.

And soo on...

This event should be an invasion what gains charges every time we play against the infested in an invasion.

I think this should be enough for now, feel free to discuss the idea add in suggestions or more weapons what should get mutalist versions.

Thanks for reading tenno!

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