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Nano Spores


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Nano spores. Way too much.

People still wouldn't stop picking up nano spores in Eris defense since the motto is "disregard pod, acquire spores."


Well, since they're SPORES, can we use it to grow space plants/mushrooms?
Or a statue of a giant ball of nano spores that breathes or smth.


Seriously, at this rate, I'm gonna hit 1mil nano spores with many other players. WHAT DO I DO?

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I hope we can trade resources in the market soon, if it would be 100 nano spores for 1 plastid, i would still be happy at this rate.

Or DE could introduce more infested weapon that cost about 50k playstids to craft, would be nice to have a way to spend em, and people have way too much credits too.

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So what's the problem exactly ? They don't affect your storage capacity, why does it bother you ?

Guy 1: Kind sir here have some magical beans.

Guy 2: What does it do?

Guy 1: Nothing, but here, have another 300k

Guy 2: But... why?

Guy 1: Here, have another 500k.

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I know your pain, fellow Tenno. But LO! RNGesus has blessed us with a place to avoid this plague! Pluto is a wonderful place, devoid of this disease known as Nanospores. Upon the surface, go to the place known as Palus. There you will be showered in Rubedo, and the T3 Keys you so desire. I hope I have been of some service.

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I hope we can trade resources in the market soon, if it would be 100 nano spores for 1 plastid, i would still be happy at this rate.

Or DE could introduce more infested weapon that cost about 50k playstids to craft, would be nice to have a way to spend em, and people have way too much credits too.


...could introduce more infested weapon that cost about 50k playstids to craft, would be nice to have a way to spend em...



50k playstids


Are you insane?

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