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Can We Please Have Another Method of Obtaining Kuva?


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Thanks for listening [DE]. :satisfied:

"Kuva (6000) has been added to Sortie Rewards."




I have rivens for good weapons that I've been sitting on because I don't enjoy the current method of farming Kuva.

It would be nice if Kuva was added to:

  • Alert loot table.
  • Loot crates on the Kuva Fortress.
  • Whatever planet the Kuva Fortress is near.
  • Sortie rewards.

Just to give us some options.  I'd love to re-roll some of my rivens, but I really don't enjoy anything involving operator mode.

Edited by Tizodd
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All we really need is endless missions with Kuva rewards.

The current method of Kuva farming is unreal boring, repetive and the re-rolling cost is too high, even with boosters.

Some of us re-roll their rivens more that 100+ times. And even with booster it take so much time of repeating 1 boring and unchallenging mission.

I hope DE will change this system into a something more friendly to players.


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Just a few random Kuva clouds here and there in nodes when the fortress is nearby would be better than the siphon approach (e.g., make the fortress itself sort of "draw" kuva forth from the planets it's near). I don't like using the Operator, but I'd pop out of the frame to dash through a cloud i find wandering. 50 Kuva, 100 kuva, whatever. Just a few drifting clouds without the soul-numbing siphon experience. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another method would at least inspire me to try and get Rivens. Right now, I have no incentive to do so, as I know the odds are bad to begin with. When you add that to needing the Operator game play to gather stuff for rerolls...interest killer.

Any method not involving the emo kid would be grand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

while I like the challenge of busting Kuva syphons in general our options for getting Kuva are as follow:

Go to a normal mission whose objective has nothing to do with the Kuva fortress. I found a Kuva syphon on a Corpus ship for some reason, failed because it was my first time soloing Kuva and had to look up how to do it. I don't take issue with my failure but as it stands the Kuva mechanic has nothing to do with missions themselves.


I'd rather see a large Kuva refinery in a void tower or something, this is supposed to be some kind of weird refined void energy that turned the orokin into monsters. As it stands our current method of getting Kuva is mostly just 'maybe there's some special kuva enemies and a miniboss'

we need dedicated enemies that drop Kuva and special mission types that aren't just haphazardly cramming a Kuva syphon into a mission. Gimme an archwing assault on a Kuva transport ship or finding Kuva silos underwater.

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Getting Kuva from alerts, crates in missions, or from Kuva enemies would be nice. I have so many Orvius disks and blades from killing those Kuva guardians... I also think it'd be nice to get Kuva from doing sorties, but not adding Kuva into the sortie rewards. It's bad enough as it is that I keep getting Endo or Anasa sculptures for my sortie rewards, I'd rather get anything else but Kuva that you have to spend on a riven - which we get from sorties as well.

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