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Should warframe be expanded to the switch?


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2 hours ago, TeCoolTenno said:

Okay just wanted to get this out of the way:

so f-ing what if it's a necro (seriously, 1/4 of the earlier comments are 'umg necro ughhh'), someone wants to reply, quit acting like you're some kinda moderator lmfao. An idea isn't instantly bad or outdated simply because it passes some arbitrary time limit. Keep things in one thread so people don't have to go through 30 to get multiple povs on one subject. It's ridiculous, it all probably started when one thread OP in the early 2000s didn't know you could turn off reply notifications and went on a warpath. Now the whole 'necroing is bad' bs is regurgitated by people without even asking themselves why (they just want a reason to feel like a moderator without being told they're being stupid). The no-content, irrelevant comments spamming 'necro' are worse. NECRO HATE EXISTS BECAUSE THE POST CAN BECOME IRRELEVANT DUE TO RECENT CHANGES GUYS, THE SWITCH DIDNT BECOME IRRELEVANT OVER THE PAST SIX MONTHS.


back on topic:

Ports aren't always equal, and the switch is capable of running skyrim (and it did). I'd say warframe CAN be in the switch, but it's currently not a wise decision. On top of all the audience point some people mentioned (and that skyrim is a game that even kids play imo purely due to the fact it's ubiquitous and up there with minecraft), switch players will probably want something they can pause and return to, and progress at a good pace. Warframe requires money, or constant interaction on top of needing internet, which is bad for these 'pause and go' portable devices.

Skyrim is able to run on a potato, Warframe needs many potatoes to work (including orokin reactors). But if it's any consolation, at least Vey Hek can run on a potato


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I think the Switch would probably melt under some of the action. Like, running around a Solo Grineer Exterminate it could probably be a solid 30, but there are parts of the game where mob density and particle effects are so high that they can tax a PC. 

I would prefer Warframe not shackle its potential to the Switch's hardware. 

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Spartan Roks said:

Skyrim is able to run on a potato, Warframe needs many potatoes to work (including orokin reactors). But if it's any consolation, at least Vey Hek can run on a potato


I've ran both on a potato laptop, with a playable (many people complain about it, but screw those people) 20-30 FPS.

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5 hours ago, TeCoolTenno said:

I didn't.

A Tenno's/Warframe's loadout needs at least 4 Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, dubbed "potatoes" by the community, to work semi effectively. If you understood the joke correctly, then why did you say you needed at least a potato laptop to run the game if i'm talking about the actual warframes

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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Spartan Roks said:

A Tenno's/Warframe's loadout needs at least 4 Orokin Reactors/Catalysts, dubbed "potatoes" by the community, to work semi effectively. If you understood the joke correctly, then why did you say you needed at least a potato laptop to run the game if i'm talking about the actual warframes

Because people's jokes tend to reflect certain opinions as well,

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46 minutes ago, TeCoolTenno said:

But is does reflect a certain opinion


You can take it as an attack on your ego or simply as more information, that's your problem

I feel like this conversation is going nowhere...

If I'm to be honest, I'm not offended, but I'm just perplexed.  You're adding information to a joke because it reflects certain viewpoints not expressed by the person who said it... but just exists... Also you said "peoples jokes," and I'm the one who made the joke, so isn't that directed at me? Additionally, shouldn't you be saying that to them, not me?

I'm so confused...

Also I would like to state how exactly does this have anything to do with the switch anymore?

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