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[Idea] Infested-Based Shotgun


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So we all know the chem and bio research labs are very...lacking in their arsenal. A lot of people have already mentioned making an infested based shotgun, I'm sure. Just thought I'd share my idea of one.


Shotgun type: Pump action (not like Strun pump action, but an actual pump action shotgun)


Total Damage: 60 (poison damage) (5x12 pellets)


Pellets: 12


Accuracy: 3.5 (slightly less accurate than the Strun's 4.0)


Magazine size: 7


Fire rate: 1.0 (1 shot per second)


Crit chance: 2.5% (per pellet)


Crit damage: 150%


(pretty standard crit for shotguns)


Reload: 2.6 (between Strun and Hek)


Like other infested weapons, it gets its own DoT on each pellet. I think this DoT should deal 60 damage over a time of 5 seconds, dealing 12 damage each tick + scales with damage and elemental damage mods (all ignore armor, much like the Torid). If it seems low, keep in mind that this is per pellet.


It'd make for a very fun crowd control type shotgun. The wide spread would allow players to hit multiple enemies at a time and would be great for clearing rooms. Especially with Hell's Chamber (26 pellets with a 40% chance for a 27th one).

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i feel concerned about the low damage of each pellet. i realize this is mainly a DoT gun, but the impact damage should also be useful. but with 5dmg pet pellet, higher level enemies will just shrug it off. 


other than that, +1. sounds cool.

Edited by taiiat
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Keep in mind it's poison damage, which ignores armor. Aiming down sights with a shotgun is very underrated and actually really helps your accuracy. 12 pellets and a spread only slightly bigger than a Strun's leads for very good single target damage as well.


But it's open to change, so.

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The DoT seems really strong, 720 base damage over 5 seconds if all pellets hit. I hope you don't plan for this to stack.


If all pellets hit. With an accuracy worse than the Strun, that would be pretty impressive at longer ranges outside of "shoving the barrel down their &#!."


Maybe it could be changed to deal 6 damage a tick over 5 seconds (total of 30 damage, half of the base damage, putting it slightly above the Torid to compensate for the poor accuracy and chance of missing pellets).

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Their should totally be an acid element mod.


Cobra strike(rifle)/widow bite(pistol)/wasp swarm(shotgun)/toxic blow(melee):


-rare mods

-drops more commonly from infested(they are bio hazards after all)


adds 20% 10% extra poison damage over time (3-5 seconds) maxing out at 6 ranks for a total of 120%  60% extra dakka


inherits poison damage from base weapon stats + any plain dmg mod equipped


e.g 100dmg+ 100% dmg =200dmg


       200dmg +10% p.dmg = 220 total dmg


-all poison damage ignores armour but the elemental DOTs do not

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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Cobra strike(rifle)/widow bite(pistol)/wasp swarm(shotgun)/toxic blow(melee):


adds 20% extra poison damage over time (3-5 seconds) maxing out at 6 ranks for a total of 120% extra dakka

i like those names. 


jesus christ. 120% poison damage? sooo, each charge swing is doing to deal like 200-300 (presumably using base damage, not with killing blow) poison damaage? that's ridiculous. way too much. remember, it's armor ignoring. charge swings are too, but they also have a large base. what this means is that you're doubling the damage output of a melee. noooooooooooo.


oh, you said stack plain damage mod. seriously? so, Gram, that's hitting for 500 dmg per charge swing of base damage, not even with the new extra charge damage card - that's 600 poison damage per swing. how is that balanced?

that's more damage than like, all the elemental damages on melee currently existing combined... or pretty close to. 


rather, poison damage should be 60% at most for melee. guns, maybe 80%.


it's a good idea, but your numbers are not even astronomical, they're in a different universe.

Edited by taiiat
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i like those names. 


jesus christ. 120% poison damage? sooo, each charge swing is doing to deal like 200-300 (presumably using base damage, not with killing blow) poison damaage? that's ridiculous. way too much. remember, it's armor ignoring. charge swings are too, but they also have a large base. what this means is that you're doubling the damage output of a melee. noooooooooooo.


oh, you said stack plain damage mod. seriously? so, Gram, that's hitting for 500 dmg per charge swing of base damage, not even with the new extra charge damage card - that's 600 poison damage per swing. how is that balanced?

that's more damage than like, all the elemental damages on melee currently existing combined... or pretty close to. 


rather, poison damage should be 60% at most for melee. guns, maybe 80%.


it's a good idea, but your numbers are not even astronomical, they're in a different universe.

done and dusted. (check the mod post)

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When I saw this thread, I expected Head Crab grenade launchers and locus rifles.


*sigh* i expected more of you guys =3= jk


I want to get infested weapons that project the same weird, strange, out of the ordinary yet organic, puke inducing feel, slobbered with curiosity just like the Mire.


So yea, anyone want a Parasite gun?




A gun that launches a parasite at the enemy. It infects the host and deals significant damage over time.

At different stages of health, the host will behave differently.

At full to 2/3 health, host behaves normally but the shot is stealth.

going bellow the 2/3rd mark the host stops attacking and begins to go crazy. Walking or running around in random patters, even falling off cliffs.

Below 1/3 health, the host begins to attack other enemy or simply attack everything and anything in site (including friend and foe)

Enemies will not react to the infected until the 1/3 mark which is when the infected host will be executed by its allies.

Upon death, the host will mutate or explode and infect near by enemies.

Damage dealt will be normal and elemental mods will effect the Dot and not the impact. Impact damage only affected by Flat damage mods (Hornet Strike or Serration).

Would have similar chamber capacity as snipers (3-7) but ranges of bolt weapons or high recoil (It takes alot to shoot a bug safely)

Fires at an arch like bolt weapons and has visible projectiles smaller than bolts (don't want to have Greneer picking lice)


This is my idea of an infected weapon. Feed back and idea fillers are much apperciated.

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