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Plastids Are Too Damn Rare!


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Plastids. If your in a clan, and actively donate, and craft a lot of things, you probably don't have a lot of these guys. They rarely drop, and drop in very small amounts for the amount they are needed.

For example: To craft the Ogris, Acrid, Supra, and Dera, you need 4750 plastids. Today I spent about two or three hours farming in various spots, and I still haven't even got 200.

Who thinks that DE needs to do something about this?

More Plastids?

Less Plastids required in blueprints?

Plastids drop more frequently?

Feldgrep is a revving lunatic that needs to shut up and spend another week farming?

Thank you Relkin!


Edited by Feldgrep
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They arent rare just everything of clan BPs need it and pretty much they drop like rubedo.... remember when rubedo was literally like gold ?


before the clan weapons i was having like 10k of plastids... now im plastid hungry..


Also the best planets for palstids are Uranus and Saturn in xini/eris you are only going to get spores..

Edited by Dasmir
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They arent rare just everything of clan BPs need it and pretty much they drop like rubedo.... remember when rubedo was literally like gold ?


before the clan weapons i was having like 10k of plastids... now im plastid hungry..

Yeah. Rubedo was easy for me. I go to Pluto, not nasty Lith....

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Good for you guys, because I don't, neither do most of the people in my huge clan. Everybody is complaining about the plastids drop rate other than a few lucky people. I'm not stupid, I know where to farm for plastids, and I'm telling you right now, they're not dropping like they used to. When I can farm the Rubedo I need to build anything in an hour or two, but can't farm enough plastids to finish Ash Systems in two days, something's wrong.

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Maybe it's just RNG, but as I said, I know where to farm for plastids, and I'm not getting any. I'm able to farm for rubedo and alloy plates just fine, but trying the same thing for plastids is resulting in multiple games without a single drop. I have enough polymer bundles to never worry about them again at this point, but plastids might as well be diamonds.

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Generally speaking, defenses are the best way to get resources, but on Saturn/Uranus there is only one defense mission that isn't that asteroid map with no containers. Mobile defense missions are also completely absent.

That said, there's still Pluto and Eris, but after farming these a lot I only ever see alloy/rubedo on Pluto and an nothing but nano spores on Eris.


The drop rate is definitely too low for the amounts that are needed. If it would drop about as often as rubedo it wouldnt be that much of a problem.

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took me about day to farm Plastids for my Rhino Frame, and what i did was i farmed Uranus *Chuckle*...moving on..Uranus Extermination missions, not the best ideas in warframe history but anyway when i killed all the infested/grineer i checked every locker i could find and presto killfesto (killfesto?..)..Plastids ftw..but this is just my idea how to farm plastids and im very positive that there is some faster way (right way to do it)

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