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Darkmatter warframe - [Hecate]

(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako

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Name: placeholder [hecate] 

theme: darkness, calligraphy, spell casting 

Art: Concept frame design 



About the concept


I normally do concept art for users on the forums  but, I will rarely make one myself, this is one ive contemplated a while on 

Ive often thought about having a darkness/darkmatter themed warframe, as we have a few that are about light and shadow, but the way i envisioned it is different , may not be for everyone 

the powers are derived from a mix of magic casting, calligraphy and scientific principles of darkmatter 

Powers 1/2/3


Passive: 1


Dark Avatar

picking up an energy orb has a 25% chance trigger   [dark aura] , which reduces incoming damage  for 15 seconds 

picking up a health orb has a 25% chance to trigger [dark curse]  , slows nearby enemies for 15 seconds 

1:Dark Beam


creates a beam of dark matter released from her helm -location of the darkmater energies spot on helm- 

Damage type is darkmatter -non standard element like novas antimatter- 

  • [can be cast in air/ground ect]
  • Targets are flung into the air and on landing are dealt impact damage 
  • has innate punchthrough 



Hex is a power with  sub-type quiver 

realistically only 4 of these powers would be grafted to the frames kit. 

frame casts by writing with her fingers to create glyphs in the air 

these glyphs are made of darkmater particles bound by void energy 

[these are some suggested hex sub powers]

1: BIND z2RtbMq.png

when cast it detonates above cast zone, binding all enemies within 10 meters to the ground, and causing dark matter DOT ticks for 10s

2: REPELzd9ScY3.png

causes enemies to lose the effect of gravity with 5 meters around her and fly backwards and land on the ground 

3: CHAIN dzRZL0T.png

Binds enemies together in a chain of dark energy, dealing the same damage to all that are bound in the chain equally 


can place 2 instances of gate down. gates link together across space

walk in one gate you appear out the other (vice versa) 


Enemies will be Teleported up to 70m away, Stunned for 5 sec and 50% Slowed for 10 sec after. Tenno using it (has an activation prompt) will have a map come up giving them a 1x Teleport per Portal to anywhere on the map.


5: instability  f95Q0J9.png

creates a  Darkmatter cloud  that Slows/Debuffs Armor and if Enemy are killed in the effected Area they Violently Explode knocking back those around or Implode sucking those around in like "Pull" at Random (50/50).


cast on self or allies ,  triggers if the one affected by this power is Downed

the effect Causes a dark Energy-Form Specter to appear, doing 400% Damage and drawing Aggro Until that Player is Picked Up or Self-Revives.(Can't recast till Original timer resets)




frame claps her hands together and channels her powers to form a protective barrier /invulnerable to projectiles 

affected by range /duration /efficiency 

  • the longer the casting is active the greater the power costs
  • forms a barrier around herself in 10 meter diameter that absorbs projectiles
  • frames sprint speed is halved while active 
  • projectile types that are absorbed grant bonus abilities to her and her allies. buff % is based on absorbed damage 
  • upon decast of the barrier they last 20 seconds for all affected 


  1. bullet based projectiles grant armor bonus  %
  2. beam/plasma weapons grant energy based % 
  3. explosive projectiles grant knockdown resistance % 
  4. bladed projectiles grant slash damage to all attacks 

4:  Crushing Halo


she spins in a circle painting a ring of darkmater with her right hand around her

then triggers the ring to activate after the circle is formed

  • rings create gravitational crushing force within its area 
  • enemies are held to the ground
  • deals impact based finisher damage
  • rings expand at a slow rate, increasing its crushing damage 
  • damage is based on a scale factor of enemies health 
  • enemies are only affected by one ring damage at a time so overlapping them does not increase damage 


Suggestion Box


names& number of those who suggested /helped the concept develop 

1: abbacephas  [passive dark aura ] 

2: graysmog 1 [powers rework] 

3: Runeglyph [powers rework]

as always Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated 

Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
addition tweaks
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One thing Should be Changed is the First Ability "Dark Beam".

  • The One handed thing is Way Too Overplayed, Instead make it come from the Eye, the Split in the Head or the Chest.

Second Change is with "Hex".

  • Chain is almost perfect the way it is.
  • Bind, Repel & Gate are almost not worth it so combine them into one huge Gate and call it "Dark Gate", Enemies will be Teleported up to 70m away, Stunned for 5 sec and 50% Slowed for 10 sec after. Tenno using it (has an activation prompt) will have a map come up giving them a 1x Teleport per Portal to anywhere on the map.
  • New Sub: "Instability" A Darkmatter cloud or Field that Slows/Debuffs Armor and if Enemy are killed in the effected Area they Violently Explode knocking back those around or Implode sucking those around in like "Pull" at Random (50/50).
  • New Sub: "Unbirth" AoE like "Roar" if a Player affected is Downed or Killed the effect Causes an Energy-Form Specter to appear, doing 400% Damage and drawing Aggro Until that Player is Picked Up or Self-Revives.(Can't recast till Original timer resets)

And Third... Shade is a little too much like Nyx's "Absorb"... but i really can't think of anything to Hone it's Aspects.

Fourth one is Perfect.

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10 hours ago, Runeglyph said:

One thing Should be Changed is the First Ability "Dark Beam".

  • The One handed thing is Way Too Overplayed, Instead make it come from the Eye, the Split in the Head or the Chest.

Second Change is with "Hex".

  • Chain is almost perfect the way it is.
  • Bind, Repel & Gate are almost not worth it so combine them into one huge Gate and call it "Dark Gate", Enemies will be Teleported up to 70m away, Stunned for 5 sec and 50% Slowed for 10 sec after. Tenno using it (has an activation prompt) will have a map come up giving them a 1x Teleport per Portal to anywhere on the map.
  • New Sub: "Instability" A Darkmatter cloud or Field that Slows/Debuffs Armor and if Enemy are killed in the effected Area they Violently Explode knocking back those around or Implode sucking those around in like "Pull" at Random (50/50).
  • New Sub: "Unbirth" AoE like "Roar" if a Player affected is Downed or Killed the effect Causes an Energy-Form Specter to appear, doing 400% Damage and drawing Aggro Until that Player is Picked Up or Self-Revives.(Can't recast till Original timer resets)

And Third... Shade is a little too much like Nyx's "Absorb"... but i really can't think of anything to Hone it's Aspects.

Fourth one is Perfect.

thanks, ill factor them in 

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2 hours ago, Runeglyph said:

Why did you keep the outdated Subs of Bind, Repel and the info for the first draft of Gate?

Just my Opinion, but to avoid confusion of someone thinking there's 6 Subs on 1 frame.

they are just concepts for the frame. not really implemented so i dont see why not keep them for the record , these are just sugegsted powers for hex. and like ivara and vauban not every power in their quiver is necessarily used 

your gate concept is a little hard to implement code wise also. 


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