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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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I think DE made the right call on Frost Prime. They shouldn't have lied about it, but they did need to make it available. Exclusive items (other than cosmetics) are just asking for trouble.


 They didn't lie. The issue was on the fence all the way up until they released Void content. This is the feeling I got from it looking back.


 It was exclusive - at first - but when it came time to put the big guy into action they made the call to switch.



 Honestly I think it is pretty lame for people to be angry they made a Prime freely available. I'm in the same boat as you - it was smart to change their minds.

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I think that Primed Chamber should be an exclusive to the top 100 of the event. Let's face it guys, they tried really hard for it and they deserve something unique. I've done around 100 kills on the event so why would I have a chance to get it? At least, it's too soon to make it public imo since if I was in those top 100 I'd be really mad that everyone could get it now.

If by trying really hard, you mean to sit on your &#! farming balloons for the enitre weekend, probably exploiting spawns and letting multiple people play on one account, then it might make a bit of sense.

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I agree (I was saying some didn't sleep, or they did abuse bugs)



Like abusing bugs? Boy is that hard compared to doing it fairly...

As for "hard work" Would killing 100 balloons be considered hard? would 250? Why should people who killed that many get nothing? Or did only the top 100 work hard?


Or as the guy above me said:

If by trying really hard, you mean to sit on your &#! farming balloons for the enitre weekend, probably exploiting spawns and letting multiple people play on one account, then it might make a bit of sense.

If it's not hard work, why didn't you do it? Why don't you have the mod and those people do?

What you consider hard work is irrelevant. If it's time consuming, if it's difficult, if it requires insane parkour skills and maxed stamina mods, if it requires kills done by an unranked skana, if it requires one shot kills, all of those are possible requirements for anything, if you meet these requirements and you exceed them, it's hard work.

This event happened to require people to kill a large number of not-particularly-challenging-mobs, and the longer you did it, the higher your chance to win an EXTRA reward.

As Blatantfool has confirmed, and me and several other people said in the previous pages.

DE will certainly make the mod more accessible in future events considering all the feedback, they probably won't be top 100, maybe top 1000, or Reward A requires X something, Reward B requires X times 5 something, Reward B being Primed Chamber.

Stabilished facts:

- A good number of people are unsatisfied with the top 100 mechanic.

- A good number of people wish DE was more clear with event/event exclusive and gave that information more clearly.


- Exclusive items are a bad idea.

- Event rewards should be cosmetic.

- Charged Chamber isn't strong enough on it's own.


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A tier system has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage would be that u will always know what reward u will get. For example a problem with the current system is that someone who killed 2005 informers gets the same reward as someone who killed 20.

A disadvantage would be that there will be no leaderboard, because there is no reason to kill more once u have enough kills to get every reward.


But in the end it doesn't solve the problem Namacyst has, because only a minority will get the most desired rewards. Charged Chamber is the second most useless mod and Prime Chamber is currently extremely exclusive.

They could make one Leaderboard for every Tier (or atleast the Top 3 or Top 5 highest Tiers).


It would be like the Leaderboard we have now just counting kills and when you reached the maximum kills for your Tier you are put in the next leaderboard and when you completed the kills for the last Tier you will be put in the open end Leaderboard that lasts as long as the Event with a countdown.. and THEN you can hand out Special rewards for the Top 100 of that Leaderboard. This way you can see if there is something fishy going on, how many kills someone makes in an hour, how the differences in kills are and you can see if you would reach Top 100 or not so you can stop and do something else KNOWING that you will forfeit the reward.

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- Exclusive items are a bad idea.

- Event rewards should be cosmetic.

- Charged Chamber isn't strong enough on it's own.


I disagree with 1, and 2. Event rewards that are EXCLUSIVE should be cosmetic (i.e. snipetron vandal which is a direct upgrade to the other snipers), 3. charged chamber is VERY weak, 40% more damage on the first shot, for 9 mod points. That's underpowered. 5., I disgaree, were some? sure, but my guess is no one will want to admit that they did.


A tier system has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage would be that u will always know what reward u will get. For example a problem with the current system is that someone who killed 2005 informers gets the same reward as someone who killed 20.

A disadvantage would be that there will be no leaderboard, because there is no reason to kill more once u have enough kills to get every reward.


But in the end it doesn't solve the problem Namacyst has, because only a minority will get the most desired rewards. Charged Chamber is the second most useless mod and Prime Chamber is currently extremely exclusive.

A tier system is better than the top X getting a reward. And clearly you're missing what I mean. Constantly. There should be different rewards for getting (i.e.) 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 kills, not just 20 kills reward = 2000 kills reward. 2000 kills gets all the previous rewards too, in addition to whatever the special reward is for getting 2k kills.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Those weren't my opinions, just a summed up version of this thread so far, but, okay. Sure.
Tiered rewards are an excellent idea. And they don't necessarily need to create new content for those. I see many people wanting certain rare mods, Focus, Flow, Hell's Chamber.

Make some reward tiers where people who meet X and Y milestones get X mod or random rare mod minus ability mods, etc.
If there was a 0.00001% chance to get master thief for every 20 informers I killed, I'd have been one of the top 100.

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The major thing that bothers me is that exploiters were rewarded.To me it undermines all the hard work the legit players did. I do however understand that it would be very difficult/ impossible for DE to weed them out.


I think rather than a 'top 100' reward incentive next time the best available awards should be achievable via total of kills/ objectives count which is CLEARLY DISPLAYED. That way people will be able to fully place the results on themselves rather than blame DE or other players. These leader board challenges are always going to breed negativity and spark controversy, so why do them at all?


It isnt 'healthy competition' because some participants are unable to complete the requirements due to there lifestyles (this is almost impossible to do with 'leader board rewards' however, so its not an reasonable expectation)


Some player absolutely love this game however they are unable to play as much as others because they have other commitments. Why should these fans be punished? How is that fair?

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I request to double the % on the Charged Chamber to close the gap between charged (40%) and primed (100%) chamber.


Since you won't give us the Primed Chamber as a rare drop to be farmed and rather let us hang with statements like "I imagine it will appear again in future events" which either means we have to wait weeks or months for the next Event where Primed Chamber will be another reward for the Top X player in a Leaderboard where exploiters will still win over the legit crowd or that the mod may never return at all atleast give us something comparable and not a joke like 40% charge chamber.


Buff it to 20% base (+per level) so it caps at 80% for 9 Energy. That's only fair and comparable to Primed chamber which caps at 100% for 7 Energy. The 100 that "earned" their mod still have something special and better and the rest of the community won't make new threads about this on a weekly basis.


If you leave charged chamber as useless as it is right now you may aswell delete it because noone will waste a mod slot for it..and when you know there is actually 100 good versions of that mod out there it just makes you sad.. and believe me... it's not only 100 people that are sad about it.


Buff charged Chamber or give us Primed!

Smells like a bunch of butthurt. 


Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. 

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Smells like a bunch of butthurt. 


Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. 


 Right. Because this attitude is likely to contribute constructive Feedback. Congratulations - you sure showed him. Now you're a hero.



 Wait...No. What I mean to say is quit that.

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He's just sad that he couldn't get in the top 100. 

Or he's disappointed that a mod, you know one of the vital tools of this game's customization mechanic. The primary thing this game has going for it, was restricted to 100 players out of two million who played that day. The majority of which never even stood a chance at getting the mod. Many of the people who did get the mod deride its usefulness and say it sucks. Why should people who don't even want it, get it, while people who do get the shaft?


This is further compounded by DE tossing the masses an objectively worse version of the mod that actually stacks with the original. So now there's a chunk of gameplay some people might never get to see. I can't think of many, if any, games that did anything like this because it's a bad thing to do. Hell, even WoW has the famous one-per-server mount obtained through a really cool event. Lots of people were disappointed they didn't get it but not many people got this upset because it was a purely cosmetic thing with no impact on gameplay. New servers can't get that item at all just to make it even more exclusive, but still most people aren't that fussed because it's cosmetic and has no bearing on gameplay.

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Yeah well, Primed Chamber is hardly a 'Vital tool of the game's customization'.

All bout that damage bro. I'm gunna use my Primed chamber and charged chamber so see some crazy high numbers with my Lanka, or snipetron valdal on that first shot :)

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All bout that damage bro. I'm gunna use my Primed chamber and charged chamber so see some crazy high numbers with my Lanka, or snipetron valdal on that first shot :)

I understand you... sometimes it is really hard to read alot... and even more reading further than just the initial post of a thread. But don't worry, the headache will go away someday...and maybe.. just maybe you will understand what this thread is all about, too. Wouldn't that be Great? I just can say that i am not offended by you or your thoughtfull posts in any way. No no *pats head* You enjoy your mod.. you really deserve it.

Edited by Namacyst
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I understand you... sometimes it is really hard to read alot... and even more reading further than just the initial post of a thread. But don't worry, the headache will go away someday...and maybe.. just maybe you will understand what this thread is all about, too. Wouldn't that be Great? I just can say that i am not offended by you or your thoughtfull posts in any way. No no *pats head* You enjoy your mod.. you really deserve it.

Na you don't understand me one bit. I just felt like being a $&*^ because I got the card. 


I totally get that you want charged chamber to be buffed. I'm also kinda disappointed that Primed chamber was the reward but hell, it's cool that I can say that i'm number 66 on the leaderboard and have a mod that more than 3 million people don't have. 

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Na you don't understand me one bit. I just felt like being a $&*^ because I got the card. 


I totally get that you want charged chamber to be buffed. I'm also kinda disappointed that Primed chamber was the reward but hell, it's cool that I can say that i'm number 66 on the leaderboard and have a mod that more than 3 million people don't have. 

Yes, it's cool if you only look at the fact that you are Rank 66.. but when you add Event-facts like possible exploiting (which you would never do of course), misinformation, random ending of the event, lack of feedback, amount of mod-rewards handed out and worst of all.. requirements to be able to get that mod... it's not that cool after all for everyone else but you. That's why this Thread and all the many others exist.


The Event was crap, the majority agrees on that and handing out a mod that gives alot of power instead of something visual is arguably hard to accept.


If you want to be a $&*^ that's fine with me, i remember your name and treat you accordingly but that still doesn't change the fact that how this all went is a problem that won't go away just by making comments about how self-entitled, greedy and jelous we all are.


We and i made valid statements and suggestions why and how Charged Chamber could and should be buffed.. which was my main intend as a Topic in the first place.. but people seem to like it more if they *@##$ about Primed Chamber. I actually can accept that it is Event exclusive as long as DE does not try to shove some S#&$ty wannabe Primed chamber down our throat that's not even worth a mod slot with it's stats. As i said before.. when Charged Chamber gets 80% noone will care about the Primed Chamber mistake anymore.

Edited by Namacyst
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All mods are. arbitrarily locking away mods is just lame. I'm sure people wouldn't feel the same if the next "trophy mod" was a better version of something people used more often.

+1, what if the next mod is a better split chamber? or serration? Or what if it's a better AP mod for pistols?

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+1, what if the next mod is a better split chamber? or serration? Or what if it's a better AP mod for pistols?

Or a thunderbolt that doesn't suck. Maybe penetration for less points that lets you actually shoot clean through dudes. They would, of course, also stack with the originals. Sure not everyone would use them, but a lot of people who would, wouldn't be able to.

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Or a thunderbolt that doesn't suck. Maybe penetration for less points that lets you actually shoot clean through dudes. They would, of course, also stack with the originals. Sure not everyone would use them, but a lot of people who would, wouldn't be able to.

Exactly. It's not so much that the mod is OP and amazing (although I would love to use it on my vandaltron, even though people seem to dislike the mod) It's more of the principle. Why should an exclusive WAY better than one everyone can get (it could be balanced by both giving +100%, but primed only costing say, 7 mod points to the 9 of charged...)?


What if DE does this again, but with a "good" mod (or one that has the potential to be good, like puncture mods)? And again, they didn't communicate that this would be exclusive in some way (which is fine, exclusive are fine, and fun. They're a reminder of an event, or some bling to show off later), just like with frost prime (however FP was a good move to be available to all), they communicated AFTER the change was released and everyone found out.


Those are the main problems I have with it.

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key words, event exclusive. It WILL appear, but probably only in events (according to what DErebbeca said "I imagine it will appear again in future events.".)


 So then play events. You'd have to get it eventually.


 No harm in the mean time - the mod really isn't all that great. This isn't some super OP card that warps the Meta.

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 So then play events. You'd have to get it eventually.


 No harm in the mean time - the mod really isn't all that great. This isn't some super OP card that warps the Meta.

Depends on how they bring it back and when. If they do another subpar event (again) and it has a top X%/# with the mod being reward, it has the same problems.


"No harm in the mean time - the mod really isn't all that great. This isn't some super OP card that warps the Meta."


Gonna have to disagree, mods are mods and shouldn't be exclusive at all (unless they are simply another mod with a shiny effect)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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