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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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Depends on how they bring it back and when. If they do another subpar event (again) and it has a top X%/# with the mod being reward, it has the same problems.


They already seem to be aware of the problem. DE has shown that they'll fix problems that keep coming up on the forums as soon as they can, which is mostly in at most a few weeks.

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Depends on how they bring it back and when. If they do another subpar event (again) and it has a top X%/# with the mod being reward, it has the same problems.


 I'd bet they know by now the Community would prefer practically anything to the Top 100 thing. 

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They already seem to be aware of the problem. DE has shown that they'll fix problems that keep coming up on the forums as soon as they can, which is mostly in at most a few weeks.


 I'd bet they know by now the Community would prefer practically anything to the Top 100 thing. 

Hopefully. (and hopefully they don't go for a "well, let's try a top X%" mentality, and they don't have the best track record.)

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Depends on how they bring it back and when. If they do another subpar event (again) and it has a top X%/# with the mod being reward, it has the same problems.


"No harm in the mean time - the mod really isn't all that great. This isn't some super OP card that warps the Meta."


Gonna have to disagree, mods are mods and shouldn't be exclusive at all (unless they are simply another mod with a shiny effect)

so the people who ate away their weekend shouldnt get anything for being top 100??




this topic is silly and should be locked


feel good attitude of everyone should get a start for participating is annoying


ive spend a load of time and effort making my dojo and yet im not going to deny those who got the statue because they put more effort into the event then me, just quit griping and do better next time

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so the people who ate away their weekend shouldnt get anything for being top 100??




this topic is silly and should be locked


feel good attitude of everyone should get a start for participating is annoying


ive spend a load of time and effort making my dojo and yet im not going to deny those who got the statue because they put more effort into the event then me, just quit griping and do better next time

Reading is hard huh? No, they should get EARLY access to it, or a nice cosmetic. As I've said like 50 times it feels like. Also, so what about your dojo? what's it gotta do with the statue?

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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He ain't crying over spilt milk is what he's on about. Unlike the lot that has been up in arms for a reward they feel entitled too.

The statue is cosmetic and has no effect on gameplay. Unlike the mod. It's like comparing apples to oranges. They may both be limited item rewards but comparing an exclusive item that actually impacts gameplay to a purely cosmetic thing that does nothing is absolutely silly.

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Impacts gameplay? It's a mod. There's other mods out there. Honestly, you got a snipetron vandal (when fully modded, is an ANTI-MATERIAL RIFLE!) and your UPSET over the fact that you didn't get the cherry with your freakin' cake. THAT is a textbook example of silly right there. Or greedy. Or possibly fat if you got that cake with a diet coke 'to watch your shape'.

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Impacts gameplay? It's a mod. There's other mods out there. Honestly, you got a snipetron vandal (when fully modded, is an ANTI-MATERIAL RIFLE!) and your UPSET over the fact that you didn't get the cherry with your freakin' cake. THAT is a textbook example of silly right there. Or greedy. Or possibly fat if you got that cake with a diet coke 'to watch your shape'.

I'd rather the vandal have been the "top 100" prize than the mod, actually. Its easier to compensate for a different gun then it is to compensate for an entire mod missing. With forma and reactors its pretty easy to make up for damage differences and such with guns, unless you're min-maxing the variants between a snipetron or a snipetron vandal won't matter a whole lot. Hell there's even still the vulkar and lanka out there. Not to mention the likelyhood of DE just flat out making a better sniper sometime down the road. At best we have charged chamber right now, which still doesn't compensate much since primed chamber stacks with charged chamber so those who missed out on primed chamber are still missing out on something, we didn't just get an inferior copy, we lost out on an entire mod. "It's a mod" you say, but mods are the entire core of this game and I sure as hell would like to stack primed and charged chamber amongst other things and play bolt-action style, with or without a snipetron vandal.


But you keep on up with the personal attacks, it certainly helps your argument :).

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All this fuss over one mod which they gave an alternate version for :/


I really don't see the big deal I doubt DE would give anything too game breaking such as a serration or redirection mod improved away to top 100s...


As for this mod it's basically a trophy that does a little something extra similiar to the olympics


Theres the bronze medal

the silver medal which in our case is equal in value to the snipetron vandal

and then theres the gold medal which in our case is this primed chamber mod


Gold medals are not much different from silver medals in the olympics but they have more gold in them meaning they're worth more, if everyone got a shiny silver medal what's the point of there being any competetion?

You guys really need to get over it because shooting 1 gold bullet and then 6 bronze bullets while the other person beside me shoots a silver one and then 6 bronze bullets isn't going to make much difference.


and before someone responds telling me to "go back and read" I have a life and don't have time to be reading 161 messages many of which are walls of text, so I skimmed them, if you have a problem with that then don't respond to me

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I did not have 30 hours to spend killing informers.

I had a fourth of july to spend with a family. I got my 20 kills and left.


But, because I have a life, I cannot get this exclusive mod that changes gameplay?

I'd argue because you have a life you really shouldn't care this much. 


Mod isn't even that good, you're stuck reloading to get the effect out of it which makes your firerate incredibly slower. You have to use a mod slot for it which impacts your overall damage. It's impractical for any situation beyond a specific defence missions that funnel the enemies, and even then it'd only be for the first few waves. It might be useful for solo play.

Edited by HailCreation
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It's a mod that gives doubles the damage of your first shot so.... Yeah I'm sure there isn't a mod that does that already on every shot. Oh wait, serration already does that, and split chamber too, add on charged chamber and yeah you already get the point. One mod isn't gonna suddenly turn the rest to trash.

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and before someone responds telling me to "go back and read" I have a life and don't have time to be reading 161 messages many of which are walls of text, so I skimmed them, if you have a problem with that then don't respond to me

Why respond to a topic if you're not going to bother reading it at all?

Regardless you're just saying the same things people do in every topic like this and the response is always the same: Gold medals are still just cosmetic, a gold medal does not give a runner more running speed IRL. DE should have stuck to a cosmetic reward instead of a mod.



It's a mod that gives doubles the damage of your first shot so.... Yeah I'm sure there isn't a mod that does that already on every shot. Oh wait, serration already does that, and split chamber too, add on charged chamber and yeah you already get the point. One mod isn't gonna suddenly turn the rest to trash.

Yeah one that stacks with the rest and with charged chamber...man how cool it'd be if the rest of the community could get that! You know, the other two million+ people who played that day. 100 is an abysmally tiny fraction.

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And devalue what that 100 worked to actually receive. That's like going to a gold medalist and telling him to share his medal with the rest of competition because they're sore about getting a participation trophy.

Maybe a large amount of the player base can earn it in the next event, and DE will release another exclusive for the top 100. If so, I'll be sure to get my participation trophy and wait for the exclusives to come out in the event after that.

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Why respond to a topic if you're not going to bother reading it at all?

Regardless you're just saying the same things people do in every topic like this and the response is always the same: Gold medals are still just cosmetic, a gold medal does not give a runner more running speed IRL. DE should have stuck to a cosmetic reward instead of a mod.

I'm sorry I didn't know that I couldn't share my opinion like everyone else was without having to read a book before doing so...


As for the second part gold medals are not just cosmetic as I stated before they're worth in cash value slightly more you should go read up on that since you like to read so much.


As for the primed chamber there have been many exclusive items in this game braton vandal, lato vandal, and now snipetron vandal there will be many more to come especially after the founder program ends, each of these things has better stats then it's previous counterpart. There were a lot of similiar threads in the past begging for the braton vandal but DE told people no and that was that, here we have another instance where people are crying that they want what that other guy has because he can kill slightly faster and I'm hoping that DE once again puts their foot down and keeps it exclusive to events. If you want it so bad just win it in the next event. The price of success is hard work.

Edited by Hazmatzone
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What people were aiming to get from the event is irrelevant. The event video, the event dialogue, the event thread talked about a supply of weapons where players could get the Snipetron again, which's something people had been complaining about for a while.

I misunderstood nothing, the way you phrased things just bothers me, because you state your opinion as fact and/or quote irrelevant things to "boost" your point. Your entire argument is a logical fallacy.

I'm not against a buff to Charged Chamber, the reasoning and arguments YOU have for the buff, however, including saying the event was unfair are just pure crap.

The only argument anyone should have for a buff to Charged Chamber is that it is not worth the mod points for the buff it gives. IN COMPARISON TO NOTHING. Just on it's own.

However, that is also an opinion, mathematically, a 40% buff to a 4-shotter like the regular Snipetron, or other guns, like the Lex, Hek, Snipetron Vandal, Latron, etc, means the difference between one-shotting a heavy and then finishing out the rest of the squad. (regardless of some weapons I mentioned not being eligible for the mod)

It's not a mod meant to increase DPS, it's a mod made to make one shotting/bringing down tougher enemies faster in a single clip. You have your 6 shots on the Vandal, a grineer napalm and his goons are coming, you reload, take out the Napalm with the first shot and then the goons with regular shots.

You could have the same argument about Puncture mods, there's a whole giant thread dedicated to Puncture mods, which I support buffing. Yet I still use Metal Auger on my Snipetron Vandal, because puncturing one and sometimes two grineers, for a double or triple kill is worth it to me. Regardless of mathematically having a lower DPS, I like it, and I want to use it.

You like the mod, but don't want to use it. Instead of aiming for the event version and making a thread with suggestions for DE on how to make Primed Chamber more accessible since it WAS NOT the main reward of the previous event, you made a thread to complain about the teaser version they added, (teaser. version. as in, it's supposed to tease you into getting the complete thing) and cussed about everyone who got the reward being a no-lifer or exploiter and how it wasn't fair.

EDIT: As Blatantfool just said above, I'm sure DE will make Primed Chamber more accessible in future events.


Just a quick question why have the event items be the real versions?

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Just a quick question why have the event items be the real versions?

If I was sent a life sized snipetron vandal I would probably react like a 5 year old on Christmas Day. Except without the immediate playing with a sniper rifle bit.

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And devalue what that 100 worked to actually receive. That's like going to a gold medalist and telling him to share his medal with the rest of competition because they're sore about getting a participation trophy.

Or you know, DE could give the top 100 something else and release the primed chamber to the masses. They should have done the same thing with frost prime to make up for that bungle.

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A tier system is better than the top X getting a reward. And clearly you're missing what I mean. Constantly. There should be different rewards for getting (i.e.) 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 kills, not just 20 kills reward = 2000 kills reward. 2000 kills gets all the previous rewards too, in addition to whatever the special reward is for getting 2k kills.

So u propose a tier system for more rewards overall? How does that solve the accessibility problem of the Primed Chamber?

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So u propose a tier system for more rewards overall? How does that solve the accessibility problem of the Primed Chamber?


  A tier system means that one player meeting the challenge doesn't take away from your ability to meet the challenge too.


 It is a shift in the way things are handled - it goes from "Only the top X amount of killers get it! Anyone past that is boned!" to being "Everyone who is badass enough to reach X points gets it! Meet the challenge Tenno!"



 As an example - rewind in your head back to the Informer Event. If it used a Tiered reward system instead then players would have needed 20 kills for Vandaltron and lets say 250 kills for the Primed Chamber. Instead of 100 players out of thousands getting the Primed Chamber card it would have been anyone who was willing to kill that many Informers to reach that second Tier of rewards. 




 Now lets consider this for the future - say you had only enough time to get the Vandaltron in the event - No big deal. You're safe knowing that as long as Future Events share the Tiered reward system you'll simply have to put your all into the next event and everything will be cool. You can snag it next time.

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Blatant i understand what a tier system is and how it works. Yes it makes mod like the Primed Chamber more accessible if u need for example 250 kills for it. But then it makes a top 100 list redundant, because there is no incentive to go past a certain point. And that would take the competitive aspect out of the event. If the bar is set much higher like for example 2000 the mod would be still inaccessible for people who don't have enough time.

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