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1 hour ago, Somi_xD said:

I would rather put the "overdrive" into the Death Blur augment, in my opinion it would fit more and the basic teleport wouldn't be overloaded with a mini-BS.

It actually isn't. You need to activate Overdrive on purpose. The idea is for the ability to have all the basic functionality by default, and augments just doing what the word Augment implies.

1 hour ago, Somi_xD said:

The point is, if you want to consider as many builds as possible, you also need to consider max efficiency builds or cheesy builds etc.

Not really. For you see: Max Efficiency is broken, because Power Efficiency has exponential gains while the other 3 stat have linear gains. See here:




1 hour ago, Somi_xD said:

Ah, ok - the problem i saw is, that you can make perfect storm a much to easy to spam nuke ability.

But notice the wording "Canceling the ability will cause Ash to dissapear and strike all enemies in a 20m radius (LoS check) slashing them 3 times dealing Finisher damage (does not apply finisher multipliers) , then returning to his position. Mutually exclusive with Rising Storm"

Perfect Storm deals the equivalent of 3 regular BS attacks as Finisher damage, so it's like hitting all enemies in 20m radius with 3 basic attacks, only instead of Slash it's Finisher. It is way weaker than Overdrive Blade Storm. It is designed to be spammed, at the cost of reduced power, or as a last "scr*w you" if you are running on duration builds.

1 hour ago, Somi_xD said:

That's right, this could be a good change for every warframe, i think there will be more augments in the future so this shouldn't be the problem.

Also DE should "fix" Augments that players in general deem useless, like Pool of Life. Basically give every frame 2 augments for each ability, but both being good and roughly equally powerful.

1 hour ago, Somi_xD said:

The thing is, i am not talking purely about the suggestion i posted - i have much more up my sleeve :P (i have a block full of ideas, i did over the years since i started to play Warframe (with the open beta start) :'D

But i don't had that much to add, because you already hit many points i have in similar ways :)

We think alike. I think you should add your ideas to your rework thread. You can add any of the ideas here and mold them to your vision too. As I said, this was constructed with feedback from other players, so it's the right thing to do to share among us the best ideas, we have the same goal after all: make Ash the best he can be.

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9 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

It actually isn't. You need to activate Overdrive on purpose. The idea is for the ability to have all the basic functionality by default, and augments just doing what the word Augment implies.

The point is, it would be pretty easy to sit somewhere, aim across the map to mark as many enemies as possbile in those 7 seconds (i suggested to set the duration for a mark to 5 seconds).
And then hold teleport for the one second to trigger, and you have basically the current Bladestorm.
I am not a fan of the overdrive idea, i would rather see it as an Augment, because that is what an augment would be, an extension of the Teleport ability.
But turning his third ability into a nuke shouldn't be done in such a way.
It is a transport ability with the assassination aspect, turning it into a small CC with the Execution augment is a good idea, teleport needs a small CC, because without invisibility teleport can turn easy into your death.

With the Death Blur augment idea, you can turn it into a fast-paced assassination tool.. and in combination with Bladestrom it turns into a nuke/semi-nuke

What i want to say, the diversity is there without the overdrive

10 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

Not really. For you see: Max Efficiency is broken, because Power Efficiency has exponential gains while the other 3 stat have linear gains. See here

The difference obvious, but in combianation with adapting the numbers and setting a cap/limit to it - in the end it is practially the same.

Your point was to make efficiency look like this:

Efficiency = Cost Reduction

+25% = -20%
+50% = -33%
+100% = -50%
+200% = -66%
+300% = -75%

In the end they will set the cap at 300% efficiency - it is the same thing. The difference would just be that they would change the efficiency numbers of the mods, so max efficiency .
The Cost reduction in your efficiency table you posted, is our current Efficiency.

Let's take your numbers:
The current Streamline rank 3 = 20% would be equal to your 25%
Fleeting expertise rank 4 = 50% would be equal to your 100%

My point is - it would change nothing.

11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

But notice the wording "Canceling the ability will cause Ash to dissapear and strike all enemies in a 20m radius (LoS check) slashing them 3 times dealing Finisher damage (does not apply finisher multipliers) , then returning to his position. Mutually exclusive with Rising Storm"

Perfect Storm deals the equivalent of 3 regular BS attacks as Finisher damage, so it's like hitting all enemies in 20m radius with 3 basic attacks, only instead of Slash it's Finisher. It is way weaker than Overdrive Blade Storm. It is designed to be spammed, at the cost of reduced power, or as a last "scr*w you" if you are running on duration builds.

And still, people would just go, pimp ability strength and constantly activate and cancel it.
With the variant i made, and now knowing your intention behind it.
- 30 seconds duration for bladestorm, you stock up the time by killing enemies.
- with max. negative duration you can make it a strenght build and make it kill enemies every 3-4 seconds in a radius of it every time you run out - kill 2 more enemies and go again.
It would be turned into a nuke ability, but not as broken as it would be with the ability to cancel everytime you want.
3 basic bs attacks are 3 finisher, so it is still a huge chunk of dmg, and with ability strenght builds it will be enough for a cheap nuke

(that's how i understood this, correct me if i am wrong :P)

11 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

Also DE should "fix" Augments that players in general deem useless, like Pool of Life. Basically give every frame 2 augments for each ability, but both being good and roughly equally powerful.

I think we need in general a augment slot, because i think augments are a good way to build around an ability/build.
So you can tweak one ability in your interesst, to make it an cc or nuke or support etc., without sacrificing a slot for another normal mod.
But if you want to "tweak/augment" more abilites than one you will sacrifice a slot of those 10 basic slots.

Very important, it should not give every warframe to be perfect in every category - an assassin Warframe should have strong tendence into dealing high dmg to single/not many enemies (like 4 of them at the same time etc) - weaker in aspects like CC, support, but still be usefull in those other categoriez - they tried to make it with Smoke Shadow, but they failed really hard with this augment - needing the teammates around you while casting is really only given in premade teams and even in those situations it is a pain in the &#! to get them all together every time.

I agree making augments worth using (all of them in their way) should be a thing.

12 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

We think alike. I think you should add your ideas to your rework thread. You can add any of the ideas here and mold them to your vision too. As I said, this was constructed with feedback from other players, so it's the right thing to do to share among us the best ideas, we have the same goal after all: make Ash the best he can be.

Thanks, i'll think i will take my first post here, where i corrected and added some things in the way it seems good to me :) - of course i will link your thread.
Basically i support most of your suggestion, because there isn't much difference to ideas me and other people had (the only thing that doesn't fit in my eyes is the overdrive, but that's just my opinion ^^)  - and like you said we all want the best for Ash, we are all in the same boat ^^.

I didn't want to post all of them, because some of them sound to strong, and you know how the biggest part of the community reacts to a suggestion that sounds to strong - as soon as they see it they downvote and say that it is bullS#&$ xD.

I hope, that those suggestions, we all make, will be seen by DE  :'D

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On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

The point is, it would be pretty easy to sit somewhere, aim across the map to mark as many enemies as possbile in those 7 seconds

It wouldn't be unlike current marking mode, only you can somewhat control who you aim at.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

Your point was to make efficiency look like this:

Efficiency = Cost Reduction

+25% = -20%
+50% = -33%
+100% = -50%
+200% = -66%
+300% = -75%

In the end they will set the cap at 300% efficiency - it is the same thing. The difference would just be that they would change the efficiency numbers of the mods, so max efficiency .
The Cost reduction in your efficiency table you posted, is our current Efficiency.

Let's take your numbers:
The current Streamline rank 3 = 20% would be equal to your 25%
Fleeting expertise rank 4 = 50% would be equal to your 100%

My point is - it would change nothing.

You missed my point. I suggested changing Efficiency to work like that and have no cap, but the mods stay as they are now. It's a nerf to put the stat in check.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

And still, people would just go, pimp ability strength and constantly activate and cancel it.
With the variant i made, and now knowing your intention behind it.
- 30 seconds duration for bladestorm, you stock up the time by killing enemies.
- with max. negative duration you can make it a strenght build and make it kill enemies every 3-4 seconds in a radius of it every time you run out - kill 2 more enemies and go again.
It would be turned into a nuke ability, but not as broken as it would be with the ability to cancel everytime you want.
3 basic bs attacks are 3 finisher, so it is still a huge chunk of dmg, and with ability strenght builds it will be enough for a cheap nuke

(that's how i understood this, correct me if i am wrong :P)

The idea is that people can build however they want. If they want to pimp strength and constantly activate and cancel that's fine. It's about diversity.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

I think we need in general a augment slot, because i think augments are a good way to build around an ability/build.
So you can tweak one ability in your interesst, to make it an cc or nuke or support etc., without sacrificing a slot for another normal mod.
But if you want to "tweak/augment" more abilites than one you will sacrifice a slot of those 10 basic slots.

Well, I'm not opposed to an Augment slot.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

Very important, it should not give every warframe to be perfect in every category - an assassin Warframe should have strong tendence into dealing high dmg to single/not many enemies (like 4 of them at the same time etc) - weaker in aspects like CC, support, but still be usefull in those other categoriez - they tried to make it with Smoke Shadow, but they failed really hard with this augment - needing the teammates around you while casting is really only given in premade teams and even in those situations it is a pain in the &#! to get them all together every time.

Yeah, the solution is simple: a cloud they can just run into.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

I didn't want to post all of them, because some of them sound to strong, and you know how the biggest part of the community reacts to a suggestion that sounds to strong - as soon as they see it they downvote and say that it is bullS#&$ xD.

Hence why while on paper everything is powerful, you can't really make a "metabuild" that solves every problem.

On 6/10/2017 at 10:43 AM, Somi_xD said:

I hope, that those suggestions, we all make, will be seen by DE  :'D

They are surely aware of them, they just stay silent, probably because they are busy with other stuff.

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