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[Recruitment Open] Beyond Midnight Evolution (One Year+ Experienced Clan!)


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Yes I know, thats the website I put in my app for :(



Yo!...I like the Whole "Mystery behind Midnight" thing you have goin' on there..


the Names Inabaru..everyone calls me Angeleou:IGN


hit me up with an invite when ya' get the chance,eh?



IGN: rayfx


registered at the main site, waiting for an invite! =)



Invites have been sent, welcome to Beyond Midnight! :D

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This looks interesting. I'd like to join you guys, already sent an application through your site. My IGN is JudicatorThayne.


Just did.

Please wait while we assess your applications, thank you! We'll notify you either through here or through your email :)

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Hi! I'd like to join your clan! My IGN is Lonepepas99


I've been playing for awhile and i would like the experience of joining a clan. i usually play at end of the day, or late into the night. I currently am Rank 5, and have a Volt, Frost, Loki, Excalibur Prime and Ember and i am looking to have Saryn, Nyx, and Trinity joining my frame family soon. Cheers!

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i wish to join can you invite me ..? friendly gamers here and loyal


Saw your application, will invite you soon :D


Edit: Sorry, it says you're in a clan, please do leave that clan so that we can invite you. 

Edited by wkfire
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