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Dangers/ Event and questions of ifpr


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Can you tell us why the Formorian hasnt started yet considering the invasion meter for it has been filled for days now. I thought it was supposed to start once the meter for each faction filled up.

Also I why is there no 3rd invasion big battle like the razorback or fomorian or Infested or for Sentients etc? I would like to know when the Fomorian will start but more importantly will we see new mods and new primed mods and new weapons in the new updates coming? Like the Umbra event showed at Tenno con or the Eidolon update ?


Plus it is getting a little bit stale with just the same 3 factions really to fight .. We need to expand our Universe in the game so to speak - maybe open other solar systems to access - have other enemies to face from new threats and also meet new allies. Also The void has yet to be explained beyond it having powers and the orokin connection etc perhaps the void could be a way to travel to other solar systems cutting out the need for faster than light speed travel.

This would make intersteller travel much more possible - if sections of the void allowed for worm hole type short cuts between different places in the Universe. Just some ideas I am hoping will be passed on to your team who creates the story etc for the game. After all The game needs some new fresh elements not just new little things that are just more of the same - new warframes - syndicates etc same solar map new locations on it but same planets etc. nothing new outside the original map.

I would appreciate the answer to the fomorian thing at least - my email is -Removed- can someone fill me in please or just start the event please.

Also Halloween is soon can we please see a really big event that involved all of us taking down a big bunch of enemies - earning points as a clan etc- for some new primed mods and new weapons mods and maybe some new weapons - a special set of them? I know many of us would love to see a new type of stalker / hunter enemy with updated drops because the ones currently are outdated and everyone..

I would like to request some new mod editions? some seem to be very limited in number. Okay so I have played for a while and I get balance but does that have to mean we can have more than just basically 3 of each type of mod type for power - like 3 Power Strength, 3 Power Range, 3 Power Efficiency , 2 of Power Duration. Gggggg

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Why base the topic on something like the event then completely derail it? New primes come when there is a new frame, updates arrive when they are ready, entire factions take literally thousands of man hours to develop, we are getting new frames all the time, a new syndicate is arriving with PoE, the Halloween event will come when it's Halloween with appropriate rewards, PoE is shipping with an entirely new mod system with mod sets, and yes having too many of one stat increasing mod can cause massive unbalancing issues. Why do you need a personal email to a question that you are not the only one wanting an answer for and why burry it under a crazy rapid-fire of segway?

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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1. Do not post your private details like e-mail addresses on the forums.

2. In most cases you should try to stick to a single topic. You jumped around a lot between questions and suggestions.

3. Post in the right part of the forum. You covered a lot of topics in your post but I don't think I saw any feedback on warframes and their abilities.

4. Try to break up your paragraphs so they're easier to read. You don't need to make a numbered list like I'm doing but actual paragraphs help with readability.


Now, to actually answer a little of what you asked:

5. Once the meter fills it can take a couple days for the event to start.

6. New weapons tend to come out every couple weeks.

7. A third faction attacking the relays isn't something the community is asking for, so the developers aren't spending time on it.

8. Adding whole new solar systems with entirely new factions to fight is an enormous undertaking. Do you really want to spend a year or two with no updates while they work on something so big?

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