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More High End Research Weapons Please?


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hmm, Im getting a tad tired of all the regular guns (bullets shoot hits target and dies<maybe>)

So how about some life/energy/shield stealing weapons, ones that boost specific things like getting kills boost speed?

I do find it odd that there is so little bio and chem weapons with such a back log of horror and alien movies to draw from.


Here are some ideas please use and abuse. Feel free to comment with your ideas I just hope im not the only one out there wanting crazy ninja death rays that shoot squid :/


It may sound obious but a freeze ray from the chem lab using similar bullet type to the dera?

tenno ACRID Reseach bio shotgun (need more decent shotguns please!) that when you shoot if it doesn't hit a target it will do minor damage to you, but if it hits then it will restore 1hp per hit.

bio gun that shoots spores(bolts) that pop(like the infested poppers) and have a small amount of stun or make a gas cloud.



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I am sure there will be more research weapons as DE releases more updates.


We were given the Spectra so there is likely a chance we will get more weapons and possibly with a higher mastery rank requirement.

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Yeah, I need to run faster, so I'll just shoot my enemy... How is that supposed to work?
Stealing life? I can understand that, but then Trinity will be useless. Why should I bring my trinity to any mission, if I can get LifeStealer300XL?


However, some liquid nitrogen/hydrogen thrower can be nice.

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Parasite gun - Similar annoying parasite that is fired from the osprey that drains  your shield only fired faster. Bores into enemies shields and once the shield has collapsed starts boring into their flesh. Head shots cause the back of the skull to blow out in a explosive gory end.


Coupled with the penetration mod it can eat three times quicker through shields and Armour and has a chance of boring into anyone unlucky enough to be behind them.


With hellfire Mod once shields are lowered causes the parasite to overheat and burn the victim from the inside. Freeze from within with the cryo mod.


Split chamber sends up to three of these bad boys flying through the air.


By default already has Armour ignore.


Enemy can still move and fire while being drilled except headshots once it's broken the shield, causes the enemy to stun until the parasite has worn out or gone through and killed them.

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Deploy-able kits.


We have a limited number of weapon slots (3) so i'd suggest these be used in our mission inventory slots if the player chooses them. Once researched a player can buy a made kit ready fro deployment between 1,00 credits to 3,00 credits depending on what it does. These would be chosen just like the health kits and ammo boxes.


Lava Kit - Once placed on the floor subject to floor type, distance to pod, etc... spews hot lava like material out around it in a small radius, anyone (including friendlies) will take fire damage by standing on it. Kit will last for 3 minutes after which it cools and disappears - Cost to buy 1,500 credits.


Snow Kit- Once deployed, can be used near pod but is subject to floor types (i.e can't be deployed on lava or water, etc..) sprays the surrounding area with ice , once enemies or friendlies walk into the mist/spray they are slowed down exactly like they would be in the void ice traps. Unit lasts for lets say 5 minutes as it's not a damage causing device. One spray has run out unit fades away. - Cost to buy 2,000 credits.


Stun trap - Can be deployed anywhere the player is looking, set by proximity. Can only be triggered by enemies. Once triggered sets of a stun blast much like the wyrms causing every enemy in range to stun lock for approx 5-10secs - Cost to buy 1,000 credits.


Charge kit - Can only be deployed on flat surfaces, minimum safe distance from pods, is proximity sensored, only enemies can trigger it. Kit consists of an explosive shell full of hellfire and cryo rounds. Once triggered  the initial shell blast causes massive damage (i.e 1000 points) once the contents of the shell are dispersed  in a radius of of at least 6 meters any enemy within range is pelted with fire and ice shrapel causing up to 100dmg per fragment hit, and depending on enemy weakness, up to 300 critical damage) - Costs to buy 3,000 credits to avoid spamming on levels.


Health snare - Can be deployed near the pod or on any flat surface - Contains 1,000 health, will automatically trigger and replenish health to the pod or nearby players in range via a link beam (trinity power well of life mixed with link) replenishes 100 health per second until full health or unit has run out of health to give. - cost to buy 1,500 credits


Energy snare - can be placed on any flat surface, will only rigger once player is standing over the device. Contains 1,000 energy. Similar to the dueling hall energy field. replaces players energy at 100 points per second. Cost to buy 1,500 credits.


Volt blast - Can be placed on flat surfaces, proximity triggered by enemy only.  Has small wind up delay and 8 second recharge timer. Once triggereg whirring can be heard and the device will start to glow, shortly afterwards a chain of electricity will seek nearby enemies  causing massive damage like volts power. All enemy within range will be stun locked for at least 2-3 seconds. Will last the entire level, only can deployed once per game and will be short out if another device has already been placed nearby. (this is to avoid spamming)  - cost to buy 1 plat or BP 5,000 credits. BP requires 1,000 salvage, 300 ferrite, 100 rebuedo. time to craft 1-2 hours.

Edited by bmason
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So much stuff..... No way that can easily be implemented.

Sorry, from my limited experience with coding, that is a programmers nightmare.

Actually half of the stuff i have suggested is already in the game, the dojo's dueling hall energy field is already in the game, making it a portable kit wouldn't be hard.  The lava is a simple tileset as is the snow, spawn a tileset for a few minutes and remove it again. Pretty easy stuff.

Edited by bmason
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We don't need much more dojo weapons... But we can use more common weapons.

Yes I am aware that the Chem and Bio labs only have 2 weapons each currently while Corpus has a whopping huge amount :p


But some rank 5 to 7 normal weapons are nice, give those no clan guys something to work for rather than just a Hek and yay you are done.



P.S. Add the Grineer Napalm to the research list plox.

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