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Orokin Reactor/Catalust ):


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I need one, but I have no Platinum to buy any. ):

Hell, I could use 9, but Alert missions are too damn scarce and the ones that give more than just credits are even more scarce.

Just to confirm, unlocking more missions increases the amount of Alerts you'll get, right? I'd kinda like to have the fourth power on my new frames.

Catalust? How did I miss that?

Edited by FatalX7
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Yeah personally your going to have some trouble with getting those catalyst...I bought all of mines but its possible to get those catalyst.....but it will take awhile.

I bought one for my Excalibur with the starting Platinum I used to have and it's the only one I've ever seen. I should have used the last of my Platinum from my Disciple to get some more...

le sigh

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I think it's some kind of hard to obtain because of randomness :( but it's only way to keep server running :)

Cosmetics, foundry rush, direct buying warframe + weapons, credit/affinity boost, Frame/weapon slots. Pretty sure they can keep the server running with all that and without tripping us on our progression path.

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I never realized it until now, but this is similar to the Foundry, designed in a way to encourage paying real cash. It's stupid.

I need to do and unlock more missions so that I can increase the amount of Alerts I receive, increasing my chance of getting Orokin Reactors/Catalysts. But, with my Warframes, with the exception of my Excalibur, and weapons having a majority of their upgrades locked away, they're barely useful for actually helping me to progress.


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As for the Orokin principle of supercharging, I am currently working on a post to analyse and suggest a beneficial change to the current system. For now, it is as it is. Even complaints, regardless how valid, will not change it. popping up a thread like this every day will not help, either - there are tons of threads running already. Please observe the forum guidelines and try not to make anymore duplicate threads.

Catalust? How did I miss that?

Edit > Use Full Editor > Edit Thread Title.

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Welp, as long as it's still in the CBT phase. It's fine by me.

But if they decided that they can release the game like that, I quit.

The alert system is already very bad, why should I camp my PC 24/7 to get something that I should get after some grind from a F2P game?!

A game is supposed to be playable at your sparetime to have fun with, not to live in the game and do your life in your sparetime.

(actually that doesn't make any sense, but at least that's true for some)

I go to work, sleep and live my life, but why should I be punished if I miss one of those?

Item shop is already there for cosmetics and stuff that doesn't affect your progress in the game.

But if they are gonna call it a F2P game with such "fake" rewarding system and item shop that you "should" use to progress in the game.

Sorry but then, they are doing it wrong.

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There is no p2w in a pve only game.

The only thing DE have wrong atm, imo, is the way super-chargers are obtained, the rest of the game is very fair for F2Pers.

That is very, very debatable.

As for the Orokin principle of supercharging, I am currently working on a post to analyse and suggest a beneficial change to the current system. For now, it is as it is. Even complaints, regardless how valid, will not change it. popping up a thread like this every day will not help, either - there are tons of threads running already. Please observe the forum guidelines and try not to make anymore duplicate threads.

Edit > Use Full Editor > Edit Thread Title.

Don't care about editing.

There is a thread about Orokin Reactors every day? I didn't see that, nor do I see how people will stop complaining when they see fit, just because you said so.

Some people, when they genuinely feel that something kind of sucks, they usually like to talk about it instead of letting it slide. Or they just want to talk about it, because it gives you kind of a fuzzy feeling in your insides to see like minded people who understand. Feedback is feedback. You can't say that you want feedback only to not accept it and have people tell you not to give it.

I suppose I'm still accustomed to the old forums that I used to frequent, where voicing complaints and concerns would result in changes and revamps. Which is saying something pretty damn amazing, considering I'm talking about Nexon America.

Edited by FatalX7
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Hmm. Seems like a thread where people who don't want to pay for something optional in the game. Yes, supercharging your frame or weapons is quite a nice thing to have, however I can't say that I "need" it.

Another thing, if they were easily/readibly accessible, would there be a point to the shop at all? I would agree maybe that they should make the blueprint require some effort to obtain rather than luck, but it's not like you are "forced" to buy anything. You can really make the game challenging for yourself if you go without it. It's not that you can't do any mission or are lacking content without these orokins.

TL;DR... complain all you like, but I'm not seeing any GOOD suggestions to "fix" this issue. It's not P2W either.

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I didn't see that, nor do I see how people will stop complaining when they see fit, just because you said so.

Feel free to ignore me, your prerogative. The forum guide lines are pretty clear on duplicate topics. It's certainly not me telling you what to do. I am merely relaying the guidelines here. No need to antagonize needlessly.

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Hmm. Seems like a thread where people who don't want to pay for something optional in the game. Yes, supercharging your frame or weapons is quite a nice thing to have, however I can't say that I "need" it.

Another thing, if they were easily/readibly accessible, would there be a point to the shop at all? I would agree maybe that they should make the blueprint require some effort to obtain rather than luck, but it's not like you are "forced" to buy anything. You can really make the game challenging for yourself if you go without it. It's not that you can't do any mission or are lacking content without these orokins.

TL;DR... complain all you like, but I'm not seeing any GOOD suggestions to "fix" this issue. It's not P2W either.

I never said it was. :o


The best part is that no one has answered my question yet that I asked in the OP. Kind of the point before everyone else started talking about Pay2Win and dragged the entire thread down to something that was never supposed to be.

But, I forgot about it myself. Isn't that sad? When people started talking about paying and not paying, I just went fell into a tanget about my own opinion and observation based on my experience with MMOs.

But seriously, will unlocking more missions give me more alerts and ? rewards? How often do they..."spawn"? I barely get any and it's annoying. Is there a thread on one of the boards where people alert others when there are alerts? I think I read someone talking about that a few days ago.

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Blue nodes unlock alerts? What do you mean, I need to do missions again before I can have an alert in that mission?

Or, just that a yellow node, which signifies that I haven't done it yet (?), can not have an alert until I do it? It's this one, yeah? I seem to be reading it weirdly, it's throwing me off.

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Blue nodes unlock alerts? What do you mean, I need to do missions again before I can have an alert in that mission?

Or, just that a yellow node, which signifies that I haven't done it yet (?), can not have an alert until I do it? It's this one, yeah? I seem to be reading it weirdly, it's throwing me off.

Nodes that are unlocked, but not passed are yellow. Nodes that are completed are blue. Unlocked, but uncompleted missions do not give alerts, AFAIK.

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Alright, thanks.

One more question. Are there set times when Alerts show up? Is there a time limit between them, or just random?

Fatal, is this going to be another one of those games that you spend more time on the forums rather than the game?

Also I don't fully understand the Alert mechanic, but I would assume that there is some sort of automation system in place that when and where alerts pop up, and if they will have an extra reward at the end.

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