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Dark Sword



First I should say that I prefer long swords to any other weapon in game. They might not be the most effective, but I like the feeling of ninja-like precision that they give. Choosing an ultimate long sword I ran into a wall of lacking information - sadly, wiki doesn't help much. Currently I'm choosing between Dark, Pangolin and Jaw swords. 


Does anyone here have a extensive experience with Dark Sword? If so, can you answer a few question? Firstly, I saw in some youtube videos that DS radiates elemental damage while charging, but wasn't able to replicate that myself. Was it a bug fixed in one of updates or am I doing something wrong? Secondly, what is DS' crit rate? Is it higher or lower than, say, Plasma or Pangolin sword? And, lastly, what build do you think I should use? 


Thank you in advance. 

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9 answers to this question

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I have used Dark Sword, and have levelled it to 30. It's a pretty decent weapon, but you should go for charge damage build instead of normal attack.


It has really good charge damage. Plasma is alright, and so is Pangolin, but none of those are anything special either. Jaw sword is just a reskin of the Skana, I'd avoid it :/


Ah, tht sucks. I just finished buidling it. :(

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Mmm, afaik it got fixed.

2nd lower/same as plasma about 15% i think.

3rd go charge build, DS is a beast can OHKO all enemies below 50(if you have invis, 2 if against higher levels). Use it well and you'll see it's potential as a DPS weapon (makes you really agile too). Don't tell me I'm crazy, I forma'd my DS 3x and I'm very happy with it.

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Mmm, afaik it got fixed.

2nd lower/same as plasma about 15% i think.

3rd go charge build, DS is a beast can OHKO all enemies below 50(if you have invis, 2 if against higher levels). Use it well and you'll see it's potential as a DPS weapon (makes you really agile too). Don't tell me I'm crazy, I forma'd my DS 3x and I'm very happy with it.

Unfortunately i haven't been able to re-acquire the dark sword since my account reset, but since you have it isn't it also the only long sword that can hit multiple enemies? I've actually been trying to get both the dagger and sword for a month...lol night before last at 4 am guess what...i was sleeping.... the alert came and went... = (

Edited by Xorpheus
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Thanks for all your answers. 


Unfortunately i haven't been able to re-acquire the dark sword since my account reset, but since you have it isn't it also the only long sword that can hit multiple enemies? I've actually been trying to get both the dagger and sword for a month...lol night before last at 4 am guess what...i was sleeping.... the alert came and went... = (


I did get it on alert, but I wasn't able to hit multiple enemies wit it as of yet. I think wiki is wrong on the account of Dark Sword being able to do it. 

As for Dark Dagger, I absolutely love it. It's pretty decent against Corpus and Grineer, makes you much more faster due to Jump-Slide-Melee combo, and looks wicked cool :)

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