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Assorted weapon buff ideas to make fodders useful


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Hello there, Tenno.

Today in this post i would like to show you some ideas on how to make some of the most useless/underwhelming weapons useful.

Feel free to join in the talk, suggest modifications to the original post or suggest your own ideas.


Now lets get this train rolling with our first weapon of choice the Synapse


High crit and higher damage, the Synapse is the infested brother of the Amprex but has one glaring problem. Its just a beam weapon and nothing else.

The amprex is successfull because it provides a great aoe effect while this guy only shoots out a beam and thats all.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Stats untouched, this weapon now gets the combustion beam built in. Explosions now are based on the main stats affected by Sinister reach and can proc status and crits.
  2. Support build, this weapon is now capatable on giving energy and shield (+overshield) to teammates. 1 point of energy and shields for every 2 ammo. Squadmates deal extra 10% damage to the targets currently damaged by the synapse
  3. Raw power, use the alt attack to charge up the weapon. Consume your entire magazine to create one powerful hitscan lightning with infinite punchtrough dealing damage equal to what your whole mag could cause to a single enemy. The charged lightning has an aoe effect around it dealing 50% of the damage in 2m range with guaranteed procs.


Our next weapon is the Embolist.


Poor guy supposed to be the ignis of secondaries but with its pityful range it might be better to use it as a thrown poison canister than an actual weapon.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1.  Range buff, base range is now increased to 30m. Nothing else is added.
  2. Variable range build, this weapon is now capatable to change how it attack in a similar way as the Phage. Shooting the weapon creates a 12m wide cone (120°) when you try to zoom the beam starts to focus increasing its range to 40m, its status chance to 100% but losing its aoe capatibility as it is now a simple beam and not a cone. The shrinking and the growing can be stopped any time using the rmb2 and the beam stays that way until you decide to focus or defocus it again.
  3. Gag build, you literally throw this weapon creating a 10m wide poison cloud dealing the entire magazines damage for 10 second in the area.


The next weapon is the Sibear.


Expensive to build and hardly useful this weapon is long due to some upgrades.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Cold death build: this change adds a variety of new and powerful attack effect to this weapon. Slam attacks create ice sharpnels (50% of the original damage, 5-30 sharpnels per attack) flying in random directions while they also release an ice wave (50% of the attack power, base 10m range affected by range mods) where the user is looking. Finishers make the target explode in a cloud of ice dealing 100% of the weapon damage in a 2m aoe. Attacking with the weapon also has 10% chance to release icy projectile (1-3) dealing 100% of the weapons damage if they hit, flying direction depends on the swing.
  2. Cold cooperation build, wielding this weapon grants +20% cold damage to every attack (including skills thought it only strikes once in this case) of your teammates in 15m circle around you. The cold damage ticks 0.5 second after the initial strike and does not combine with other elements.  Hitting a teammate with this weapon grant them a temporal frost layer absorbing 100 points of damage, once the damage is absorbed it grants 0.5 second immortality and neutralizing any procs expect cold, this effect can only be used on teammates every 30 sec.
  3. Frost nova build, this weapon is capatable of being thrown now. Throwing the weapon creates an 50m wide circle aoe dealing 200% of the weapons damage cold proccing the user and every enemy caught in range with 50% chance of freezing them solid. The cold proc duration is 12s and while affected by it every weapon wielded by the player is capatable of dealing their damage in 2m circle aoes.


The next weapon is the Tetra series


While the weapon itself looks good and has a satisfying sound, its barely useable, so lets change it.

Changes (choose one or all):

  1. Sharpnel build, the tetra series are now capatable of utilizing even the missed shots. Every shot hitting the ground releases a sharpnels of molten ores (0.5-1m cone attack) dealing 100% of the weapons total damage as heat damage. The prisma variant deals 100% damage but with 1-1.5m range while the regular variant deals 150% damage with the standard range.
  2. Charged mag build, the tetra series can sacrafice half of their magazine (30, fixed amount) to empower the rest of the mag. The prisma variant gains 50% crit chance but its status decreases to 5% while the regular tetra gains 50% status chance and the crit chance is removed (crit damage stays). Both variants deal +20% damage while charged.
  3. Kill share build, for every 10 kill teammates deal +1% damage with all attacks including skills (+10 damage to a skill if it cannot deal damage), this effect is active while the user wields the tetra series within 20m. The prisma variant grants +1% flat staus chance (up to 10%) every 20 kills while the regular one grants +1% flat crit chance (up to 10%) every 20 kills.
  4. Lobber build, pressing the alt fire lobs one of the Tetras batteries forward. After a short delay (0.5s after it touches an enemy or the ground) the battery overloads and sends out 15 bouncing and piercing shots in random directions. Each shot has 1m enemy punchtrought and bounces 4 times if it hits the enviroment.


This is all for now, have a good day Tenno.

Edited by Fallen_Echo
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love your ideas! better than just "increase damage to X" or "increase crit chance to Y" you've actually come up with some functional changes. 

May i suggest one for the tetra? Secondary fire lobs forward one of the 4 batteries that then explodes, sending shots flying in all directions like the hedgehog grenade from resistance. This attack would use a quarter of the ammo in the mag

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1 hour ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

love your ideas! better than just "increase damage to X" or "increase crit chance to Y" you've actually come up with some functional changes. 

May i suggest one for the tetra? Secondary fire lobs forward one of the 4 batteries that then explodes, sending shots flying in all directions like the hedgehog grenade from resistance. This attack would use a quarter of the ammo in the mag

Sounds good added it in:thumbup:

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