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how come my old pc with gtx 760 has ~90fps in-mission (2560x1440) and my new pc with gtx 1070 is getting ~60 fps (also on 2560x1440)?


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pc with gtx 760 has most settings set to low/off and a solid 90 fps in missions, some on high and pc with gtx 1070 has most setting set to high/maximum but i also tried switching everything to low and it only increased the average fps to ~65 from ~55.

i conclude that pascal series of gpus are poorly optimized so please optimize it better.

PS i'm getting a solid 90 fps on ~high settings in pubg (with gtx 1070) and that game is regarded to be badly optimized.

another PS: i checked MSI afterburner and all's well. GPU clock speeds don't drop down, they're at a stable ~1850 MHZ

Edited by S7nther
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3 hours ago, S7nther said:

pc with gtx 760 has most settings set to low/off and a solid 90 fps in missions, some on high and pc with gtx 1070 has most setting set to high/maximum but i also tried switching everything to low and it only increased the average fps to ~65 from ~55.

i conclude that pascal series of gpus are poorly optimized so please optimize it better.

PS i'm getting a solid 90 fps on ~high settings in pubg (with gtx 1070) and that game is regarded to be badly optimized.

another PS: i checked MSI afterburner and all's well. GPU clock speeds don't drop down, they're at a stable ~1850 MHZ

that or the problem may lie in that my gpu is working at ~40%, power limit is jumping from 0.0 to 1.0, one of the procecor's cores is at 90% even though others are at ~40% though i doubt that this causes problems because other games run fine.

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I would argue that your processor matters a lot more in Warframe than your GPU. There is so much crazy bottle-necking happening on a software level in Warframe right now it's crazy. And when a program is CPU limited changing your graphics settings won't make a slight of difference to your fps.

If you could let us know the rest of your PC specs we could probably help you out a little better. There's more to a computer than just a graphics card

Also, it is very normal for one of your cores to be more utilized than others in a game, most of the main game processing is handled on one main thread due to the nature of dx11

like so



That's another reason why dx12 is so exciting is that it wants to cut down on this time by splitting the workload upon more of your cores




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5 hours ago, Zenviscerator said:

I would argue that your processor matters a lot more in Warframe than your GPU. There is so much crazy bottle-necking happening on a software level in Warframe right now it's crazy. And when a program is CPU limited changing your graphics settings won't make a slight of difference to your fps.

If you could let us know the rest of your PC specs we could probably help you out a little better. There's more to a computer than just a graphics card

Also, it is very normal for one of your cores to be more utilized than others in a game, most of the main game processing is handled on one main thread due to the nature of dx11

like so

That's another reason why dx12 is so exciting is that it wants to cut down on this time by splitting the workload upon more of your cores


Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz

i know all that stuff about dx12 though it makes no difference to me unless DE will make this game for dx12

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10 hours ago, Zenviscerator said:

I would argue that your processor matters a lot more in Warframe than your GPU. There is so much crazy bottle-necking happening on a software level in Warframe right now it's crazy. And when a program is CPU limited changing your graphics settings won't make a slight of difference to your fps.

If you could let us know the rest of your PC specs we could probably help you out a little better. There's more to a computer than just a graphics card

Also, it is very normal for one of your cores to be more utilized than others in a game, most of the main game processing is handled on one main thread due to the nature of dx11

like so

That's another reason why dx12 is so exciting is that it wants to cut down on this time by splitting the workload upon more of your cores


so if the procecor is bottlenecking gtx 1070, how the hell do i OC it on a laptop and without frying it?

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Yeah warframe is honestly a joke. A mixed bag. A lottery for performance.

My mate with a GTX 760 ran 60fps+ all day every day with maxish settings including in 4 member squads in late infested missions.
Guy with a 560m gets 60fps on medium, Mate with a 950m get's 30fps on low.
Yet here i am with TWO.... yes... TWO GTX 1080s' and it still pulls me under 60 in those missions, 400 in liset, 40 in psycho missions. i look at my GPU usage and the main one is at 30 percent and the second one barely gets used at all even when in SLI, even when dedicated to PHYSX.
One thread on my 4770k is pinned while the rest are at like 20. So this points to warframe not having a @(*()$ clue what to do with a CPU even with multithreaded rendering enabled. So a giant CPU bottleneck on a still modestly powerful overclocked albeit old CPU.

Why is it that i can run Doom 4 on nightmare settings on both OpenGL and Vulkan (AMD optimised) at 2560x1080p at 200fps all day every day but warframe goes under 40 in a squad of 4?
Why does playing in a squad have such a totally performance to playing solo?
It never even used to be this way, it happened since like UB9 or something.

They're never getting around to it. If they can play at it 30fps on a S#&$ laptop, that's good enough for them.

Y'know, some of us have high refresh rate monitors. To me... 60fps isn't as good as it once was. I desire a consistent 120hz+.... But warframe does not deliver.
P.S. Lowering settings doesn't do jack diddly.

Edited by Jay2097
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5 hours ago, Jay2097 said:

One thread on my 4770k is pinned while the rest are at like 20. So this points to warframe not having a @(*()$ clue what to do with a CPU even with multithreaded rendering enabled. So a giant CPU bottleneck on a still modestly powerful overclocked albeit old CPU.

The clue about the particular thing you're pointing to is kind of in it's name - "rendering". Warframe is threading the renderer. Threading other parts of the game code is sometimes entirely more difficult - depending on the implementation, and is something the biggest studios struggle to implement.

The process of threading the renderer is not easy but pretty straight forward, since the GPU is a parallel Processor, and can take jobs from any CPU core. This is what Vulkan (and DX12 really help with - renderer overhead).

Threading game logic tends to be difficult (though consoles help a tonne on this front).


Touching on merely a very high level, if the logic cannot be broken up into contained blocks, there is no way to effectively thread your game code - If a secondary equation relies on the result of a primary equation, there is no way to run the secondary equation without first waiting for the results from the primary equation.

As an example; if a grineer AI wants to get to point B from point A, he'll look-up a grid used to tell the AI where it can or cant go, from this grid the shortest route will be calculated, and stored. After determining the route, the action is subsequently executed. This isn't something you can thread, as each step requires the previous step to function (The grineer AI can't execute the action if it doesn't even know where it is going, nor can the process of pathfinding be done without first knowing where to start and stop).

You can thread the steps a Grineer takes - What's in it's area of interest, Will it run and gun, will it sprint/strafe, does it want to go high/low, can it see you, where are the obstructions etc. But the processes within those steps are unlikely to be spilt up. If an AI unit requires all these steps to function, but one runs long, the unit can't do much but wait.

This isn't an issue specifically related to Warframe, all engines face these issues in one way or another, and there are ways to work around the problem. But every work around comes with its own compromise. Some solutions allow you to thread the AI in its entirety, however, the AI then lose all sense of each other, and function as mindless bots completely unaware of even other AI units - they'll even bump into each other.

In warframe, any humanoid unit (iirc) can detect a rampart, and choose to use it. AI can detect Nullies/Eximus units and move into their AOE - That is quite complex behaviour. 

And this is just a general look at AI (and not a very deep one at that), the game has a lot more to do on a frame-by-frame basis above and beyond this.

p.s, you should probably remove all the other replies in all the other threads, there isn't any feedback in this quoted one, so there's no need to spam it everywhere.

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41 minutes ago, S7nther said:


so what you're saying is that we're fucced and stuck on garbage performance due to garbage optimization of cpu...

It's not garbage by any means, as stated by the lead technical head for the Metro games; CPU's haven't come all that far in recent times. At least compared to GPU's which were tiny little single slot PCB's not too long ago.

For the time being at least, as i said, it's an industry wide thing - not just Warframe. Other studio's side step the issue by ignoring it all together (DICE for example). To DE's credit, they've managed to add a bunch over the years and keep the performance rather steady (used generously). 

A lot of the cool tech in the coming update (for example) was due to the bigger studio's spending R&D money on ways to handle generating "open worlds".


This isn't to say there aren't bugs that may be causing performance issues however. IIRC, DE had a few issues with HT on intel CPU's a while back, there's no saying how AMD's SMT fairs, so there could be some wiggle room on that front - at least to get it working properly. So as always its best to be as thorough with your feedback as possible, if there is an easy fix, no doubt it will come, but regarding the case of Warframe's reliance on strong single core performance, that may be a long ways out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running a 1050ti, everything maxed out @ 1080p and It's running over 60fps all the time. When there's a lot of stuff on-screen it does struggle a bit, especially when visiting baro, going down to maybe low 50s high 40s.

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On 10/16/2017 at 4:41 PM, SirCattington said:

I'm running a 1050ti, everything maxed out @ 1080p and It's running over 60fps all the time. When there's a lot of stuff on-screen it does struggle a bit, especially when visiting baro, going down to maybe low 50s high 40s.

from another thread

I have an I7 6700 + gtx 1070 + 16GB RAM and I never noticed my gpu not going above 50% load (with some fps drop under 60fps), until I bought a Lenovo Legion with i5 7300HQ + gtx 1050ti + 8GB RAM and I noticed it never reach even 50%, running the game like crap even at low res (I disabled the intel gpu).
I thought it was a general optimization problem then I tried the game with my friend's i5 6something + gtx 1070 + 16 GB RAM. Fps to the roof and 90+% gpu load.
So, does anyone know what could be the problem here?
DE seems to completely ignore the issue, and I bought a lot of plat all these years I played. I'm a litte disappointed.

ps... All the pcs are running Windows 10.

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13 hours ago, Fedaykyn said:

from another thread

I have an I7 6700 + gtx 1070 + 16GB RAM and I never noticed my gpu not going above 50% load (with some fps drop under 60fps), until I bought a Lenovo Legion with i5 7300HQ + gtx 1050ti + 8GB RAM and I noticed it never reach even 50%, running the game like crap even at low res (I disabled the intel gpu).
I thought it was a general optimization problem then I tried the game with my friend's i5 6something + gtx 1070 + 16 GB RAM. Fps to the roof and 90+% gpu load.
So, does anyone know what could be the problem here?
DE seems to completely ignore the issue, and I bought a lot of plat all these years I played. I'm a litte disappointed.

ps... All the pcs are running Windows 10.

Thermal throttling? Don't expect a laptop to run exactly like a desktop. 

Though I don't have *everything* maxed out. I think I have that nvidia antialiasing (or whatever it is) turned down a bit, maybe mid or even low. I have W10 by the way.

I don't know what % of usage my components have when playing. I'll check later and edit this.

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