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Hey! Yet Another Resource Drop Suggestion!


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But this time, it's a different one.


First of all. Let's separate all drops, and make them independent of each other.

For example, let's say that, currently, Whenever you break/open a container, there's a 20% chance for a resource drop.

There's a 55% chance of that drop being common, a 25% chance of it being a clan research mat, a 15% chance of it being uncommon, and 5% chance of it being rare.


That's not a good thing.

First, because you're limited to one resource drop per container/enemy.

Second, because that one drop could be a variety of things - and you can't tell what it is until you've picked it off the ground.


So, I propose that we change it. Separate the drops.

That way, there'd be a chance, whenever you open a container, to drop a common resource, an uncommon one, a rare one, and a clan one. At the same time.

That would be rare, naturally. more often than not, you'd only get one, maybe two,


This would make farming for uncommon resources MUCH less of a gamble. 



Furthermore, I would like to suggest to change resource color based on its rarity. We all know clan mats are blue, and the rest is yellow. I think it was a genious idea to change the resource color for clan, and would greatly appreciate if the same was done with regular loot. So we'd have yellow as common mats, blue as clan mats, red as uncommon mats, and purple as rare mats. We now know what to expect from afar.

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This isn't a fix or new idea, it's just "more."  I would be in favor of color diversity, but I don't think it's necessary since I pick up everything anyway.


It isn't just more. The fact that enemies and containers are limited to a single drop REALLY hurts when farming. This is most notable with bosses. If, after killing hydra, you aren't pissed by the fact he dropped a fieldron sample or some ferrite, you aren't human.

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No, it is "more" because you are literally asking for a buff to drop rates.


...No, I'm not.


I'm asking for enemies NOT to be limited to a single drop.

This wouldn't buff drop rates. It would only mean each resource has a separate drop chance. Much like enemies/containers can drop more than one type of ammo.

All this WOULD do, is stop common drops from overtaking uncommon/rare drops with their "common-ness".


EDIT: however, I am aware that, if the current percentages are kept, this WOULD be an indirect drop rate buff.

Numbers can be changed so we can have sort of the same rates we have now.

Edited by TheGambler_BR
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nope its more! no doubt.. more than 1 can drop at a time.. well guess wat.. thats more than 1.. ooo moreeeee so simple actually how its more


...I barely understood what you said.


It isn't more per se. I'm not asking for a drop rate buff, I'm not asking for every enemy to always drop mats. I'm asking for mat drops to be separate from each other. So there isn't like a 10% chance of a drop, with that drop being, well, pretty much anything from nano spores to control modules.


I'm asking for separate, independent drops, so that an enemy can drop more than one mat. This doesn't break the game, hell it hardly increases odds, and would only do so if rates were left as they are now. And rates can - and SHOULD - be changed if this were to be implemented.


If you are failing to see how this would only improve our gameplay and reduce endless, frustrating farming sessions, then i'm sorry, but there is no way to convey this to you. 

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