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[Concept Artwork] - Feral Wf - Cat Wf


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I was actually thinking you could use the crawl animation instead of rolling. So instead of doing a forward roll she falls onto all fours to absorb impact or dodge enemies.


Possible ability list:

Health 150
Shield 75
Energy 100
Armour 50
Speed 1.20

Reflex - Toggle ability, 3 energy per second while active.
Increases ferals movement speed by 5/10/15/20% and gives enemy attacks a 30/40/50/60% chance to have no effect (0 damage, no status effects. effectively it misses)

Hunt - One target at a time, 20s duration, no cast animation, 50 energy.
Outline of target can be seen through cover and appears on minimap. All attacks by feral against the target are 10/20/30/40% more likely to critically hit. If the target dies before this ability wears off the energy cost is refunded

Rend - Toggle ability, Reduces max energy by 10/20/30/40% while active.
Melee attacks do 20/40/60/80% extra melee damage as serrated blade damage over 1 second (in 0.25 second ticks, can stack)

9 Lives - 100 energy.
Up to 8 clones of feral appear next to 8 nearby enemies and stab them for 400/800/1200/1600 damage (ala Blade Storm). Enemies that survive are effected by Hunt but do not refund energy on death. During the attack animation, nearby enemies will treat the clones as hostile and attempt to fire on them to no effect.


I had a lot of fun thinking through different gameplay elements that haven't been explored that I could delve into.

One of the guys earlier stated that we don't have a lot/any female non-casters and I agree with him. I tried to steer away from spam abilities and more towards enhancing other combat options (emphasizing melee weapons with rend since reflex and 9 lives gives you the tools to close even against high tier enemies, giving players options for crit builds with hunt).

Edited by Holynight6
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thanks for the comments and cool ideas.


i will try to get another illustration for this frame done soon, working on a different concept atm. also added art for the "ancient" frame which doesnt really fit due to the fact that there has already been a "first" wf. anyway the arts cool

-next one coming will be posted on concept art forum instead of fan art (which is where these really belong) if anyone is following the art ;P


thanks again :D

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been a while since i did anything so i finished the other sketch. hope yall enjoy :)



...for all of those that liked the other head better :P

i think there will never be a catframe in this game. but this design is pretty awesome. so...change his name, theme and make a new suggestion with that design.

the cat hype is just a internet joke. and your art is much much better than this joke.

at next time they want a pandaframe from you.

and this is not what you want.

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i think there will never be a catframe in this game. but this design is pretty awesome. so...change his name, theme and make a new suggestion with that design.

the cat hype is just a internet joke. and your art is much much better than this joke.

at next time they want a pandaframe from you.

and this is not what you want.


well.... they probably wouldnt call it a cat frame. like i said before it has that canine/feline mix to it... heck.... almost all the frames have some animalistic theme to it anyway.... with the way nova's neck is... youd think it was a giraffe (over-exaggeration but not really)....


yuikami's zooframes:


Edited by VoidWraith
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I really love that warframe ! The design is awesome, regardless of whatever cat-haters might say. This is nothing like a funny housecat. This is a predator! I think it could work as female or male without any problem, so I don't really have an opinion on the subject. On one hand, we have more female than male warframes atm (I think...) and a female warframe on all four would be blatant fanservice. On the other I don't mind having a majority of female warframe and most of current female warframe are glass canon casters.


Here's my take on her powers (shamelessly stealing from previous posts, credit where's it's due, blahblahblah.)


1: Rend: Dash forward for a short distance and slah the enemy for [insert balanced number] damage. If the enemy's not dead, slash again. If he's dead, Feral dash to the nearest one (limit of 5-10 meters, increased by stretch) and slash him. Repeat until you run out of slashes. (2/5/7?). Increasing the level of the ability doesnt increase damage but the number of strikes. Focus increase damage, continuity gives more slashes (between one and three depending on respective mods level and rounding).


2: Hunt (based on Holynight6's post above): Similar to Banshee's sonar, but target a single enemy, see him through walls (like allies but red), and increase critical chances (for the whole team) instead of the Glowing Weak Point Banshee makes. If the enemy dies before Hunt expires, the whole team is healed by a small amount.


3: Feral Mobility: Kind of like Volt's Speed, but the speed is only increased a little. Additionally, the team have increased jump height and stamina for the duration of the spell. Stack with Speed and mods for ridiculousness.


4: Nine Lives: Summon eight copies. The copies have limited HP (increase with the level), seek out enemies and attack them in melee, dealing damage. The enemies target the copies first.


Helmet: Thrill of the Hunt: abilities (Rend and Nine Lives copies) have reduced damage, but have a chance to apply Hunt.

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You happen to have any profile/front/back view sheets SUMA?!?!  Especially back view. 


I know you've been working on your dark frame concept, but any sketches would help a lot :P

i dont actually, all sketches i have of this one have been posted, i'll have to work up a set of views for em.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was born drawin :) mom was an artist too, so was my bro.  now i get to do vehicle graphics, tee shirt designs, logos. lots of large format, vector art. fun stuff :)  thanks and what do i gotta do to get a lil lotus figure from ya? :)

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I was comparing everyone's ability ideas and these were the ones I personally thought were the best (not that my opinion matters much...)


For the first ability, a combination of Vaalion's Lacerate and Holynight6's Rend would be a beautiful thing. While Kaian-a-coel's Rend is good in concept, I think it would be too hard to program into the game.


On the second skill, I like Holynight6's version of Hunt, with it being similar to a visible version of enemy sense (how cool would it be to see enemies in the next room over? REALLY cool.) and affecting multiple enemies. Kaian-a-coel's version is interesting on the small life gain, but my personal opinion is that should stay with Trinity. Plus the single enemy effect is near usless (also my opinion), mostly due to the fact that almost every singular enemy dies in less than three seconds whether they're some level 77 on Pluto or a level 2 on Mercury.


For the third skill, I like Hyper/Feral Mobility (both names are nice) but lean more towards Vaalion's version due to it being more balanced. Kaian-a-coel's party effect and higher jump increase from the skill would be cool though.


Every one seems to be on agreement for the final skill and it is definitely a brilliant one, though it might give the DE's hell if they accept this concept frame. Out of the two names shown between Vaaliion, Holynight6 and Kaian-a-coel, I still think Flurry is a cooler and simpler name for the ability.


Now I should probably head to my class.....

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