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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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Baza         132.5 crit dmg        90.6 elec dmg    168 crit rate        -89.2 status dura

Panthera         143 multishot        123.6 cold      226.2 dmg        -61.9 ammo max


thanks in advance

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On 10/3/2561 at 3:24 PM, Flector69 said:



Twin Viper

+405% dmg

+168% cold

-53% zoom


price check please

80 - 200 / low demand

On 10/3/2561 at 4:01 PM, Dieyoungx said:

Any chance for a price check


+236.2 Damge

+159.6 Multishot

+119.9 Electricity

-87.9 Critical Chance

800 - 1500

On 10/3/2561 at 5:20 PM, 8BitCardinal said:

Aklex Cronicron

2 Rolls 

+ 172% CC

+ 92% Fire Rate

- 41% Zoom

70 - 150

On 10/3/2561 at 5:35 PM, jszdavid2016 said:

Thanks for your help


Redeemer visitor (mr 16)

+209.6% melee damage

+131.9 range

70 - 200

On 10/3/2561 at 9:21 PM, VictorCT said:

This one?


Thanks for the help

900 - 1700

On 11/3/2561 at 1:15 AM, jszdavid2016 said:

ooltha 80 - 200

twinh viper 80 - 250 / low demand

On 11/3/2561 at 2:00 AM, HiAmComplex said:


60 - 120 / low demand

On 11/3/2561 at 3:34 AM, EvasivePickleZ said:

Thanks in advance :)

Guandao Loctinent  (MR 13)  (Reroll 3)

Slide Attack has +80.9% chance to be critical hit

+117.5% Range


Corinth Zeti-critasus  (MR 14)  (Reroll 2)

+66.2% Critical Chance

+84.2% Slash Damage

-73.7 Weapon Recoil

guandao 300 - 700

corinth 80 - 200

On 11/3/2561 at 6:22 AM, Kelsyercr said:

Dera Visi-hexatio +83.8% status chance, +80.8% electricity +166.3 damage max rank, how much is this worth?

100 - 400 / low demand

On 11/3/2561 at 10:04 AM, amedeminar said:

can you help me with pricing theese?






tiberon 50 - 100

obex 60 - 120

DMR 30 - 50

marelok 60 - 120

pox 50 - 100

On 11/3/2561 at 5:36 PM, DragonForceH said:

Tenora Visitis -    150,3 Crit Dmg 207,5% Dmg -26,9% Clip Size


Can you help me please what does it worth?

450 - 1400

On 11/3/2561 at 7:05 PM, BlackBrooh said:

Hi can you check this one thanks

Embolist Visitox - MR8 Rerols 4 Stats : Toxin 166,1% Damage 416,1% Magazine capacity -38,1%

100 - 450

On 11/3/2561 at 7:30 PM, Aladrim said:

Nukor Acri-Satiata (Mr 11) (0 rolls)

+103.7% crit damage

+245.8% damage

+136.3% multishot

Thanks in advance.

1000 - 2400 / hype price 

On 11/3/2561 at 10:04 PM, Krigath said:


Can you help me with these?


Thank you!

kama 40 - 80 / low demand

magnus 50 - 100

snipetron 60 - 120

heat S 30 - 60 / low demand

gorgon 80 - 250


21 hours ago, C3n50r807 said:

amprex 500 - 1200

baza 80 - 200

ignis critacan 700 - 1400

kripath 200 - 400

vectis 80 - 250

atomos 60 - 150

gammacor 70 - 200

strun 80 - 250

zakti 60 - 120

ignis igni 150 - 400

19 hours ago, Nesjamah said:

Mutalist cernos (8 rolls, D polarity):
231.4% CC
187% impact
-30.1% ammo max

Dual skana (unrolled, D polarity):
152.4% cd
153% slide crit
-77% status duration

Opticor (3 rolls, V polarity):
242.3% cc
234.9% damage
-29.6% damage to infested

Is damage or crit damage better for opticor? or both at cost of lower cc (this gets it to 98.5% crit chance)?

Plague kripath (3 rolls, - polarity)
42.9% attack speed
135.7% melee dam
5.7% combo duration

What would we good for Plague kripath?

M cernos 70 - 150

dual skana 60 - 200 / low demand

opticor 700 - 1800

kripath 100 - 400

19 hours ago, bladebaka said:

azima hexa 100 - 350

azima croni 150 - 400

akbolto 80 - 150

knell 70 - 150

kohm 50 -100

boltor 100 - 300 / hype price

14 hours ago, SigmaBlack said:

Hey there Tenno. Would really appreciate your help with these 3 rivens I got :D

M1FxF4w.jpg   K77aGv3.jpg   9M7IeQW.jpg

Thank you very much in advance :) Have a nice day :D

glaxion vexi 60 - 150

kronen 80 - 200

glaxion  ampi 50 - 120

12 hours ago, lazersaber said:

Sicarus Acri-satidex

+115.8% status chance

+130.6% crit dmg

+163.8% multishot

-49.2% dmg to corpus

MR 14, 3 rolls

500 - 1300

12 hours ago, Cuzwainawt said:

Baza         132.5 crit dmg        90.6 elec dmg    168 crit rate        -89.2 status dura

Panthera         143 multishot        123.6 cold      226.2 dmg        -61.9 ammo max


thanks in advance

baza 800 - 1500

panthera 300 - 700 / low demand

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Boltor r0
+5.1 dmg to grin

+9.7 MS

-2.3 RS

Dark Dagger R10

+55.8 electricity

+102.7 Melee damage

-27.7 Range

Dual Toxocyst R0

+10.9 MS

+4.4 damage to infested

Furax R0

+5.4 dmg to corpus

+10.6 channel efficiency

+9.9 electricity

Kesheg R0 - should i spend kuva on this?

+11.2 Impact

+9.3 channeling efficiency

+15.8 channeling damage 

krohkur R0

+14.7 Range

+12.9 status duration

+5.9 damage to grineer

-13.3 slash

Kulstar R0:

+32.3 damage

+14.4 status Chance

-6 status duration

Zenith R0

+11.8% Crit Chance

+10.6 slash

+4 damage grin

Vulkar R0

+5.7 Reload

+7.6 Zoom

+14.6 Crit Damage

Ty in advance

Edited by nahtanojmil
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On 10/9/2017 at 9:14 PM, korndolorous said:

If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

*** if it's possible don't put a tons of riven on me pick only 1-5 riven for price check" ***

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except the weapon's bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation )
  • melee riven is hard to sell, should avoid it, because most of melee weapon doesn't have enough slot left for riven.

High demand riven atm




  Reveal hidden contents


IPS = Impact puncture slash
ppl = people

CC = critical chance
CD = critical damage
Dam, Dmg = damage
Ms = multishot 
SC = status chance
SD = status duration
AM = ammo max
FS = flight speed 


list of the stats for some god riven

  Reveal hidden contents

God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger)
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC


I have a couple of riven mods i dont want and idk how much to sell then for:p

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Ignis Igni-visicron

127.4% damage

71.5% heat

101.9% crit chance

-28.6% ammo maximum


Dehtat Magna-critaata

95.6% impact

68.7% crit chance

112.2% melee damage


Scourge Crita-acripha

90.9% critical damage

114.6% crit chance

61.5% heat


hi are any of these worth anything?

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Hey, I'd like to know the price estimations on the following rivens, if it's not too much trouble.

Also, thank you very much on behalf of the community for guiding us through this marketing process.


I chose to include the cycle costs to prove the numbers of rerolls are real.


I hope I can get some useful replies and above all I hope they're worth something.

Have a great day bois

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On 13/3/2561 at 1:15 AM, nahtanojmil said:

Boltor r0

  • +5.1 dmg to grin
  • +9.7 MS
  • -2.3 RS

Dark Dagger R10

  • +55.8 electricity
  • +102.7 Melee damage
  • -27.7 Range

Dual Toxocyst R0

  • +10.9 MS
  • +4.4 damage to infested

Furax R0

  • +5.4 dmg to corpus
  • +10.6 channel efficiency
  • +9.9 electricity

Kesheg R0 - should i spend kuva on this?

  • +11.2 Impact
  • +9.3 channeling efficiency
  • +15.8 channeling damage 

krohkur R0

  • +14.7 Range
  • +12.9 status duration
  • +5.9 damage to grineer
  • -13.3 slash

Kulstar R0:

  • +32.3 damage
  • +14.4 status Chance
  • -6 status duration

Zenith R0

  • +11.8% Crit Chance
  • +10.6 slash
  • +4 damage grin

Vulkar R0

  • +5.7 Reload
  • +7.6 Zoom
  • +14.6 Crit Damage

Ty in advance

boltor 100 - 200

dark dagger 30 - 80

dual tox 60 - 120

furax 30 - 60

kesheg 40 - 80

krohkur 50 - 100

kulstar 60 - 120

zenith 60 - 120

vulkar 70 - 150

On 13/3/2561 at 2:09 AM, martin999888 said:




Thx a lot :)

800 - 1700 / hype price

On 13/3/2561 at 6:07 AM, AustriaGamer1 said:

Twin Viper Visido

MR 12, Unrolled, Vazarin

+116.1% Cold

+296% Damage

50 - 100 / low demand

On 13/3/2561 at 10:06 AM, lazersaber said:

Scoliac Visi-mantitor

+52 dmg to corpus

+220.4% dmg

+134.7% range

-47.1% dmg to infested

MR 10, 0 rolls

900 - 1900

On 13/3/2561 at 12:06 PM, (XB1)KrispyAssasin92 said:

Pc pls


multishot +174.9

damage +327

300 - 500 / low demand

On 13/3/2561 at 12:37 PM, (XB1)JRTStrikesBack said:

I have a couple of riven mods i dont want and idk how much to sell then for:p

show it to me, so i can help you

On 13/3/2561 at 3:32 PM, KiwieLV said:

Dual Cleavers Igni-decisus

+81% Slash

+66% Heat

+71.7% Status duration

MR10 / 1 reroll

50 - 100

On 13/3/2561 at 3:48 PM, IBangedUrSis said:


Thanks in advance

lenz 900 - 1800

rubico 100 - 400

On 13/3/2561 at 5:04 PM, Nightey3s said:

PC ty


70 - 200

On 13/3/2561 at 7:36 PM, wabaffet said:

Dual Ichor Locti-gelitis

+14% Range
+9.9% Critical Damage
+10.5% Cold
-0.7s Combo Duration

Javlok Argiata

+6.5% Damage to Grineer
+21.8% Damage
+4.5% Weapon Recoil


ichor 60 - 120

javlok 60 - 120

18 hours ago, Alteria said:

Would like to know the price for this, thanks!


50 - 120

14 hours ago, RainMarvel said:

Aklex Guaranty Crit and Status  CC+SC-MAG

Also Lanka  

aklex 150 - 350

lanka 900 - 2400 / hype price

13 hours ago, XD_Turtle_XD said:



please help me PC this

900 - 1700 / hype price, maybe more if tiberon prime is good, or less if it's bad or normal like akbolto prime.

9 hours ago, Sparion said:

Ignis Igni-visicron

  • 127.4% damage
  • 71.5% heat
  • 101.9% crit chance
  • -28.6% ammo maximum

Dehtat Magna-critaata

  • 95.6% impact
  • 68.7% crit chance
  • 112.2% melee damage

Scourge Crita-acripha

  • 90.9% critical damage
  • 114.6% crit chance
  • 61.5% heat

hi are any of these worth anything?

ignis 700  - 1400

dehtat 200 - 500

scourage 50 - 100 / not crit weapon

3 hours ago, Bjarkil said:

Hey, I'd like to know the price estimations on the following rivens, if it's not too much trouble.

Also, thank you very much on behalf of the community for guiding us through this marketing process.

  Hide contents

I chose to include the cycle costs to prove the numbers of rerolls are real.


I hope I can get some useful replies and above all I hope they're worth something.

Have a great day bois

lenz 200 - 500 / only useful stats is + Crit chance

opticor 300 - 600 / hype price, also - reload is bad

zenith 250 - 500 / - grineer damage is bad 

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