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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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22 hours ago, james89-07 said:


how much is this worth?

80 - 150

20 hours ago, ItsGunnaHappen said:

I lack your sage-like wisdom and am searching for answers:


Thanks, my guy

100 - 200

19 hours ago, Goelandz said:

Got that thing this morning. Thank you in advance for your time.


1300 - 2400

14 hours ago, TheEnd0802 said:

this seems pretty good, want to know how much its worth


300 - 500 / low demand

3 hours ago, Aigle31 said:

Hey man thanks to do that you're my hero x)

Can you check this riven please :)


80 - 200

1 hour ago, OskarrTheNinjaHobo said:

Heyo, this is my first riven that I rerolled few times to something that seems nice.


60 - 170 / not crit weapon

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Opticor  184.7 cc 138.8 cd 94.6 cold -48 reload

Cernos  100.3 cc 77.7 cd 63.3 projectile speed

Miter  259.9 slash 336.8 dmg -37.2 to grineer

Twin Krohkur 235.8 range 222.9 slash -32.8 to grineer

Thanks in advance <3

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On 3/27/2018 at 2:00 AM, coolaada said:

Arca Scisco mr 16

11 rolls

+84.7% CD

+223.3% Damage

+83.3% Heat

+68.1% Weapon Recoil

What are the main stats i want on a riven for this weapon?

200 - 350
crit chance, damage, crit damage, multishot

On 3/27/2018 at 3:00 AM, TheLexinus said:

price check on this one idk how much it's worth:

Akjagara Visilis

+111.1% Zoom

+326.7% dammage

NO rerolls


60 - 100 / low demand

On 3/27/2018 at 3:16 AM, iHerro said:

Tenora Hexapha

+114.4% Status Chance

+102.7% Heat

-24.6% Magazine capacity

No rerolls

thank you ! :)

60 - 120

On 3/27/2018 at 5:41 AM, GA.Falcon said:

how about this one?  https://imgur.com/cmVMofR

60 - 120 / low demand

On 3/27/2018 at 6:04 AM, get_me_out said:

kohm 700 - 1300

lanka 800 - 1400

rubico 80 - 200

scoliac 1000 - 1800 

On 3/27/2018 at 4:46 PM, Teejeh_ said:

Opticor Visilis (MR 15)

+7.7% Zoom | +69.2% Zoom at Max

+23.9% Damage | +215.3% Damage at Max

9 Rerolls

300 - 500 / hype price

On 3/27/2018 at 10:26 PM, BlueCheesus said:



500 - 600 / hype price

On 3/28/2018 at 12:56 AM, Fuyuukki said:

Price Check pls?


dragon nikana

galatine 50 - 120

D nikana 60 - 150 / it's not slide weapon

On 3/28/2018 at 1:50 AM, Tridismajli said:

Price check on this War Riven please
Never rolled and I do not want to invest in it :D

70 - 150 / low demand

On 3/28/2018 at 3:56 AM, HiAmComplex said:

Stradavar Lexi-fevacron
+0.3% | +2.4% Punch through
+5% | +45% reload speed
+13.4% | +120% crit chance

rank 0 reroll 0, other stats are when maxed, could you post both prices please?

60 - 150

On 3/28/2018 at 5:02 AM, RagingLendi said:

Plz PC this riven.



500 - 1500 

On 3/28/2018 at 8:12 AM, S0V3REiGN said:

Lanka: wlyxdl.jpg

600 - 1300 / - fire rate is really bad for lanka

19 hours ago, .-_-. said:

Opticor  184.7 cc 138.8 cd 94.6 cold -48 reload

Cernos  100.3 cc 77.7 cd 63.3 projectile speed

Miter  259.9 slash 336.8 dmg -37.2 to grineer

Twin Krohkur 235.8 range 222.9 slash -32.8 to grineer

Thanks in advance <3

opticor 800 - 1400

cernos 300 - 500

miter 150 - 300 / low demand

t krohkur 100 - 200

18 hours ago, Rainbow_Waffle said:

Cestra 19.1 status duration 25.3% puncture +7.3% weapon recoil?


Thank you in advance

50 - 100

16 hours ago, (PS4)PSYVIRI said:


Price check on this Lanka?


not sure about price on ps4, but it should give you around 1500 - 2500

5 hours ago, Selory said:

fragor 60 - 150

paracyst 50 - 100

M cernos 60 - 120

hikou 40 - 100 / low demand

1 hour ago, Ajclemi said:

(Already had them all in one pic) Would like all 4 Priced though! ty! https://imgur.com/a/J44aX

nukor 300 - 600

javlok 200 - 400

soma 150 - 300

kripath 200 - 350

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