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Sentinel Overhaul - Detailed Description & Ideas! (2)


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Tacgnomancer, on 28 Jul 2013 - 5:56 PM, said:snapback.png

as a pet i would like one that could hold ammo for me / more ammo box's in the likeness.


a plat/void item to improve sentinel base demg. by 1 everytime its used. good way for DE to make money on sell Sentinel demg boosts

hmm..., not sure how i feel about increasing the damage via items i´d like it more if that would be achieved in by releasing a deverstiy of weapons!

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I like the idea of being able to remotely command your Sentinel to scout for you. And I would LOVE to give my Dethcube a shotgun like I use. I'm honestly surprised it -doesn't- have one.


To add to your context menu idea, maybe instead of having a button sensitive menu, why not have it where say, you hold down the "Sentinel" button, and then the commands are on a cross that could give commands with WASD? That way you could give commands a little faster on the fly.


Or maybe give, instead of a toggle, take a trick from MMORPG pets and give Sentinels a "Behavior" command. Maybe f1 through f3, as Passive (Never Attacks), Defend (Attacks when you're attacked), Aggressive (Attacks whenever possible).


EDIT: Had an idea for MAPS with the Sentinel scout idea. Sentinels are so much smaller, why not give them little tunnels they can fit in that you can't? Maybe they find a treasure room, or can open doors from the inside. Nothing absolutely game breaking, just a little bonus goodies for the people who put the effort/money into getting a shoulder buddy.

Edited by Mighty-Yool
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I like the idea of being able to remotely command your Sentinel to scout for you. And I would LOVE to give my Dethcube a shotgun like I use. I'm honestly surprised it -doesn't- have one.


To add to your context menu idea, maybe instead of having a button sensitive menu, why not have it where say, you hold down the "Sentinel" button, and then the commands are on a cross that could give commands with WASD? That way you could give commands a little faster on the fly.


Or maybe give, instead of a toggle, take a trick from MMORPG pets and give Sentinels a "Behavior" command. Maybe f1 through f3, as Passive (Never Attacks), Defend (Attacks when you're attacked), Aggressive (Attacks whenever possible).


EDIT: Had an idea for MAPS with the Sentinel scout idea. Sentinels are so much smaller, why not give them little tunnels they can fit in that you can't? Maybe they find a treasure room, or can open doors from the inside. Nothing absolutely game breaking, just a little bonus goodies for the people who put the effort/money into getting a shoulder buddy.

those are great ideas dude! especially the "behavior button", i want that hard!^^

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Or maybe give, instead of a toggle, take a trick from MMORPG pets and give Sentinels a "Behavior" command. Maybe f1 through f3, as Passive (Never Attacks), Defend (Attacks when you're attacked), Aggressive (Attacks whenever possible).

these will kill the Warrior/Revenge/SwithDeath mod command.

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these will kill the Warrior/Revenge/SwithDeath mod command.

YES!!! That´s the whole point, since the mod command system sucks major &#!!


Edit: Only in regard to the Sentinel weapons ofcourse!

Edited by r0ckwolf
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these will kill the Warrior/Revenge/SwithDeath mod command.


So change it so they prioritize different targets. Warrior targets nearby enemies (that can also potentially set off its Crowd Dispersion). Revenge prioritizes far away enemies, and Swift Death targets... heavier enemies, maybe? Big guys that NEED to get whittled down?

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So change it so they prioritize different targets. Warrior targets nearby enemies (that can also potentially set off its Crowd Dispersion). Revenge prioritizes far away enemies, and Swift Death targets... heavier enemies, maybe? Big guys that NEED to get whittled down?

we had one suggestion earlier about "behaviour buttons", maybe bound to f1;f2.. which could achieve that. That would be really cool, when you can for example toggle: f1 = dont do anything, f2 = attack nearest, f3 = attack what attacks you, f4 attack only heavies and so on...


That would be freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Some great ideas here.

We surely could use some alternative weaponry for our sentinels.

It would be awesome if sentinels could be awesome if sentinels could be equipped with Thief's Wit or Enemy Radar.

Somewhere on forum there was a thread with some interesting idea that enemies could drop items that would be "fed" to our sentinels to give them affinity.

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we had one suggestion earlier about "behaviour buttons", maybe bound to f1;f2.. which could achieve that. That would be really cool, when you can for example toggle: f1 = dont do anything, f2 = attack nearest, f3 = attack what attacks you, f4 attack only heavies and so on...


That would be freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!! :D


I was the one that suggested the Behavior buttons, too XD


I wish we could see their stats on the HUD (shields and energy reserve especially!) and I'm curious if stun mods and reload speed mods even have an effect for their equipment! 


Yes, I would like to know what shape my Sentinel's in. And I -think- Stun works, but reload speed does not.

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I don't think we should be able to switch weapons between our sentinels for one simple reason: the Dethcube's machine gun would make the Shade be mercilessly overpowered.

 I agree to a certain extent with this statement. however I do think we should have options in weapons even if we aren't able to directly use other sentinels weapons.


For example, wyrm could have another weapon that is more like a sniper. it increases warrior precept range, increase time between shots, and increase amount of damage.


Another weapon choice for wyrm could be short range laser rifle with a high fire rate. It could have less dmg than the defualt weapon but fire faster making it better for applying weapon effects (e.g. thunderclap, freezing shots, fire,etc.)


This would allow for sentinels to be better tailored to your play style but still help separate the sentinels .

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 I agree to a certain extent with this statement. however I do think we should have options in weapons even if we aren't able to directly use other sentinels weapons.


For example, wyrm could have another weapon that is more like a sniper. it increases warrior precept range, increase time between shots, and increase amount of damage.


Another weapon choice for wyrm could be short range laser rifle with a high fire rate. It could have less dmg than the defualt weapon but fire faster making it better for applying weapon effects (e.g. thunderclap, freezing shots, fire,etc.)


This would allow for sentinels to be better tailored to your play style but still help separate the sentinels .

so that would be basiclly a range of preset weapons that you could use to customize your pet. Great Idea, but wouldn´t you agree that it would make more sense to just open up the weapon pool entirely, which achieves the same goal and more?!

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-you can access your inventory, to refill ammo or HP.

-you could be able to change your Sidearm (maybe).

-he could carry a certain amount of Mods that you could change while in mission(on your Frame or the Sentinel).

-you could take CONTROL of him (yes i said that..^^), scouting ahead, or reaching areas you could otherwise not reach!

Anything except this is fine.


No inventory once you are in game or changing weapons or mods. That would made changing playstyle on the fly possible and this game would become stupidly easy ( if it isnt already that ).

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Anything except this is fine.


No inventory once you are in game or changing weapons or mods. That would made changing playstyle on the fly possible and this game would become stupidly easy ( if it isnt already that ).

Well, changing inventory on the fly was not exactly my main point. It was more an brainstorm what all could be done with sentinels, i doubt that we will see it. Still your argument that it would make the game to easy is kinnda invalid, the difficulty of the game has a whole lot of issues right now and changing loadouts on the fly wouldn´t fix anything or make it worse. It would simply add towards the customization.

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