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Focus 2.0 Unairu Disconnect


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Let me start off by saying that the Focus 2.0 system has been a welcome change and creates a very interesting play-style between Operator and Warframe. With that said, the Unairu school seems to have a disconnect between its abilities and its main theme.

Taken from the in game lore surrounding the Unairu school

"They pushed themselves to outlast the enemy, to withstand all aggression without retreat. They believed that if the enemy could not match their endurance then a battle could be won without having even commenced."

So, this would show that the Unairu school is all about "outlasting" the opponent. Which does not come across in quite a few of their focus branches. I will go over them all as some do fit this theme quite well, while others don't.

Path Nodes

Stone Skin: This fits the Unairu theme, I don't have this maxed out, but as long as this has a meaningful amount of added armor this focus node is fine. (For refrence: Damage mitigation = armor value/armor value + 300. E.G. 0.25 = 100/400, or 25% mitigation.)

Void Spines: This fits the theme and is fine the way it is.

Void Shadow: This one is questionable as does stealth really fall under "outlast"? Stealth has never before been part of the Unairu path and seems a bit out of place.

**Suggestion for alternative to Void Shadow**

Void Exuvia: Void move creates an X meter barrier that when crossed by allies creates an exuvia that draws enemy fire for X seconds. This would work more with the "outlast" theme as it is drawing fire away from allies creating a more defensive zone. (Side Note: Reason I suggested Void Exuvia is to go along with the insect theme of Void Chrysalis)


Void Chrysalis: Similar to Void Spines, it reflects the school well. If, for example, Void Exuvia was used instead of Void Shadow, then have the exuvia created gain the % damage return.

Magnetic Blast: Reflects the school, if the enemy is getting shot and you aren't then you are outlasting the opponent.

Unairu Wisp: This really doesn't speak to the "outlast" theme, and it is also a very singular ability. It would be like having the Vazarin Guardian Blast only effect operators, or the Madurai Flame Blast only effecting corpus. If this really must stay the way it is it should effect both operator and warframe. Also, I am not positive on this but I think this does not effect the person using the Unairu blast, only other allies.

**Suggestion for alternative to Unairu Wisp**

Stagnant Mire: Void Blast now slows the movement speed and reload speed of enemies hit by X% for X seconds. This would fall more in line with the Unairu ideology as if the enemy is weakened you can batter outlast them.


Sundering Dash: Removing armor makes enemies weaker, easier to outlast, enough said.

Crippling Dash: Weakening enemy damage again makes them easier to outlast, so we are good here.

Basilisk Scales: Way-bound, increases operator armor, makes sense, moving on.

Basilisk Gaze:  Way-bound, increase the radius of void blast, doesn't really reflect on the "outlast" but as of now no current suggestion (would love to hear ideas though!)


As it stands, a good amount of these do reflect the Unairu path quite well and are a welcome addition to the arsenal, while others miss the mark entirely -- mainly Unairu Wisp and Void Shadow -- on what it means to walk the path of Unairu. What do you think? Suggestions? How could this be made so that all parts of the Unairu focus tree reflect on endurance and outlasting the opponent? I hope these trees are not set in stone and can be modified to better reflects the tenno schools they represent. 

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Spoke to some other Tenno in game and they made a decent point for Void Shadow, as in by being more evasive you are outlasting the opponent. So I can go either way on that one as it stands. Though Unairu Wisp is still pretty questionable.

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