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An Idea For Better Resource Farming


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Alright, I'm going to make this quick, because I don't want to make two paragraphs for a simple but good(I think) idea. Everyone wants to be able to get more resource, but obviously we can't just go willy nilly increasing resource game from each mission just like that. So how about a "scrapyard key" JUST like the Orokin Void key, you obtain it for platinum, or as a defense reward, and you enter with a group of friends and  rip it open for rewards. Only this time you're in a giant resource scrapyard with crates and raw resource all over, and even in secret areas. But the catch is that you have to gather as much as you can within a certain time limit because the Grineer have noticed that Tenno have infiltrated their main resource harvest zone and are sending reinforcements. If you don't make it back to the pod in time, perhaps a huge wave of grineer, (level 100-150) swarm in and start killing everyone. Upon death, half of your collected resources are lost.

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Why don't we try to make the game fun, and resources a byproduct instead of making resources manditory and fun a byproduct.


Indeed, i'd much rather they focus on some interesting content and/or fixing current bugs..... we need interesting challenges and more fun... not more farming and more loot table saturation


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