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Companion Rework Ideas


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So i have been playing day in and day out for roughly a month or 2 now, and have hit mastery 16 while making a ton of friends. Some of whom were all playing from different eras of development. Who have some good thoughts and ideas for how kavat's and kubro's can be altered to help/make better playing in Warframe.


The borderline point i want to make with this thread is that Kubros and Kavats feel more like dead weight than actual companions! And kubros have this problem so much worse than Kavats. (cuz they cant just stealth or wall jump all over the place) Here are just a bunch of suggestions that i feel would be just at home with warframe


Most are my ideas but the trigger point for this topic was a conversation i have with my friend in game while fishing thinking over how cute my para carrier was

-Here is a conversation i had over steam with him

me: all ya mentioned before was to have kavats help fish, was wondering if ya could elaborate

General Cow: something like kavats passively jump in from time to time when a fish gets too close

General Cow: and kubrows digging in ores randomly

General Cow: there is a kubrow that digs loot already

General Cow: why not have it dig minerals and local resources aswell?

General Cow: it could be a upgrade you can buy from the guy that sells pet related stuff

General Cow: or something like that


“What a wonderful idea” i thought and i started to think about it further.

“Why not have the kavats help with what cow suggested along with tracking animals that you wouldn't be able to find normally?” (Example being able to find where the damn rabbits go off too after they run away) Or why not have both kubros and kavats help with fishing in this regard? (im already bring a companion that is supposed to be intelligent enough to identify an enemy from friend. But not see that i am struggling to catch the very fish that swims right into the rock i am standing on?)


Lets all be honest here, how many times while leveling up our kavats and doggo’s have we just wanted to let the little bastard die after the 5th time of reviving it? (im not going to bring a moron dog onto the field that just gets himself killed by running head-long into a NOX with his glue gun and just BEGGG to be revived in the next 2 seconds without some kind of other use for him)


When i meet a new player in this game i straight up tell them that carrier is the best companion that money can buy in this game simply because carrier

  1. he's a sentinel that never leaves ur side (aka not getting himself killed by charging head first into the jugernaut) and is able to be modded to NOT agro enemies (aka remove his strike mod if u want complete stealth)

  2. Additionally all sentials now all have the “vacuum” mod and make other companions obsolete simply for this one mod

  3. And most importantly... HE IS THE ONLY COMPANION IN THE GAME THAT HAS A  4 IN 1 MOD!!! (this being if u want the same effect as this mod, you need to add 2 mods to both ur primary and secondary. For both ammo max and ammo conversion)

All of these qualities make carrier a @(*()$ god support. Why would i EVER NEED a trinity? When i have energy pizzas, medi-beam, and shield recharger on carrier along with a mod that lets himself revive on the spot if killed?


WHY would i take ANYTHING ELSE? That's the problem with companions in general!! NOTHING is as useful and op as carrier. No matter who i talk to no one disputes with me that carrier is literally the best support in the game.


And here lies the problem why handicap yourself by taking mud-bros and kavats when the best answer is the pet that can do everything so far implemented into the game? plains of endalon can add wayyy more new options for kavats and doggos and have brand new and exciting potential skill trees that can make sentinel’s feel obsolete!! Making it fun and rewarding to actually use that crappy level 30 dog u put into stasis and then never took out and never used other than for mastery fodder)


I want to keep the kavats already useful mods between these 2 species. Such as crits and random op buffs respectively.


One of the things i just want so badly is to have ammo conversion on my other sentinel, i dont even care about the max ammo increase, i just wanna use my helios!!!! *cries* and find soem way to implement vacum on pets, idc if i gotta ram the mod up its rear-end.


If anybody wants to chip into the ideas iv thrown out there and start a mega conversation and help get this thread up there then please chip in i would love to bounce ideas with anybody. This may help imspire DE to actually work on something and might inspire a change in the focus rework to make it feel actually rewarding for once to grind for lenz’s and GRIND for focus.

Edited by rajasi
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 I'd just like a companion that walks on two legs, aka specters. Would love to see him/her walking around my ship also and the ability to make him/her follow or hold position. Really hate resummoning specters but would love to be able to give this two leg companion a loadout to use.

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