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General PoE Feedback/Thoughts


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I want to provide some general feedback on PoE as a whole, please excuse if this isn't very cohesive.

  1. Intro/Cetus - It's a nice intro and Cetus feels mostly like a provincial town....that happens to be next to a gigantic Orokin tower.  I like the Ostrons making their living from both the Plains and salvage/harvesting from the tower.  My only issue is that you have dangled in front of me the tantalizing goodness of an Orokin tower that seems to function mostly - but I can't go inside to see all the shiny!
  2. Fishing - It's okay for the most part.  The interlocking series of baits and bait functionality leaves a lot to be desired.  Sometimes bait simply will not work when thrown into one of the whirlpools/disturbances in the water.  Other times it works fine.  The different spears are a nice touch but there's little guidance on which spear for which fish. The fish themselves look great, they are either incredibly hideous (yogwun/khut-khut) or sleek and cool (sharrac/tralok).
  3. Mining - Again, it's mostly okay.  The amounts needing for the crafting don't feel very excessive, and there's a straight linear progression of nosam cutter functionality. I understand that the BPs required standing to be burned, but them being reusable helps a lot with the loss.
  4. Bounties - After several hotfixes, they seem to work the majority of the time for myself and my group.  You did a nice job with the pace and action of combat during them, with Grineer pulling a space marine and dropping down, and the shuttlecraft/airships dropping them off.  With those both, you have captured the spirit of rapid deployment of today, and what they hope to be able to do in the future. The bounty rewards are balanced for newbies, but as an experienced player a lot of the rewards are very minor, even arguably poor rewards for a newer player.  I've read multiple threads of bounties bugging out and performing in a crappy manner, so there are still more  gremlins in the machine to find and murder in a horrible fashion.
  5. Teralyst Fight - Seems okay, I appreciate that the Teralyst looks wicked and has many differing attacks and that those attacks changed depending on how many portions are destroyed. There is an animation bug in the first two phases with him not broadcasting one of the AoE attacks that causes Sentient energy spikes/flares to pop up everywhere. The attack occurs at the beginning of the animation, not the end.  Numerous times I have seen my poor Operator flung backward as the pain train of the Teralyst knocked him into oblivion.  Another issue is the lack of hints or guidance on how you are supposed to take down a Teralyst, experimentation and wiki research helped refine the methods my group used.
  6. Quill Standing - It's a gradual and slow process unless you are a Teralyst annihilating machine, even then it does its best to gate your progress.  I understand that this was done so that a player doesn't burn through a crapload of content in a week and then wonder off to do something absolutely horrible - play other people's games.  But unfortunately today you have a lot of gamers that want it yesterday and if they don't have it they will sneak up behind you and punch you in the back of the head - if you let them.

Overall Thoughts - DE has always seemed to put out something that is graphically engaging.  I may age myself with this, but I remember back in 1999/2000 when Unreal Tournament was released and the nice visuals some of the levels had, the asteroid sniper map comes to mind.  I think you guys did that with like six months deadline and a crew of like 6-12 people on staff.  Now here we are in Warframe nearly 20 years later, the staff has done a great job in making the Plains look awesome, even down to the fish. But always, we can criticize you guys on your follow-up.  I understand that you have a release date you want, and many other pressures that us gamers are not aware of.  But when PoE comes with a lot of glitchy stuff and plain broken things, it brings people down who are really in tune and even fanatical about your product.  This is a very hard issue to overcome, but I would hope that you guys continue to work on it.  Warframe is like a shiny Ferrari or sports car that looks great but sometimes the damn thing backfires or just plain won't start.

I still like to drive it though. :cool:

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