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New to the game? Returning players? Looking for a home? We, The Anthem, shall bring you to that place you called home~.


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Name: kanvaas
Mastery Rank: 5
Country of residence: Brazil
About yourself: Hey there! I've been playing since the beta (altough I'm not a founder) and have been installing and uninstalling the game ever since. After the release of PoE, I really got hooked in the game again and wanted a fresh experience (hence the new account). I hope to be invited!

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Name: NediaZee


Country: Germany, Berlin(no clue why I wrote this)

About: kinda busy but try to fit in as much warframe time as possible. I play Loki and Excal mainly, thought this sounded nice so I wanted to join


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Name: Yazeth
Mastery Rank: 16
Country of residence: United States
About yourself:After being gone for many months, I finally came back to the game. I have a new PC to play on and been having fun doing my own thing. Looking for a nice, sociable clan that I can run missions often with.

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Name: nastymethod
Mastery Rank: 3
Country of residence: UK
About yourself: Yo! I started playing the game around a year or two ago and I was around mastery 6. I have just created a new account and recently started playing again, just looking for a clan that I can have fun playing with and helping me with the grind. :)

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Hi there!

My name is Tim, here's my details below:

Name: Onetic
Mastery Rank: 8
Country of residence: Australia
About yourself: Gamer for 20+ years, recently got into Warframe on PC. Still a noob, but learning quick. Want to find a bunch of people to play the game with and be more sociable!

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Name: Banba
Mastery Rank: 10
Country of residence: Philippines
About yourself: Returning player played warframe 3yrs ago just got back and enjoying the game once again would love to join a clan it's lonely sometimes. =)

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