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Suggestion: Disassembling Frames/Weapons/etc into components


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Disassembling. While I'm probably not the first to have this idea, I figured I'd suggest it anyway, as I personally would love to see this feature in Warframe. What do I mean by disassembling? Well, you know how when you're done with a weapon, warframe, sentinel, archwing, etc... you have the option to sell it for credits, or...well..nothing else, really. And while credits are nice when you're starting out or when you're in the middle of the game... for a veteran like me, who already has millions of credits, and nearly all mastery things maxed, credits aren't really something I need.

What I do need, and will always need, are components. I'm mostly good on components, due to the farming I have done in my time during playing Warframe, though DE often adds new resources that we use in our blueprints. I'm talking things like Tellurium, Cryotic, Oxium, Nitain Extract, Synthula, Kuva, and other such things. I have no issue with new resources, although often I wish I could either purchase some of them, trade them, or disassemble my current owned arsenal so I can more easily access some of the resources I need right now.

Say, for example, I'm short on cryotic. I need to farm at least 40 excavators to build a blueprint. I cannot purchase cryotic (and the plat vs amount of resources in the market are usually fairly not-worth in my opinion), I cannot trade for cryotic, so I'm stuck with doing this long long grind. Especially when I do not wish to spend more plat. This goes for any component, not just cryotic. So I thought... what if I could disassemble a weapon I no longer need or use, and get cryotic from that? Say, from the Glaxion. Or from a Frost warframe? Of course, the item you disassemble determines the components you'd get, the amount, and probably a little less than you use to craft this item (as I'm assuming some of the components are lost in the crafting. Think of the amount of wood lost when making a wooden table, for example.)

Disassembling would work on pretty much anything you can sell for credits. Even if you originally purchased it with plat, or gained through an event or as a gift. Perhaps a little component boost if your items are max rank or have catalysts/reactors/formas installed. Not sure if you'd get the actual catalyst/reactor/forma back, or just more components.

I, for one, would welcome an additional way to gain components, which reduces the grind, but also has its cost (you give up a weapon, frame, sentinel, or other things), and a way that gives players more than mere credits for selling their stuff.

An extension could include disassembling mods for, say, endo. Unsure if that's already an option or not. But that's a discussion for when, and if, this disassembling system would make its way into Warframe.

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For a very long time until very recently I have cluttered my inventory with every weapon I have ever gotten, believing them to one day be useful for a system like this. While I did decide to sell most items for sanity's sake, I would love to see this mechanic in-game.

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Even if they do implement this, the ammount of credits you get for selling warframes is 10k or 25k and weapons go for 5k in prom, aso knowing the market price on credits 10p = 10k. So you are going to change your prime warframe 25k = 25p ==> 250 oxium or 250 polymer, in the case of weapons is about 50 oxium. cryotic is about the same as salvage rate adquisition so 10p = 1k salvage or 1k cryotic. So for a blueprint that asks 10k cryotic you will need to sell 4 warframes or 20 weapons or a mix.

Well i guess is better than nothing, but with those ammounts that are almost nothing i really doubt they spent time on developing this, but to be honest with those ammounts i dont really mind just farming them myself.

Edit, adding: Prices and price conversions are take from the market.

Edited by Arrectius
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