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Tenno Expeditions [TX] - Player Created Missions


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Elevator Pitch
Give players the power to create custom missions for other Tenno to complete.
Use the existing dojo building system to construct custom layouts for players to explore. Leverage the existing Bounty system to provide the option of linking several mission types within the one Tenno Expedition. The more players complete your custom expedition, the more standing you earn. Buy additional Tiles, Mission Types and Enemies / Targets to include in your custom bounties with earned standing.


♦ The Creation Tool
♦ TX Notice Board
♦ TX Standing
♦ Cosmetic Upgrades
♦ Personal Thoughts



The Creation Tool
This is where all the fun begins, players are presented with an interface that allows them to select:

► Expedition Difficulty
► Number of Linked Missions
► Order of Linked Missions
► Location of Each Mission [ limited to availability of a suitable room for the specific mission type ]
► Mission Type [ limited to available options a player has earned with standing + tile types used in the layout they have created ]
► Join rooms together using the same tools we already have for expanding our dojo's [ select any player owned tiles - validates available space using same logic applied to the dojo builder ]
► Enemies / Targets [ selected from any player owned Expedition Objectives & Enemies - Only objectives can be custom-positioned ]
► Specify the Expedition map size [ Small, Medium or Large - May be limited by number of linked missions depending on their mission types (i.e defense uses less room than exterminate) ]



TX Notice Board
The Tenno Expeditions - Notice Board, can be accessed near the Cetus Bounty Kiosk [ Konzu's area ], via Fast Travel or remotely from your Liset.

Available Expeditions can be sorted by:
► Promoted  [ Credits or Plat - Book an available promotion time-slot - Cooldown of 1 promo per week (could be tweaked but should be special) ]
► Most Played
► Rating
► Recently Added
► Favourites
► My Tenno Expeditions



TX Standing :lotus:
As mentioned above, Tenno Expedition Standing can be used to purchase extra Creation Tool perks that will allow you to compose unique TX experiences for your fellow Tenno to enjoy.

Available Standing Offerings:
► Tileset packs  [ 5 Fixed reusable options per pack ]
► Expedition Objectives [ Requires full codex scans on the desired Enemy / Target objective to exchange for standing ]
► Enemy packs [ Requires full codex scans of all enemies in a pack to exchange for standing ]

There are 2 ways to earn TX Standing:
► Playing other player made Tenno Expeditions
► Players completing your own Tenno Expeditions



Cosmetic Upgrades :platinum:
For those tenno who like going the extra mile to flex their creative muscles, here are some great platinum only upgrades:
► Additional TX Slots  [ All players get 1 for free with the ability to store extra Tenno Expeditions in purchased slots ]
► Custom TX Icon [ Staff reviewed bounty icon to help make your TX stand out from the crowd ]
► Custom TX Description [ Staff reviewed message to help provide better immersion / context for your unique creations ]



Personal Thoughts
I genuinely believe that this is a relatively easy suite of content to add to the game in comparison to things like new warframes, weapons etc.. which often require significant balancing, asset creation (animations, skins, textures dot, dot, dot.).

This is the kind of thing Warframe can immediately benefit from as it will generate significant replay-ability whilst increasing the potential for community driven development.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
Implemented player contributed ideas
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  • 3 weeks later...

Let us know what you would like to see for the:

► Drop Table Pack(s)
► Expedition Objective Types
► Bounty Locations
► Other Cosmetic Upgrades

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
Thread was moved to more appropriate location so changed the post to something more fitting for the topic
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This is a really cool, in depth look at player made custom missions, something that a lot of us have wanted, however

The bounties that will rise to the top will probably be the ones that creators make all of the rewards the best of the best (such as a bounty that rewards only Gladiator mods).

So I believe that some restrictions as to what bounty rewards can be assigned to your mission.

Another thing may be that players will spam the G3 or rare Containers just to farm certain things (ez mantis/brakk farm)

however, you got a real interesting concept in the works here. With a little bit of tweaking, you’re gonna end up with a really great concept!

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@Almighty_Jado That's true, whatever the top-tier rewards are, they will be the drawcards and I agree, the real drawcard for something like this would ideally be to enjoy playing the missions for the fun and challenges they may bring.

Your comments got me thinking about something that i'll throw out there too:
► Players can obtain tilesets and just like you can build out your clan dojo, you can build out actual levels using them

It's a big extension, but again doesn't really demand that much NEW content as all the UI for this kind of thing already exists in other contexts so it's more just porting it over. Even then.. it may still boil down to players running the missions that have a higher chance of giving them the rares they want, but the combination of ideas may result in some unexpected combinations.

I'm picturing things like an orokin elevator from the derelict tilesets joining a big corpus hangar room onto a grineer hallway from one of those Crossfire missions giving the potential effect of a corpus and grineer flagship crashing as they both tried forcing their way onboard a drifting derelict cruiser (as a possible scenario).

Do you think that change would extension would help manage the reasons why players may run certain missions over others?

Would you place certain restrictions on mods so only 1 of a certain type could be included in the drop tables?

Should things like the rare spawns / encounters etc all be available to anyone creating these, so it's an even playing field when designing your Tenno Expedition?

I kind of see the choices in what you include in a TX to be similar to predicting what items a customer will want to buy from a shop, you could stock anything on those shelves but if you know what's popular, you will usually stock that... and then it boils down to things like layout, enemy type, mission types, etc.

A downside may be if you want to make custom missions you can play with friends.. they won't get the same number of hits as a mainstream thing so you wouldn't make as much TX Standing


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I think I would make it so that special, rare enemies (G3, Zanuka, Stalker) CANNOT be added in the map and remain as random invasions. Then, the drop table of the bounty, while remaining customizable, should have its rewards divided into 3 categories (common, uncommon, and rare, just like current bounty/relic rewards). So for example, a player making a bounty wouldn't be able to make it drop An Eidolon Lens, Gladiator Resolve, and Vigilante Fervor, for example.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that as long as there are strict regulations on how many/quality of rewards can drop from these bounties, it should be fine.

Oh, and another issue is actually affinity. Someone could make a really easy affinity farming map by causing hundreds of level 10 chargers swarm the map as fodder constantly during some defense part of the mission. There would have to be restrictions on how much affinity you can earn per mission maybe?

Overall I still REALLY like this idea. It's similar to Plague Inc.'s custom scenario creator, the only difference being that there are kept rewards in this.... I'll try to think a little more and see what my brain can come up with

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Heyo thanks for the additional feedback @Almighty_Jado, yeah we could make it so rewards / drops are randomly generated using the same system as other bounties.

I am thinking that is a great idea to evenly level the playing field.

The quantity and level of enemies can just have existing gamemode logic applied to it so they scale up if it's an endless type of expedition (but even then the endless ones would have a time cap like endless alerts have) so I don't really see any major infinite XP farming opportunities vs what can already be achieved in current game content.

In place of having the ability to specify rare chance spawns and specific reward table items, I think the ability to customise which tiles are connected together like you can in the Dojo would be a pretty fun replacement putting more focus on creating unique storylines to match up with your Tenno Expedition descriptions, icons, etc.

Am getting visions of players being able to create mini-storylines that others can experience (similar to the quests) In a lot of ways, the change from custom rewards to custom experiences does change Tenno Expeditions being similar to bounties and makes them more like Quests... probably not a bad thing either.

Keen to get more thoughts on this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
17 hours ago, Jax_Cavalera said:

I've never actually used the captura scenes @Etomb how were you thinking they could be integrated?  To create the preview for the Expedition?

As tiles in the missions, as well as previews i guess.

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  • 3 months later...

Well if there are suitable tiles in there then yeah why not hook em up as available rooms to connect when building out the missions with the creation tool.

p.s. sorry for the delayed reply, been very busy with work

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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Why not have it so that players can put rewards in from their own mod inventory instead of having it be a setup custom drop pool. Have the TX Affinity gain scale with what kind of mods you put in as rewards, the gain being determined by the usage stats of a certain mod. Say you put in Hunter's Munitions, or Primed Target Cracker, the TX Affinity gained by players playing your mission would be far greater than a mission that you put a fury or pressure point on, but you would also be discarding the mod. Now to make the TX gain more worthwhile why not have some relatively powerful tools available to those who put enough mods, time, and effort to get a bunch of TX. Now I also say that each Mod should have a minimum enemy difficulty level attached as well as a mission length threshold of some sort. But god damn I'd be fine if custom missions didn't even have rewards, I just wanna play some cool user-made content.

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Also maybe include some way to make 'cutscenes' with tools similar to the new camera making tools in Captura, using text and existing models to simulate a moving plot. Another thing, allow people to give certain enemies different weapons, Letch Kril with an Opticor? Nikana wielding butchers? Maybe even give two grakatas to each member of a horde of non-defective Clem clones that all want to feast on your face, not with teeth, but with booletz.

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